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The people of Yemen are suffering terribly through this COVID-19 pandemic. They have extremely limited resources and now the coronavirus is spreading like wildfire. How are they going to stop the spread with the limited resources they have? We want to help by raising funds for 2 ICU centers to help doctors treat the sick. Each ICU center will cost around $180,000, our ultimate goal for both ICU's is 360,000.
The Prophet (PBUH) said that every single deed we do is judged and rewarded by Allah based on your intention that is attached to that deed. The Prophet (PBUH) was asked what is the best type of charity, he responded, "The charity which you practice while you are healthy and afraid of poverty and wish to become wealthy." So, inshAllah, you will get a share of the good deeds for every sick person that benefits at the ICU center you helped fund. Give what is reasonable, frequently and when you are at the best of your health with a generous heart. For whatever you give, Allah will replace. No matter the amount of your gift, you are helping to heal the sick and improve the condition of the weak, and this is PRICELESS.
Right now in Yemen, there are over 14 million people at risk of starvation and outbreaks of deadly diseases. Five years of conflict has led to widespread destruction of hospitals, healthcare facilities, water, and sanitation systems, and caused over 230,000 deaths, primarily due to lack of clean water, food, and healthcare services. The COVID-19 outbreak in Yemen, within the current alarming frail healthcare and infrastructure, will have a devastating impact on the lives of millions of people in Yemen.
Our sisters and brothers need OUR support now!
UOSSM USA wants to help save lives and support the Yemeni people by establishing two ICU centers to support nearby hospitals to be able to treat the people affected by COVID-19 in Sana’a and Aden. The ICU centers would help provide life-saving support to those who need it most, but we need YOUR HELP! Please support this project so we can help save lives in Yemen.
According to International Rescue Committee (IRC), years of conflict has decimated Yemen’s health system, leaving only half of the country’s health facilities fully functional. The entire country has only 380 ventilators and 710 ICU beds for a population of around 30 million, and faces a severe shortage of oxygen – a critical frontline treatment. In Aden, there are just 60 hospital beds dedicated to COVID-19 and 18 ventilators, all of which are already in constant use. According to Doctors Without Borders (MSF), the ICU In Sana’a, only has 15 beds, which in recent weeks, has been at full capacity.
Taif Fares gasped for air in the intensive care unit of the al-Sadaqa Hospital in Aden, Yemen. She was born with a heart disorder requiring constant care. The girl died a few days after this photo was taken. May 21, 2018. Credit...Lorenzo Tugnoli for The Washington Post
The Yemeni people are facing extremely vulnerable conditions and have been suffering from severe malnutrition and dying from outbreaks of preventable diseases. Now, COVID-19 is wreaking havoc on the people and there are no health facilities to provide care for them, as a result of an overwhelmed health care system with limited capacities and shortages of supplies. This could lead to a catastrophic death toll.
UOSSM USA wants to establish and support two ICU centers in Sana’a and Aden. Each ICU center will include 20 beds, and all required medical equipment. Each will cost approximately $180,000 to purchase, including logistics and delivery.
UOSSM USA is working in collaboration with diplomats in humanitarian relief, along with local organizations on the ground, to ensure the delivery of the equipment and medical supplies for the support of the 2 ICU centers in Sana’a and Aden. Time is of the essence, as currently logistics to deliver the ICU center is guaranteed. UOSSM USA is also working in collaboration with the UOSSM office in Turkey for the acquisition of the equipment necessary for the two centers, and with diplomats, coordinating with the UN, to ensure delivery of the ICU centers to the designated areas of need.
Dr. Ahmad Dbais, UOSSM Safety and Security Director visits a hospital in Yemen to assess the medical needs of people. UOSSM conducted a medical mission to Yemen in 2019. UOSSM doctors from North America and Europe provided medical training and capacity building sessions of Yemeni doctors and medical staff.
This initiative is not possible without your support. This is an urgent matter that is time sensitive with the spread of COVID-19. Millions of lives are at risk.
This list shows what is needed for each ICU Unit- we are fundraising for 2 ICU Centers, each ICU will cost around $180,000.
We CAN do more! With your support we will continue to expand this initiative to continue providing critical care to the most vulnerable, providing medical supplies, supporting doctors in Yemen with any medical capacity building needed, supporting other programs and where support is most needed.
Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations USA (UOSSM USA) is a US based nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3), humanitarian NGO that was founded to support the health-related needs and well-being of people and communities affected by crises, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion or political affiliation. Your generous support is zakat eligible and tax-deductible. Funds raised will be used towards this project or wherever else it is needed most. Thank you for your support.
Give What You Can- Every Dollar Counts!
The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The believer is in the shade of one's charity on the Day of Judgement."
3 claimed
Give Hope
You can give hope to the hopeless.
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So the people of Yemen know they are not alone.
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Show the people of Yemen that you love them and they are not forgotten
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A Champion of the People
Show the people of Yemen that you are there for them, support them and want to give them strength.
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An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Andrée Bisson
An Anonymous kind soul
Pete Klosterman
Sarah Yazji
An Anonymous kind soul
Juwairiyah Alam
Rubina Vohra
Pete Klosterman
An Anonymous kind soul
Guest User
Zahida P Kaukab
adeena khan
Rubina Vohra
Madeeha Rasul
An Anonymous kind soul
Besim Bruncaj
Thank you for your support!
Salam Alaikum,
We hope this message finds you in the best of health during these unsettling times.
Due to a technical glitch in our system, we have not been able to send out tax receipts yet, but will be sending those shortly to everyone who provided an email address.
If you have not provided us with an email address, we have no way of sending a tax receipt to you. Please contact us at if you would like a tax receipt and we would be happy to send one to you.
Thank you so much for supporting our work, you are enabling us to alleviate the suffering of those affected by crisis living in unimaginable circumstances. We hope you will continue to support our work.
Together, we are saving lives and building hope.
With peace,
The Team at UOSSM USA
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