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“Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like the one who did it.”
— Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Impact: United Kingdom
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This campaign will collect all funds raised by May 28, 2022 at 6:45 PM EDT
Women are half of the Ummah and they raise the other half - to nurture them is to uplift the Ummah!
We are on a mission to MOTIVATE, EDUCATE and FORTIFY Muslim women in our precarious times. Help us to launch a conference, educational institution and powerful campaigns for Muslim women. Muslim Women are half of the Ummah and they give birth to the other half. Safeguarding the Iman and commitment of women is of paramount importance and removing the obstacles to that is essential.
Muslim women are constantly targeted by the media, politicians, the fashion and other industries who seek to influence us and can work to diminish our commitment to our faith. Help us to reclaim our narrative powerfully and to fortify women from within, supporting them to stay true to their relationship with Allah, committed to their families as the backbone of society.
I am your sister Fatima Barkatulla and I need your help to build a Muslim women's organisation that really speaks your language and addresses our sisters’ Islamic needs.
A few years ago we organised the largest Muslim women's conference in Europe - SEEDS OF CHANGE.
Thousands of women were inspired to make positive change in their lives and in their communities.
Help me now. Be one of the founding investors in this work insha Allah and gain ONGOING REWARD!
Fatima Barkatulla is Director of Muslim Womanhood Foundation, a British Islamic scholar, author and presenter of the IlmFeed Podcast. She is currently an Aziz Foundation Scholar pursuing an MA in Islamic Law at the University of London.
She has had a rich Islamic education from an early age thanks to her parents. She studied Arabic and Islamic studies in Egypt at prominent institutes such as Al Fajr Center, Qortoba Institute and a college of Al Azhar University. She graduated from the AlSalam Institute’s Advanced Licence in Islamic Scholarship awarded by Sheikh Muhammad Akram Nadwi and from the The Alimiyyah Programme at the Ebrahim College seminary with a specialisation in Fiqh. She is currently working on two books ‘Women in the Qur’an’ and ‘Aisha, Scholar of Islam’, having authored her groundbreaking first book: ‘Khadijah, Mother of History’s Greatest Nation.’
She has been a key contributor to the discourse surrounding Muslim women in the West, contributing to the Westminster Faith Debates, documentaries and live shows for BBC Radio 4, the World Service, as well as BBC television, Channel 4 and Islam Channel.
She was Director of SEEDS OF CHANGE - the largest Muslim women's conference in Europe and a Da'wah trainer for iERA.
In 2014 she was awarded the IKON UKHWAH International Award - for young women in Da'wah and community service at a ceremony in KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA.
At present our team is a small group of highly experienced sisters who have worked in some of the top Da’wah organisations in the UK for a number of years, on a number of key projects. We have felt for a long time now that an organisation for women is very much needed and are working diligently on an effective strategy for the organisation and its areas of focus.
Pearl Donor
Elegant! May Allah grant you a house of pearls in Jannah. Ameen
63 claimed
Amethyst Donor
Gorgeous! May you glitter with joy! Jazakumullahu Khairan
19 claimed
Emerald Donor
Gorgeous! May Allah grant you all that is good. Ameen
17 claimed
Onyx Donor
May Allah make your family the coolness of your eyes! Ameen
4 claimed
Sapphire Donor
Jazakillahu Khairan! At this level receive a signed copy of Ustadha Fatima's book: 'Khadijah (RA)' (UK ONLY)!
2 claimed
Ruby Donor
At this level, receive a personal message and signed copy of Ustadha Fatima Barkatulla's NEW UPCOMING BOOK: 'Aisha' (RA) (for UK donors).
2 claimed
Diamond Patron
At this level, Sheikha Fatima will arrange an online call with you to discuss our work and take your input on board. PLUS receive a signed copy of Ustadha Fatima Barkatulla's NEW UPCOMING book 'Aisha (RA)' (for U.K. donors) Jazakumullahu khairan!
0 claimed
Platinum Patron
At this level, Sheikha Fatima will arrange an online call with you to discuss our work and take your input on board. PLUS you'll receive a signed copy of Ustadha Fatima Barkatulla's NEW UPCOMING BOOK: 'Aisha (RA)' (for U.K. donors) AND exclusive access to future VIP events. Jazakumullahu khairan!
0 claimed
Giving is better together! Your share could raise over 0.
“Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like the one who did it.”
— Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Samira Eddaou
An Anonymous kind soul
Amira Aguleh
Ahmed Latif
An Anonymous kind soul
Aida Abdelwahed
Theresa Nickel
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Irshaad khan
An Anonymous kind soul
Aafaq Ahmed
Fatima Fatima
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Boyd Ruff
What is a woman? (Can you believe people are asking this question!?)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Assalamu Alaikum
As you know, Muslim Womanhood is the new da'wah organisation for Muslim women that we established in 2021. We are set to launch our 6 City Tour of ‘Womanhood in the Qur’an’. In our times, people are literally asking ‘What is a woman?’ and being unable to answer!
The Qur’an’s vision for womanhood is compelling, it is clear. The Qur’an provides an array of role models for women (and men), who have different personalities and stories. We need to bring this vision to the world. We need to show our sisters and women who are not-yet-Muslim that there is an alternative vision for womanhood and that it will bring them the peace of mind we all crave.
We are half way to our goal for raising £5k to deliver the 6 City Tour to potentially thousands of sisters in the UK.
This Day of Arafah, when millions gather on the plain of Arafah and millions of others fast, please be a part of our work and help us reach our goal by donating. Women are half of the Ummah and they raise the other half. Help us articulate and spread the ALTERNATIVE VISION OF WOMANHOOD - the true vision, the Qur’anic vision, to our daughters, nieces, sisters, granddaughters and the wider community.
Our page is:
Sheikha Fatima Barkatulla
Sheikha Fatima Barkatulla: "We are nearly there!"
Dear Supporter! We are so close to the £10k mark!
The last couple of days of Ramadan are upon us. The final nights when good deeds are multiplied. Imagine the reward for every woman or girl your donation will insha Allah impact? Every woman represents a family. This is why I believe so much in focusing on Muslim women and girls.
You and your friends and family can get us over the £10k mark! So please help us to launch our initiatives this year for Muslim women and girls by:
1. Donating further.
2. Sharing our link with a message of support with 3 of your family and friends:
With your help we'll get to our target with the next couple of days.
We are also looking for SAPPHIRE & RUBY donors:
Could you be a Sapphire or Ruby Donor? Please do so in these precious last nights of Ramadan.
From your sister
Fatima Barkatulla
LIVE TODAY at 4.30pm London
Assalamu Alaikum
This week we have three Instagram Live discussions taking place with me and other guests insha Allah!
Please join us: Today, Wednesday and Friday at 4.30pm on:
Join me then!
From your Sister
Fatima Barkatulla
From Sheikha Fatima Barkatulla
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatuhu.
This is a personal message from your sister Fatima Barkatulla, founder of Muslim Womanhood.
We are close to the £7k mark! Less than £800 away. You have already donated to help launch our initiatives for Muslim women. So I want to ask you for two things:
1. Please share our page link with your family and friends with a message like this:
Assalamu Alaikum,
This is a cause I've been supporting this Ramadan and I wanted to encourage you to also support it and reap the rewards. Help Ustadha Fatima Barkatulla reach the £7k milestone to launch an educational platform, international conference, and new initiatives for Muslim women by donating now to Muslim Womanhood:
2. Please consider donating again tonight as it is one of the odd nights of Ramadan when deeds are multiplied and it could be Lailatul Qadr, and better than a thousand months!
If 8 people donate £100 we’ll reach our target. If 10 people donate £80 we’ll reach our target. Here is the link:
Wishing you a blessed night.
From your sister Fatima Barkatulla
Message from Sheikha Fatima Barkatulla
Assalamu Alaikum dear brothers and sisters
Jazakumullahu khairan for supporting our work. Please can I ask you for a favour?
Please could you help me to get our campaign over the first £1000 mark tonight by simple sharing our page with three people and encouraging them to donate?
Our link is
Please also consider donating again yourself because each day of Ramadan is full of goodness and increased reward!
Jazakumullahu Khairan
From your sister Fatima Barkatulla
p.s here is just some of what the money will go towards insha Allah:
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Jazakumullahu khairan for your support so far.
Muslim women are half of the Ummah and they give birth to the other half. By nurturing them, we raise up the Ummah of Muhammad ﷺ.
Please donate further and encourage others to donate to get us over the £1000 mark by iftar time! Please share our link:
We need to start a new era for Muslim women.
Here is the link:
From your sister
Fatima Barkatulla
Giving is better together! Your share could raise over 0.
“Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like the one who did it.”
— Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
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Backed by our Trust & Safety guarantee
Giving is better together! Your share could raise over 0.
“Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like the one who did it.”
— Prophet Muhammad ﷺ