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Give Hope to 200 Displaced Orphans


raised of 0 USD goal

485 supporters, 47 days left

Impact: Syria

Registered 501(c)(3)

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Empower 200 Syrian Orphans with Education: Restore Hope and Build Futures

Support us to cover the costs of educating 200 Orphan students who were deprived of education after the war in Northern Syria

Let us talk in numbers: 

In Syria.... More than 196,000 orphan children live in difficult circumstances, most of them live in informal camps, a large proportion of them drop out of education and are involved in the child labor market. their soft palms hold the pick and iron instead of holding the pen and notebook, the cold gnaws at their tender bodies as they run to earn a living. They were deprived of the right to education just as they were deprived of the affection of parents. What threatens their future with loss as their present is lost.

Orphan without education, Orphan without Future: 

After a child loses his parents in the war, all they can count on is their education.

They become financially and professionally insecure. As well without a mother directing them to avoid loss and corruption.

How We Help?

Through an educational online platform, we were able to reach every home, by the simplest means. All the student has to do is register on our free distance education platform and follow the lessons either live or recorded depending on the student's times and circumstances. To enable students of different ages, who work and who have stopped learning for several years, to continue their educational journey until the high school stage.

How YOU can help change their future 

Our goal is to cover the expenses of educating 200 orphan students. And with your generosity and donations, we will not only cover the goal, but we will be able to raise the registration ceiling to spread knowledge to the largest possible segment among orphaned children.

Services that students will receive are online school education (12 subjects), student activities, and academic advising.

The cost of educating each student is $20 monthly, for all the study subjects assigned to him, and the student has 10 subjects throughout the academic year.  This means that the cost of teaching each subject is $2 monthly.

Also there is compensation for internet and mobile devices for education, which are distributes to the poorest students.

What will you gain?

We are all Muslims seeking reward in the hereafter, and blessings in this world. As the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:

"The one who strives for the widow and the needy is like the one who strives in the way of God, and I think he said: And like the one who does not break, and like the one who fasts, he does not break his fast"

With your support, we will save 200 orphans or more from loss. We will return them to their rightful place, where science, progress and construction.

Support free distance education.

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Recent supporters

Naashia Mohamed

$5 USD, 5 hours ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£1 GBP, 6 hours ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 USD, 7 hours ago

Aishah Al-Mohamedi

$10 USD, 11 hours ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$3 USD, 11 hours ago

Ruba Najjar

$15 CAD, 12 hours ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$40 USD, 14 hours ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 USD, 16 hours ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 USD, 16 hours ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 17 hours ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 17 hours ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 18 hours ago


$10 CAD, 18 hours ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£1 GBP, 21 hours ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, a day ago

Nicholas Barker

$5 AUD, a day ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, a day ago

Anis Ishak

$1 SGD, a day ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$40 USD, a day ago

Anisa Jeenah

$5 USD, a day ago

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