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Help us Establish Masjid Isa Ibn Maryam


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Impact: Waycross, GA

Registered 501(c)(3)

Verified for authenticity.

It is Already Built! Help us raise $550K to convert this beautiful church to a mosque and establish Masjid Isa Ibn Maryam in Waycross Georgia Insha' Allah!

Help Us Purchase a Church to serve as the first Masjid in Ware County US! Payment Due August 21st!

Alhamdulillah we have reached an agreement and signed the contract to purchase the First Christian Church of Waycross with your duaas and support, will serve as the first masjid in Ware county nestled between Savannah and Valdosta Georgia.

The property includes already a 16 classroom school building, playground and nursery.

The commercial kitchen turnkey operations will allow to establish food pantry program among other uses.

• 18,230+ Total SF

• 2.12+ Acres

• Prayer hall capacity 300+

• 16 Classrooms/Offices

• Kitchenette

• Commercial Kitchen

• Community Hall

• Paved Parking

Total Purchase Price: $550,000 Additional closing and inspection costs estimate $20,000.

Location: Waycross, Georgia 31503

Payment Due Date:  AUGUST 1ST, 2021

Uthman ibn Affan reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise.” (Al-Bukhārī & Muslim)

"The mosques of Allah should only be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and fear none but Allah. It is right to hope that they will be among the ˹truly˺ guided." (Quran 9:18)

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Updates 2

Masjid Isa Ibn Maryam4 years ago

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak!  Jazak Allah Khayr for your support.  
May Allah Accept it from you. Ameen. 

Masjid Isa Ibn Maryam4 years ago

Property Inspection Completed Alhamdulelah!

Asalam alaikum Alhamdulelah the property inspection has been completed Jazak Allah Khayr with the help of Allah and your generous donation we are able to continue the path ahead in establishing Insha’Allah Masjid Isa Ibn Maryam Waycross Ga USA.

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