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Organized by HOME International

Help Complete Girls Orphanage in Lahore, Pakistan


raised of 0 USD goal

825 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Lahore, Punjab

Registered 501(c)(3)

Verified for authenticity.

This campaign will collect all funds raised by January 16, 2022 at 11:00 PM EST

HELP Orphan girls grow into Strong, Confident, Successful Future Women.

Help us provide and Care for Orphan Girls who have lost their parents to disease, untimely death, neglect, or famine! 

Girls play a crucial role as adults in our society. A girl when brought up in a caring and loving environment with proper nutrition and education, will undoubtedly grow up to thrive in every situation! Help support these beautiful girls grow into the strong women they can be

​Caring for orphans is a significant part of Islam. Orphans are mentioned 22 times in the Quran; their mistreatment is a serious sin, while nurturing and caring for them is an immensely valuable good deed. We must emphasize that education is one of the basic rights of an Orphan! 

H.O.M.E. Expansion Project

Currently H.O.M.E. International has already purchased land and built a small home to house up to six orphans. However, we are in the process of expanding the building another 12,000 square feet to accommodate for:

- 15 new bedrooms for 30 more girls furnished with with bunkbeds for them

- 10 new classrooms for a private school fully equipped with classroom furniture and all essentials

- 5 large rooms for training and vocational center for widows

- A full Library and Computer Lab 

The renovation project will cost roughly $150,000 which we hope to raise by next Ramadan, in sha Allah. 


Founded and operated since 2012 by a sincere and honest Muslim team, H.O.M.E. International provides:

- Quality Education

- Healthcare

- Wholesome Nutrition

- Shelter and Clothing

- Loving Home Environment

- Guidance and Hope

You can learn more about all the great work H.O.M.E. International has accomplished by visiting our website at

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was an orphan himself. He encouraged his Ummah to protect orphans and take care of them.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said "The best of Houses is the house where an Orphan gets Love and Kindness." 

He (sallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "I and the person who looks after an Orphan and provides for him, will be in paradise like this", putting his index and middle fingers together. 

And they give food, out of love for Him (Allah SWT), to the needy, and the orphan, and the captive. (Quran 76.8)

"Blessed is the wealth of the Muslim, from which he gives to the poor, the orphan, and the wayfarer" [Muslim]

Help put a smile like her on their faces! PLEASE do NOT close without contributing something. Jazak Allahu Khairan!

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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 3 years ago

Beena Ansari-Leyva

$10 USD, 3 years ago

Beena Ansari-Leyva

$10 USD, 3 years ago

Abdullah Abdullah

$10 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 3 years ago

Muhammad Hussain

$40 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 3 years ago

Aissha Malik

$40 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 3 years ago

Priest Bailey

$9 USD, 3 years ago

Abdullah Abdullah

$10 USD, 3 years ago

Muhammad Siddique

$40 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 USD, 3 years ago


$9 USD, 3 years ago

الحمد لله رب العالمين يا كريم

$20 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 3 years ago

Muhammad Siddique

$250 USD, 3 years ago

Updates 35

HOME International2 months ago

2024 Year End Fundraising

                                                                                                                                                Dear Friends                                                                                                                            Assalam Alykoum                                                                                                            Year 2024 End Fundraising.                                                                                     Standwith the Prophet (AS) by helping orphans, Donate at Launchgood                                                                         Jazak Allah Khair                 Regards                          HOME International                
HOME Internationala year ago

Ramadan Kareem. Please support orphans at HOME International

Assalam Alykoum dear friends

Support HOME International campaign for “Change the Life of Orphans” at Launchgood at:!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International

HOME International2 years ago

10 Blessed days of Dhul Hijjah campaign by Launchgood-HOME International

Assalam Alykoum dear friends;

The Blessed Month of Dhul Hijjah has begun. First ten days of this month have special blessings. Donate generously and get all the blessings.

Jazak Allah Khair for your generous support of HOME for Orphan Girls Project of HOME International. Donate at:!/

Jazak Allah khair

HOME International

HOME International2 years ago

HOME International campaign is active. Please support!

Dear Friends

Assalam Alykoum

HOME International campaign,"Give Bright Future to Orphan Girls"

is active at Launchgood and need your support..!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International

HOME International2 years ago

Giving Tuesday

Assalam Alykoum:

Today is “The Tuesday Giving Day”

Make charity giving regular part of your life and keep yourself blessed, happy, healthy, and wealthy and be safe from calamities. Donate at:


Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International

HOME International3 years ago

Wheelchairs for Handicapped

Assalam Alykoum dear friends;

First ten days of Dhul Hijjah have special blessings. Donate generously and get all the blessings.

Jazak Allah Khair for your generous support Wheelchairs for the Handicapped Project of HOME International. Donate at:!/

HOME International

HOME International3 years ago

Wheelchair project of HOME International

Dear friends

Assalam Alykoum

Please support Wheelchairs for the disabled campaign of HOME International at Launchgood:!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International

HOME International3 years ago

Exterior view of HOME for orphans

Assalam Alyokum dear supporters

HOME for orphans is going through exterior finishing stage.

HOME International is having an ongoing fundraising at launchgood this Ramadan. Please support:!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International

HOME International3 years ago

Give mobility to handicapped by HOME International

Assalam Alykoum dear friends

Support HOME International campaign for “wheel chair for the disabled” at Launchgood at:!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International

HOME International3 years ago

Remember Orphans of HOME International

Assalam Alykoum

Support orphans girls of HOME International at Launchgood.!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International

HOME International3 years ago

Give a wheelchair to handicapped this Ramadan

Assalam Alykoum

Dear friends

HOME International need your help to distribute to handicapped and give them mobility. Please donate generously at Launchgood:!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International


HOME International3 years ago

Change the life of Orphan Girls

Dear Supporters of HOME International projects.

Assalam Alykoum

Please support life of orphan girls at Launchgood campaign :!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International

HOME International3 years ago

Happy New Year 2022

HOME International3 years ago

HOME International in DUNIYA NEWS UK

Asaalam Alykoum

HOME International in DUNIYA NEWS UK. A cricket tournament favoring HOME International in Irvine, California¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif

HOME International3 years ago

Few days left to close this campaign, Make it a SUCCESS

HOME International acknowledges and appreciates your kind donations for the orphanage project.

We are very close to achieving our target and to make it a SUCCESS.

Please donate generously and May Allah SWT bless you and reward you abundantly.

Our live campaign is at launchgood:!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International

HOME International3 years ago

Dear Friends. Assalam Alykoum. Please support our 2021 Year End Fundraising

Assalam Alykoum dear supporters.

HOME International is very close to achieving our target.

Please support our campaign at launchgood:!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International

HOME International3 years ago

Today is "The Giving Tuesday"

Assalam Alykoum:

Today is “The Tuesday Giving Day”

Make charity giving regular part of your life and keep yourself blessed, happy, healthy, and wealthy and be safe from calamities. Donate at!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International3 years ago

Launchgood, Rasul Week has started

Assalam Alykoum

Dear supporters of HOME International Projects.

We are participating in Rasul Week in the month of Rabi ul- Awwal:!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International

HOME International3 years ago

Our Campaign of 100 water pumps for school children in near completion after installing 139 water pumps

Assalam Alykoum.

HOME International has many project running with your support. In, water pumps for school children we have installed 139 water pumps.

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International.

HOME International3 years ago

At HOME for girls in Lahore, we provide our girls extra after school, tuition help

Assalam Alykoum

Jazak Allah Khair for your continuous support for our ongoing fundraising at launchgood at:!/


HOME International

HOME International4 years ago

Eid Mubarak from HOME International.

Assalam Alykoum Dear friends

HOME International like to wish Eid Mubarak to all of our donors of our project:https: //!/

Jazak Allah Khair


HOME International

HOME International4 years ago

10 Days of Dhul Hijjah

Assalam Alykoum dear friends;

Blessed month of Dhul Hijjah has begun. First ten days of this month have special blessings. Donate generously and get all the blessings.

Jazak Allah Khair for your generous support of HOME for Orphan Girls Project of HOME International. Donate at:!/

HOME International4 years ago

Eid Mubarak From HOME International and HOME Charity Trust

Assalam Alykoum

Jazak Allah Khair for your continuous support.

May Allah SWT accept your fasting and reward you abundantly.

We are at Launchgood:!/


HOME International/HOME Charity Trust

HOME International4 years ago

Construction update- HOME for Orphans

 Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem

You will not attain piety until you spend (in charity) what you love mostAnd whatever thing you spend, Allah surely knows it. (Quran 3:92)  

Dear Supporters of, HOME International

Assalam Alykoum and Ramdhan Kareem.

Support orphans at Launchgood;!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME Intenational

HOME International4 years ago

Last few days of Ramadan

 Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem

You will not attain piety until you spend (in charity) what you love mostAnd whatever thing you spend, Allah surely knows it. (Quran 3:92)  

Dear Supporters of, HOME International

Assalam Alykoum and Ramdhan Kareem.

Please support HOME for Ophans at Launchgood:!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International

HOME International4 years ago

Help us achieve our target this Ramadan


Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem

You will not attain piety until you spend (in charity) what you love mostAnd whatever thing you spend, Allah surely knows it. (Quran 3:92)  

Dear Supporters of, HOME International

Assalam Alykoum and Ramdhan Kareem.

Blessed month of Ramadhan, when rewards of charity giving multiples many folds. This is also the month when most people pay zakat. May Allah SWT accept your fasting and reward you abundantly. Taking care of orphans and needy people is an obligation upon us.

Charitable Muslims such as yourself are successful in both worlds, Insha Allah. We acknowledge your continuous support and kind contributions for orphans. May Allah SWT reward you abundantly and make grow and prosper.

 HOME for Orphans Girls in Lahore!/


HOME International

HOME International4 years ago

Ramadan Passing Fast

Assalam Alykoum

Support Orphans of HOME International at launchgood:!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International4 years ago

Rember Orphans of HOME International

Assalam Alykoum

Support orphans girls of HOME International at Launchgood.!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International4 years ago

HOME International just installed water pump nos 128 and 129.

HOME International4 years ago

HOME International/HOME Charity Trust installed water pumps no's 126 and 127 for school children

HOME International4 years ago

HOME International has completed project of distributing food packages to 100 widow families.

HOME International4 years ago

Happy New year from HOME International

Assalam Alykoum

Jazak Allah Khair for your continuous support.!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International4 years ago

HOME International 2020 Year End Fundraising.

Assalam Alykoum dear friends.

Jazak Allah for your continuous support.

Support this project at launchgood,!/

Jazak Allah Khair

HOME International4 years ago

"RASUL WEEK" Oct.23-30th. Launchgood is celebrating exciting days of the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Assalam Alykoum

Helping orphans is the tradition of our beloved prophet. Continue this tradition by helping finish "HOME For Orphan Girls in Lahore" Donate at:!/

Jazak Allah Khair

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