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Have you missed a fast during Ramadan ? Or have unfulfilled an oath that you have made ? Well you can make up for it by paying kaffarah










Kaffara (also romanized as Kaffarah), is a religious donation of money or food made to help those in need. Eithewe missed a fast or broke a promise, we can redeem our mistakes by paying kaffarah. In the UK, the 2021 Kaffara rate is £5 per person, amounting to £300 for each intentionally broken fast. 


You can entrust your kaffarah with Rumah Zakat Indonesia, and we will distribute your donation to those most in need.

There are 4 types of actions that requires the doer to pay kaffarat

  1. Broken oath
  2. Nazar
  3. Dzihar
  4. Having intercourse with spouse during ramadan fasting




Broken Oath

“Allah will not impose blame upon you for what is meaningless in your oaths, but He will impose blame upon you for [breaking] what you intended of oaths. So its expiation is the feeding of ten needy people from the average of that which you feed your [own] families or clothing them or the freeing of a slave. But whoever cannot find [or afford it] – then a fast of three days [is required]. That is the expiation for oaths when you have sworn. But guard your oaths. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be grateful.” (Al Maidah:89) 


The kaffarat for breaking oath

  1. Feeding 10 poor people
  2. Clothing 10 poor people
  3. Freeing a slave
  4. Fasting three days in a row




Kaffara for Nazar

The ruling on declaring nazar is makruh. Some ulema is on the opinion that it is haram.

Nevertheless, if nazar had been declared, then it must be fulfilled.

“They ˹are those who˺ fulfil ˹their˺ vows and fear a Day of sweeping horror” (Al Insan 7)

What happens if we cannot fulfill a Nazar ?

We should redeem ourselves by paying kaffara


Kaffara for Nazar is the same as for declaring oath

Narrated by the companion Uqbah ibn Amir : from Allah’s apostle, “the compensation for unfulfilled Nazar is the same as a broken oath” 



Kaffara for Dzihar

Dzihar is a verbal action that is heard by one’s wife, either through direct speech or metaphors.

Example “ you are as my mother’s back” which means it is as haram as having intercourse with one’s mother. Even more so if the oath is expressed by using Allah’s name, then Dzihar is applied.

Whoever performs Dzihar on one’s wife, he must pay kaffara if he is to have intercourse again with his wife.

The kaffara for dzihar are :

  1. Freeing a slave
  2. Fasting for two months in a row
  3. Feeding 60 poor people





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Updates 10

Rumah Zakat Indonesia24 days ago

Distribution Update

Bandar Lampung, February 7, 2025 - Launchgood, a leading global crowdfunding platform, in collaboration with Rumah Zakat distributed food aid to communities affected by the flood disaster on the banks of the Way Belau River, Kuripan Village, Bandar Lampung City. This assistance was provided on Friday, February 7, 2025, as a form of concern and solidarity with the disaster victims.

The flood that hit the Bandar Lampung area in January has caused significant damage and impacted the lives of local people. There were families who lost their homes, belongings, and sources of livelihood. This condition encouraged Launchgood and Rumah Zakat to move quickly to provide the needed assistance.


A total of 148 family food packages were distributed to flood-affected communities. This assistance is expected to ease the burden on the victims and fulfill their basic needs for food. In addition, this activity also aims to provide encouragement and moral support to the community so that they can immediately bounce back after this disaster.


According to Program Leader of Rumah Zakat Lampung, Rahman, he is very concerned about the conditions experienced by the people of Bandar Lampung due to this flood.

“Through cooperation with Launchgood, we hope to make a real contribution in helping to ease the burden on the victims and accelerate the recovery process,” Rahman said.

“We thank Launchgood for their support and cooperation in distributing this aid. Hopefully the assistance provided can benefit people in need and be a blessing for all of us,” he added.

This food aid distribution activity is part of Launchgood and Rumah Zakat's ongoing efforts to help communities affected by disasters throughout Indonesia. Both organizations are committed to continue working together and making a positive contribution to humanity.


Rumah Zakat Indonesia2 months ago

Distribution Update



BANDUNG DISTRICT | Wednesday, December 11, 2024 - The Family Food Sharing Program initiated by Launchgood in collaboration with Rumah Zakat successfully distributed 144 aid packages to the poor in Cipadarek Village, Mekarsari Village, Cimaung District, Bandung Regency.


A total of 144 rice box packages were distributed as a form of concern for people in need, especially poor families in the area. Apep Sae, Volunteer Coordinator of Rumah Zakat, explained that this program aims to share sustenance while helping to ease the burden of the poor.

“The distribution of rice box assistance was given to around 144 residents in Cipadarek Hamlet RT 01 RW 09, Mekarsari Village. We deliver aid packages directly to residents' homes so that they are more targeted,” said Apep Sae during the activity.

According to him, this program is an effort to foster social solidarity and convey the message that sharing is a real form of concern for others.

The program received a warm welcome from the beneficiaries who expressed their gratitude for the attention given by Rumah Zakat and Launchgood.


“We would like to thank Rumah Zakat and Launchgood for their attention to the residents of Cipadarek Village,” said the beneficiaries gratefully.




Rumah Zakat Indonesia3 months ago

Food Package Distribution of Kaffarah Fulfillment for 576 Beneficiaries in Bandung

Praise be to Allah once again Rumah Zakat and Launchgood are able to fulfill your mandate to distribute food packages for displaced people at Rizqi Untuk Berbagi Foundation. Mr. Aceng Junaedi, the Foundation Head expressed his happiness when we distributed this food packages.


In addition to distributing food packages to Rizqi Untuk Berbagi Foundation, we also distributed these packages to Orphanage Boarding School of Al Kasyaf and Islamic Boarding School of Habiburrahman. The students were very happy for having special meal at that time. “Thank you, good people. May Allah reply your kindness with the better reward.” Said one of the students.


















Rumah Zakat Indonesia6 months ago

Ready Meal Packages for the Poor in Maleer Village

Food distribution mandate from Launchgood donors has been implemented for people in needs in Maleer village, Bandung Indonesia. This program is the implementation of obligation of kafarat for those who broke a certain kind of sharia provisions.


In additions, this program also supports public welfare, especially whose economic level is low. This program also shares happiness and love to the fellow human beings.

The distributed food is healthy and nutritious food. Besides, in every session of distribution, the beneficiaries are educated about the benefits of maintaining a balanced diet and healthy life style. 243 beneficiaries received these ready meal packages with joy.

Rumah Zakat Indonesiaa year ago

Distribution of food from kaffara in Mamasa, West Sulawesi

Alhamdulillah dear brothers and sisters,

We distributed 150 meal packages for 75 families in the villages of Makuang and Pasapa Mambu, West Sulawesi, Indonesia. Each family receives 2 meal packages. The meals were distributed by our volunteer on the ground and specified for the many muallaf families and widows residing the villages.

We hope to brighten their hearts and make them feel accepted by showing kindness to them. The meals were happily accepted by the villagers, with one Ms Ati, a muallaf from the villages expressing her deep thanks for all the donors and LaunchGood for the meals.

Thank you brothers and sisters for your generosity. May your kaffara payment redeem your amaal and accepted by Allah SWT, and He may shower you with blessings, health, and protection.

Rumah Zakat Indonesiaa year ago

Distribution of 833 Ready Meal Packages in 7 locations

Assalamualaikum wr wb

Alhamdulillah dear brothers and sisters, through your generous kaffarah donation, Rumah Zakat were able to distribute 833 ready-meal packages to communities in 7 regencies and cities across Indonesia. The meals were distributed on the 17th-22nd of October 2023 by our personnel on the ground. People were very happy to have received the packages.

Distributions took place in the regencies of West Bandung, Tangerang, and Northern Nias, and the cities of Bandung, Bandar Lampung, Surakarta, and Depok. Many people have their lunch provided by your generous giving. Those who enjoyed the generous free meals ranged from 132 children in Al Furqon madrasa in West Bandung, 100 people in Bandar Lampung City, 100 people in Northern Nias, 100 underprivileged people and scavengers in Tangerang District, 200 widows and underprivileged people in Bandung, 100 underprivileged and working mothers in Depok, and 101 elderlies in Surakarta.

We and the recipients of your meals are very grateful and pray that your kaffarat be accepted by Allah SWT, your prayers and ibada accepted, and always be blessed and protected by Him, aameen.

’Whichever believer feeds a hungry believer, Allah feeds him from the fruits of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection…′ [Tirmidhi]

Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Rumah Zakat Indonesia2 years ago

Rumah Zakat Distrbutes 261 ready meal packages in Indramayu, West Java.

Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Dear brothers and Sisters,

Thanks to the payment of your kaffarat, Rumah Zakat was able to distribute 261 ready meals assistance to poor residents of Bojongsari Village, Indramayu district, West Java. The packages were handed out to people in the streets and their homes.

"Thank you Rumah Zakat for providing help to the residents of RW 02, I hope that Rumah Zakat and its donors will receive a reward from Allah SWT and an abundance of good fortune," stated Mr Karmo.

"Alhamdulillah, the distribution of ready meal packages this time has gone smoothly. Even though we were exposed to the scorching hot sun, it has not dampened our effort in providing assistance to these people in need." Thoha, one of Rumah Zakat's Inspiration volunteer remarked.

Jazakallah Khairan Katsira for your generosity

Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Rumah Zakat Indonesia2 years ago

Rumah Zakat distrbutes 261 ready meal packages in Indramayu, West Java.

Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Dear brothers and Sisters,

Thanks to the payment of your kaffarat, Rumah Zakat was able to distribute 261 ready meals assistance to poor residents of Bojongsari Village, Indramayu district, West Java. The packages were handed out to people in the streets and their homes.

"Thank you Rumah Zakat for providing help to the residents of RW 02, I hope that Rumah Zakat and its donors will receive a reward from Allah SWT and an abundance of good fortune," stated Mr Karmo.

"Alhamdulillah, the distribution of ready meal packages this time has gone smoothly. Even though we were exposed to the scorching hot sun, it has not dampened our effort in providing assistance to these people in need." Thoha, one of Rumah Zakat's Inspiration volunteer remarked.

Jazakallah Khairan Katsira for your generosity

Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Rumah Zakat Indonesia2 years ago

Distribution of meal packages in Kendal regency, Central Java.

Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Alhamdulillah thanks to your payment of Kaffarah, Rumah Zakat was able to distribute 261 ready meal packages in one of Rumah Zakat's 'Empowered Village' of Kebonharjo in Kendal regency, Central Java.

The meals were distributed to beneficiaries working in the streets, and those at home who were not able to work. One such beneficiary is Mr Yusuf. he is a construction worker, but due to a broken leg after a motorcycle accident, he hadn't been able to work for two years. He had to rely on his wife who works odd jobs to support their family. He has recovered now, but due to the 2-year absence and lack of income, he has to repay many financial debts incurred during his time off from work.
"Alhamdulillah I have received this meal with a meat dish in it, very unexpected," he remarked.

"We distributed the packages to residents of Kebonharjo village. There were stone workers, manual laborers, and other people from other occupations," recalled Siti Munawaroh, the Rumah Zakat volunteer distributing the packages.

Meanwhile the head resident of RW 5, Iwan Setiawan also recalled, " Thanks to Allah and to Rumah Zakat for the generous assistance. Most of our residents only eat meat during Eid Al Adha, but now we can enjoy it again. Thank you to all Rumah Zakat donors for this."

Let us hope this assistance will bring happiness to the residents of Kebonharjo village. May Allah reward your generosity in many folds.

Jazakallah Khairan Katsira
Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Rumah Zakat Indonesia3 years ago

Ready meals donated from your kaffarat

Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatu

Dear brothers and sisters,

Alhamdulillah through your generous kaffarat payments, we have been able to distribute hundreds of ready meal packages to many people and communities in need. They have been provided with meals for iftar and/or suhoor this Ramadan.

The beneficiaries are very grateful for the generous assistance that were provided for them, and they cannot thank you enough. May the food that you have donated settle your kaffarat debt.

Jazakumullah Khairan Katsiran

Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

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