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Hafiz Abdul Hadi Yousufi was a beautiful 36 year old brother that passed away on Sunday, August 9, 2020 due to cancer. He was a beautiful son, brother, husband, father and friend to many far and wide. He leaves behind a wife and a young 2 year-old son named Sohaib.
We at the Islamic Center of Chicago (ICC) would like to secure the future of his family including his young son, Sohaib. Any and all expenses will be used towards his immediate family including a school and college fund for little Sohaib.
Hafiz Abdul Hadi was a pure-hearted and genuine person who embodied the Quran in every way. He is someone who really loved the Quran, becoming a hafiz at a very young age and teaching it ever since, even getting a certification in teaching the Qaidah to young children. His character was impeccable and his loss is devastating for many of us.
Many know Hafiz Abdul Hadi through his association with the ICC masjid in Chicago, where he was a staple leading taraweeh prayer there each year or conducting Itikaf programs for the youth of Chicago. His heart-felt duas and qiyam-ul-layl were staples of the ICC masjid. His beautiful smile and his undivided attention of speaking to each and every person will forever be missed. It’s truly amazing to see how so many different parts of the community are affected, brothers and sisters, young and old, aunties and uncles, those who met him just once and those who never had the chance.
Here are links to some beautiful recitations and talks by Hafiz Abdul Hadi: (Surah Fatiha) (Surah Mu'minoon) (Surah Waqiah) (Surah Yaseen) (Jumuah Presentation Part I) (Jumuah Presentation Part II)
The world has lost Hafiz Abdul-Hadi far too soon. He was such a beautiful brother that immediately affected anyone that he interacted with.
Please note that this is not zakat-eligible.
In addition to any contribution, please make dua for and read some Quran for our dear Hafiz Abdul Hadi who we loved so much.
These funds are being raised by the community at ICC. We ensure that everything raised will be given directly to the family to help them with any expenses they may have.
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
E H Merican
An Anonymous kind soul
Abbas Siddiqui
Abdallah Kamal
Lubna Ostadi
Nefisat Isa
Nasir Ahmed
sameera baig
An Anonymous kind soul
Jawad Vaid
An Anonymous kind soul
Hidayathulla Khan
An Anonymous kind soul
Irhamna Taib
Tehreem Hussain
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahu Wa Barakaatuhu
Subhan’Allah the Janazah was so beautiful. Nearly 500 were in attendance including many scholars from within and outside of Chicago. The family was overwhelmed with all of the care and concern shown by the community.
As soon as everyone left, there was tornado like weather along with an extreme downpour. This is a sign of acceptance of Hafiz Abdul Hadi. It’s said that the skies weep when the friends of Allah pass away. Many of us had not witnessed this kind of weather in nearly 8 years since the passing of the great Shaykhul Hadith Mawlana Naeem Rahmatullahi Alayh. See more here:
After the Janazah:
Janazah Info
Assalamu Alaykum Everyone
We continue to be overwhelmed by the outpouring of support for Hafiz Abdul Hadi's family. Insha'Allah, this will help the legacy of Hafiz Abdul Hadi continue for years to come.
As an update: The Janazah for Hafiz Abdul Hadi is being held today in Chicago. We know many of you are through out the USA and even through out the Globe. We ask that you read some Quran for Hafiz Abdul Hadi if you are unable to attend.
May Allah ta'ala accept all your contributions, reading of Quran and more. Please continue to keep Hafiz Saab and his family in your duas.
Request from Sohaib’s Mom
Assalamu Alaykum
Jazakumullahu Khayran for all of the support in the past few hours. We have been overwhelmed seeing so many far and wide support Abdul Hadi’s family. Here is a special request from his wife:
JazakumAllah khayran and thank you so much for the outpour of love and duas for Abdul Hadi's son, Sohaib.
He's young, only shy of 2 years, and doesn't quite grasp what has happened. I know that one day he will ask me where is his baba... And what was his baba like.
So I have one request. Please send your fondest memories, pictures, videos.. whatever is appropriate for a young child to an email address I created for him.
I'm hoping inshallah one day I can show Sohaib how much people loved and cherished him.
The email is
Thank you so much.
- Umm Sohaib
Support Hafiz Abdul Hadi's Family Campaign Increased to $100,000
Assalamu Alaykum
Jazakumullahu Khayran for contributing towards the Support Hafiz Abdul Hadi campaign. Alhamdulillah, the response has been overwhelming - which is a testament to the character of Hafiz Abdul Hadi. Insha'Allah, we are increasing the campaign to $100,000 and if we get close to that threshold, we will increase that as well. The intention is to setup a college fund for Sohaib as well as help the family in whichever way possible, whether it is to get a home for themselves or any other expenses.
May Allah ta'ala accept your contribution and make it a means of reward in this life and the next.
Fahad Ahmed
Salman Faiz
Sayeed Shariff
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