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Impact: Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
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The Quran is the greatest miracle of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. It is kalamullah which is the guide of Muslims until the end of time. Apart from learning, understanding and appreciating the language of the Quran, we are also advised to practice it in daily life. By reading the Quran, it can help calm our hearts and souls. When a family practices the Qur'an, the light from the Qur'an will indirectly creates a pious atmosphere in the family.
To really understand the Quran, only by reciting and understanding the literal meaning of the verses of the Al-Quran are simply not enough. We also need to learn Tajweed and strive to memorize His holy verses. Apart from that, various branches of knowledge can also be learned by children to better understand the contents of the Qur'an such as Sirah, Hadeeth, Ibadah, Aqeedah, Morals and Manners and apply them in daily life.
However, people's living in the city with very little amount of money that they earn, they are not able to put their children's Quranic knowledge as their top priority. The money available is only enough to cover their daily living cost. Free Quranic classes are available but they usually only teach basic Quranic education while the classes with better education system require much high costs. With this lack of exposure to Quranic knowledge, it is very alarming that our society are slowly drifted away from the teaching and living the way of Islam.
On this awareness, we, from Bangun Bersama Kuala Lumpur have formulated a strategy to provide a high quality Islamic education to children around PPR in Kuala Lumpur. Our Quranic classes started on a small scale at the Bangun Bersama Community Center, Pantai Indah in 2018. Subsequently, in 2020, we have been focusing the quranic class under one project, named the Kota Raya Quranic Project, (PQKR), in collaboration with Raudatul Huffaz (RH) who has extensive experience in field of Quranic education. A complete and comprehensive learning module is the major strength of RH. The students are not only taught the knowledge of recitation and tadabbur of the Quran and hadith, but they are also equipped with the knowledge of fiqh, aqeedah, seerah, morals and so much more. We managed to open another class at a new location in Kuang with a total of 22 students.
For this year 2022, we have successfully opened PQKR classes in 4 new locations, namely PPR Kerinci, Taman Medan Apartment, PPR Seri Semarak and PPR Desa Rejang with the number of students reaching 100 people. This encouraging response inspires us to continue to aim to open even more classes in the future in the locations that need them.
The cost per student for a month is RM50 (including the cost of tutor allowance, teaching materials, intensive classes, additional programs, utility costs, etc.)
We are targeting an annual collection of:
RM50 * 100 students = RM5,000 (monthly)
RM5,000 * 12 month = RM60,000 (annum)
Every contribution you make is very meaningful for the children who crave the knowledge of the Qur'an. We hope that this small effort from us could be the cause in creating childrens and families whose souls are close to the Qur'an.
Let’s work hand-in-hand to develop the community with effective, interesting, and interactive education. Insha-Allah.
Al-Quran merupakan mukjizat Nabi Muhammad S.A.W yang paling agung. Ia merupakan kalamullah yang mejadi panduan umat Islam sehingga akhir zaman. Selain daripada mempelajari, memahami dan menghayati bahasa Al Quran, kita juga disarankan untuk mengamalkannya dalam kehidupan seharian. Dengan membaca Al- Quran, ianya dapat bantu menenangkan hati dan jiwa diri kita. Selain daripada itu, apabila sesebuah keluarga mengamalkan al-Quran, nur daripada al-Quran itu secara tidak langsung membentuk suasana solehah dalam keluarga.
Proses mendalami ilmu Al-Quran tidak hanya terbatas dengan bertilawah dan mentadabbur ayat Quran sahaja, malah kita juga perlu mempelajari Tajwid dan berusaha untuk menghafaz ayat-ayat suciNya. Selain daripada itu, pelbagai cabang ilmu juga boleh dipelajari anak-anak agar lebih memahami isi kandungan Al-Quran seperti Sirah, Hadis, Ibadah, Aqidah, Akhlak dan Adab dan menerapkannya dalam kehidupan seharian.
Kesukaran hidup di kota raya menyebabkan ibu bapa tidak dapat memberi fokus kepada pendidikan anak-anak dengan ilmu Quran. Wang yang ada hanya cukup untuk menampung kos kehidupan seharian. Kelas yang percuma kebiasaanya hanya mengajar pendidikan asas al-Quran dan kelas yang lengkap pula memerlukan kos yang tinggi. Dengan kurangnya pendedahan kepada ilmu Quran ini, ia boleh membawa kepada masalah sosial di kawasan penempatan penduduk di pangsapuri.
Atas dasar kesedaran ini, kami dari pihak Bangun Bersama Kuala Lumpur telah menyusun strategi demi untuk memberi pendidikan Islam yang berkualiti kepada anak-anak di sekitar PPR di Kuala Lumpur. Kelas quran kami bermula secara kecil-kecilan di Pusat Komuniti Bangun Bersama, Pantai Indah pada 2018. Seterusnya, pada tahun 2020, kami berkembang dibawah nama Projek Quran Kota Raya, PQKR, dengan mengadakan kerjasama bersama pihak Raudatul Huffaz (RH) yang berpengalaman luas dalam bidang pendidikan al-Quran. Modul pembelajaran yang lengkap dan komprehensif merupakan kekuatan utama RH. Para pelajar bukan sahaja diajar dengan ilmu tilawah dan tadabbur al-Quran dan hadis, malah mereka juga dilengkapkan dengan ilmu fiqh, aqidah, sirah, akhlak dan sebagainya. Kami berjaya membuka satu lokasi baru di Kuang dengan jumlah pelajar seramai 22 orang.
Untuk tahun 2022, kami telah berjaya membuka kelas PQKR di 4 lokasi baru, iaitu PPR Kerinci, Apartmen Taman Medan, PPR Seri Semarak dan PPR Desa Rejang dengan jumlah pelajar mencecah 100 orang. Sambutan yang begitu menggalakkan ini memberi semangat untuk kami terus menyasarkan untuk membuka lebih banyak kelas PQKR di lokasi-lokasi yang memerlukannya.
Kos untuk seorang pelajar untuk sebulan adalah sebanyak RM50 (termasuk kos tenaga pengajar, bahan pengajar, kelas intensif, program tambahan, kos utiliti dan lain-lain)
Kami menyasarkan kutipan tahunan sebanyak:
RM50 * 100 orang pelajar = RM5,000 (sebulan)
RM5,000 * 12 bulan = RM60,000 (setahun)
Setiap sumbangan anda adalah amat-amat bermakna untuk anak-anak yang mendambakan ilmu al-Quran ini. Semoga usaha kecil dari kami ini dapat menjadi asbab dalam melahirkan anak-anak dan keluarga yang dekat jiwanya dengan al-Quran.
Ayuh bersama-sama kami dalam membangunkan jiwa kota raya.
Terima kasih atas sumbangan anda
792 claimed
Terima kasih atas sumbangan anda
22 claimed
Terima kasih atas sumbangan anda
6 claimed
Terima kasih atas tajaan seorang pelajar kelas Quran
20 claimed
Terima kasih atas tajaan dua orang pelajar kelas Quran
6 claimed
Terima kasih atas tajaan lima orang pelajar kelas Quran
5 claimed
Terima kasih atas tajaan 10 orang pelajar kelas Quran
3 claimed
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Arissa S., Adam S., Soraya S.
Nadira begum
Aydin Shabirin & Soraya Salim
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Support our Youth Development Centre in Kuala Lumpur
Bangun Bersama is on a mission, and we’re thrilled to share it with you!
We’re laying the foundation for a Youth Development Centre right here in Kuala Lumpur. This isn’t just a building; it’s a beacon of hope for our future generation.
Our goal? To open doors for underprivileged students, offering them not just access to high-quality education, but a safe space where they can grow, learn, and thrive.
But we can’t do this alone. We need you.
Every donation, regardless of the amount, brings us one step closer to turning this dream into a reality. Your contribution is an investment in our youth’s future - a future we believe is worth fighting for.
And here’s a little secret: it’s said that giving on a Friday brings abundant blessings!
Ready to make a difference? Support our cause by visiting our campaign -
From all of us at Bangun Bersama, thank you for your generosity. May your Friday be as blessed as the lives you’re helping to change! ✨
Support Free Quran Classes for Our Next Generation
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah ✨
We've got an incredible chance to make a difference together. We're raising funds for FREE Quran education to next generation in Kuala Lumpur. Your support can empower lives through virtues of the Qur'an.
Ready to join hands?
We're on a mission to secure the top spot on the LaunchGood APAC leaderboard today. Your donation and sharing with your network can help us achieve this and spread the light of Quran education 🌟
Click Here to Support
Jazakumullahu khairan katheeran🙌
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