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Help build or renovate a mosque in Indonesia


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352 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Lampung, Indonesia

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by July 5, 2023 at 12:45 PM EDT

Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world. Yet many communities are in need of a/or new mosques or musallas. Now you can help them!

Indonesia has many Muslims, around 230+ million. We are spread across 1,760 km and thousands of islands. Unfortunately, many Muslim communities still lack adequate mosques. Some lack any if at all. Mosques are vital for the community as it is a place to pray, congregate, and do dawah. It is a place that brings the community together and with other communities as well.

One such case is the village of Wai Muli which has a musalla as a place for prayers for the villagers, beside the main mosque. Sadly, the musalla fell into disrepair and had to be rebuilt. But Alhamdulillah thanks to the help of the whole village and local donors, the rebuilding has been completed. May Allah reward your generosity.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Whoever builds a mosque, desiring thereby Allah’s pleasure, Allah builds for him the like of it in paradise.” [Bukhari]

Alhamdulillah, thank you for all the donors who have supported us to build this Musalla in Lampung. The construction have finished, and we are very grateful to Allah SWT we have achieved our intentions.


Alhamdulillah we have also rebuilt the Al Asri Mosque in Maluku, Indonesia.Al Asri Mosque is located in Waesala Village, one of the villages in Hunimual Rear District, West Seram Regency, Maluku. The distance from the district to the village is about 14 km² by ferry.

Al-Asri Mosque was founded in 2000 independently by the community. The capacity of the mosque is to accommodate about 85 worshipers. Unfortunately at this time, the condition of the mosque is very dilapidated with deteriorating facilities.

The mosque structure is fragile, the walls are partially covered with makeshift boards and plywood, and the wood supporting the roof frame is also starting to rot. The tin roof is clearly rusted. The mosque also does not have a toilet or a place for wudu. Worshippers must perform wudu at home before going to the mosque.

Thanks to your generous participation, the people of Waesala Village now have a comfortable mosque to pray and congregate in. They are very grateful for the help you have provided.

May Allah SWT build a palace for you in paradise, aameen.

This is the site of the new mosque construction is located in Bumi Asri Sumedang, West Java. The 200 heads of family in the area have yet to have their own mosque.

Alhamdulillah the area for the mosque is ready, however, the construction of the building has been slowed due to a lack of funds. The construction requires $5000 in cost.
Let us lend our support to help the residents of Bumi Asri Sumedang build their mosque. 

"Whoever builds a mosque in the world, Allah SWT will build a house like it for him in Paradise." (Bukhari)

About us

                Rumah Zakat is a humanitarian organization that was founded in 1998. Since then, we have grown into one of the biggest and most trusted organizations in Indonesia, accepting and distributing charity funds and aid both inside Indonesia and worldwide. Our distribution is focused on these main sectors of community empowerment; economic, education, health, and environment. Additionally, we are active in providing humanitarian aid such as disaster evacuation, food assistance, health service, psychosocial service,  and various post-disaster recovery program in various parts of Indonesia and the world, thanks to blessed and generous donors such as you.

For more about us please check our website

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$1 USD, 2 years ago

Updates 6

Rumah Zakat Indonesia2 years ago

Construction of At Taawun Mosque in Sumedang continues with your support

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Dear brothers and Sisters,

Alhamdulillah thanks to your support, the construction of Taawun Mosque located in Bumi Asri Sumedang, West Java, continues to progress. Although far from complete, it has been significant in its progression.

The steel roofing and its tiles have been put in place. The finishing of the walls and floors is also in progress.

We hope the mosque can finish soon and well so that the residents in Bumi Asri Sumedang can have a place to pray and recite the Quran in congregation.

Let us contribute more to At Taawun mosque, and build ourselves a palace in Janna, aameen.

Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb

Rumah Zakat Indonesia2 years ago

Renovation of Al Asri Mosque in Maluku Completed

Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Dear brothers and sisters,

Alhamdulillah through your generous participation, the Al Asri Mosque in Waesala village of Maluku (Moluccas) has been rebuilt.

The condition of the mosque has greatly improved, as you have seen before, the walls were made out of wood and the ceiling was badly dilapidated.

Now the mosque is made out of concrete and its roof support is made of light steel. The previously dark interior is now shined with light and bright white walls add to the bright ambience of the interior.

The opening ceremony of the mosque was attended by the village officials and the local government, religious figures, as well as representatives of Rumah Zakat and the whole community.

"We on behalf of the local village officials and the community would like to thank Rumah Zakat for facilitating the rebuilding of our mosque," exclaimed Mr Ayagen, the head official of the village.

Jazakallah brothers and sisters for your generous contribution to rebuild the Al Asri mosque in Waesala village, Maluku. Let's contribute more to help build or renovate mosques for communities around the world. May Allah reward you with a palace in paradise. Aameen.

Rumah Zakat Indonesia2 years ago

Mosque construction ongoing, 45% progress

Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Alhamdulillah the construction of the new mosque in Sumedang has begun and experienced very fast progress. The mosque is already at 45% completion. 

The foundation had been laid out. The frame of the building, the walls and, pillars have also been constructed. The interior, the roof, paint, windows and doors, and the finishing touches are left to go.

We hope it can achieve timely completion.

We thank you for your support that has enabled us to run this construction. We pray your generosity will be rewarded manyfold by Allah SWT, aameen.

Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Rumah Zakat Indonesia2 years ago

Mosque Contruction Process

Assalamualaikum Donors

Alhamdulillah,This week, we are channeling funds from launchgood donations for the construction of a mosque at At Ta'awun Cimanggung, Sumedang, West Java.

The mosque construction committee, the launchgood funds have purchased building materials such as building sand, iron, cement etc.

Insha Allah, this week the construction of the mosque will continue

Thank you

Rumah Zakat Indonesia3 years ago

Alhamdulillah, the main building of the Musalla is finished !

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb Brothers and Sisters

Alhamdulillah, through the generous contribution of you and all our donors, the construction of the Musalla in Wai Muli has been completed,help_build_a_musalla_in_indonesia. Now the residents of the village can pray and enjoy their brand new musalla. They can gather together, recite the Quran, take shelter from the heat of the day, and socialize. MashAllah.

The roadway,  pavements, and courtyard is yet to be finished though, and it is up to our extended continuous generosity will the unfinished parts can be quickly and finely done. Let us give them more, so that their musalla complex could be completed, and perhaps even expanded!
Jazakahllah Khairan Katsira brothers and sisters ! May our deeds be accepted and rewarded manyfold by Allah SWT. Ameen yaRabbal alameen.

Rumah Zakat Indonesia3 years ago

Musalla Progress

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. 

Dear our generous donors,

Many thanks to you and our various other donors, the musalla in Wai Muli Lampung is under construction and has made significant progress. Hopefully with more contributions, the process should speed up and with even better outcome of quality than expected, and shall bring to the village  a shelter for their worship. InshAllah. Again Jazakumullah Khairan Katsiran brothers and sisters, May Allah SWT repay your generosity manyfold and keeps us all healthy, happy and safe.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Best Regards,

 Rumah Zakat

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