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Masjids 4 Africa


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Please help us build new masjids for new Muslims across Africa


Please help us serve a brand new Muslim community in remote village in Malawi. The village was visited by the Naqshbandi dawah team in 2018. Alhamdulillah, most of the villagers recited shahada on that day. The village chief requested us to build a masjid for his new Muslim villagers and made land available for this purpose.

The new masjid complex will comprise:

1. A new 10 metre x 6 metre masjid

2. Imam’s house

3. Kitchen

4. Toilets (male & female)

5. Ablution facilities

6. Janaza (funeral) facilities

7. Solar electricity

8. Kitchen pots and utensils

9.  Madrassa uniforms

10. Qurans, books and kitabs

11. Black boards

12. Imam's salary for a year

13. Feeding scheme for a year

A Chief at the opening ceremony of a Naqshbandi masjid commented as follows: "I want to thank the Naqshbandi Muslims for coming to my village. I want to inform you that Muslims indeed they fulfill their promises, and now I witness what Naqshbandi Muslims done (new masjid). People they are learning Islam ..., I'm really proud of you Naqshbandi Muslims. I have given you this land for free. My intention was my people should practice the religion of Islam. I will not accept in my area people to come and insult Muslims here. I want to see in the future big Shaykhs coming from my village. I want to invite you to please come here again and spread the message of Islam..., the Naqshbandi Muslims should feel that northern Malawi is their second home. I was waiting for long time to have a masjid here. I beg from you Naqshbandi Muslims please look after the future of Muslim children so that we should have more educated Shaykhs in my village area. Each and every Friday I was here to see how they worship but now I do understand Islam. Thanks a lot to the Naqshbandi Muslims for your loving hearts. Peace be upon you all."


The Prophet Muhammad (peach be upon him) said: “To be the means by which one person is GUIDED TO THE TRUTH is better for you than the whole world and what it contains.”

Dawah is one of the key elements of our work and has in the recent past extended beyond the borders of South Africa. Our primary task is to invite people to Islam. These dawah missions led to over 20,000 people embracing Islam in Malawi from 2016 to 2018, alhamdulillah.

We found people who had never heard about Islam before. But people’s hearts were open for Islam. Over 90% of the people who were invited to Islam accepted our invitation. We also identified a number of villages that require a masjid and/or borehole. Malawi is statistically the poorest country in the world. Yet the Malawian people are the friendliest, mild mannered and kindest people one can encounter. Christian missionaries have been active in Malawi for over 300 years and their impact have seen the Muslim population decrease from 40% to 25%. In the North we also found misinterpretation of Islam generally among people. It is believed that Christian missionaries played a major role in this regard. Many Malawians believe all Muslims are extremists and that Muslims worship Prophet Muhammad (peach be upon him). Some villagers refused to attend our dawah programmes as they believed we had come to kill them. In addition to the misinterpretations, numerous masjids were burned or looted especially in the North after a Muslim was elected to public office in 1999. Despite these misinterpretations we still found the vast majority of people accepting Islam at our dawah programmes. Alhamdulillah.

We have built or renovated 12 masjids in Malawi over the past four years.


Our methodology differs substantially from other organizations that constructed masjids in Malawi. In our experience, we found many masjids were built along the main M1 national road. Many of these masjids do not serve a specific Muslim community and we found many empty or poorly attended and rarely found any madrassa operating from the masjid premises. Many masjids were in a state of disrepair as no or little provision were made for repairs and maintenance.

Since 2016, dawah groups visited a large number of remote villages with few or no Muslims. Alhamdulillah, most villagers accepted Islam during these dawah programmes. This created brand new Muslim communities. It is in these villages that new masjid complexes are built by Naqshbandi Muhammadi South Africa. Masjids serve an existing Muslim community, most of whose members are new Muslims. Imams are appointed and madrassas are established. Feeding schemes for the madrassa learners and needy are also put in place. Our organization further facilitates the establishment of a masjid committee that is responsible for the managing of the masjid complex and its finances.

These masjids form more than buildings set aside for salat. They are centres of learning, feeding and community support. Many of the madrassa students are orphans due to the high prevalence of HIV/Aids in Malawi.

The Prophet Muhammad (peach be upon him) said: “Whoever builds a masjid (mosque) in which the Name of Allah is mentioned, Allah will build a house for him in Paradise.”

“FAITH is a wonderful tree which the believer is called upon to plant where he can, in any suitable place, then tend to it to ensure it may have a chance to GROW” – Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani (QS).
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The Believer’s shade on the day of Resurrection will be his charity.” [Tirmidhi]


Please feel free to visit our website or Facebook page for more information:

We thank you for your generous support and wish you all the best for the month of Ramadan and every success for the future, ameen.

Yours in Islam,

Shaykh Shamiel da Costa

Naqshbandi Muhammadi Order of South Africa

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Recent supporters

Muhammad Z. Azhar

$1 USD, 4 years ago

Building Malawi

$5 USD, 4 years ago

Building 28 May

$26 USD, 4 years ago

Building 27 May

$21 USD, 4 years ago

S Orrie

$11 USD, 4 years ago

G Soeker

$13 USD, 4 years ago

Malawi Omar

$26 USD, 4 years ago

Malawi Ama

$5 USD, 4 years ago

Malawi Sadaqa

$11 USD, 4 years ago

F Davids

$13 USD, 4 years ago

Absa Sadaqat

$16 USD, 4 years ago

Malawi Sadaqah

$53 USD, 4 years ago

Malawi masjid

$26 USD, 4 years ago

Naq Building

$21 USD, 4 years ago

S Parker

$53 USD, 4 years ago

Yusuf Malawi

$26 USD, 4 years ago

F F Allie

$26 USD, 4 years ago

Gadija Tyer

$16 USD, 4 years ago

Malawi Anon

$158 USD, 4 years ago

Muneerah Sunge

$29 USD, 4 years ago

Updates 11

Naqshbandi Muhammadi Order of South Africa3 months ago

Qurbani campaign

Assalamu alaykum.

Thank you for your support. We would like you to please consider supporting our Qurbani campaign:

Thank you.

Naqshbandi Muhammadi Order of South Africa3 years ago

Last few days to donate your Qurbani

Assalamu alaykum.

Naqshbandi South Africa is currently running our annual Qurbani campaign. We have been running the Qurbani campaign for 12 years with the specific purpose of providing meat for our feeding program that runs throughout the year.

Please support our Qurbani campaign. We need your help to alleviate the hunger crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Please have a look at the campaign:

Naqshbandi Muhammadi Order of South Africa3 years ago

We need your help please

Assalamu alaykum.

Naqshbandi South Africa is currently running our annual Qurbani campaign. We have

been running the Qurbani campaign for 12 years with the specific

purpose of providing meat for our feeding program that runs throughout

the year.

Please support our Qurbani campaign. We need your help to alleviate the hunger crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Please have a look at the campaign:

Love and salams.

Naqshbandi Muhammadi Order of South Africa3 years ago

Qurbani 4 Africa 2021

Assalamu alaykum respected donor.

Again, a big thank you / shukran for supporting our fundraising campaign. May Allah Almighty accept your generosity and reward you in abundance.

We have just released our annual Qurbani campaign. It has
been running for 13 years with the specific purpose of providing meat for our feeding program that runs throughout the year.

Please support the Naqshbandi Qurbani 4 Africa campaign. We need your help to alleviate the hunger crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Please have a look at the campaign:


Naqshbandi Muhammadi Order of South Africa3 years ago

Annual report

Assalamu alaykum.

Shaykh Shamiel da Costa presents Naqshbandi South Africa's Annual Report for 2020/21.

A big shukran to all those who contributed to our work.

The pdf version of the report can be downloaded here:

Naqshbandi Muhammadi Order of South Africa4 years ago


Alhamdulillah, the new Malawi masjid project has been completed.

Shukran to all donors, may your reward be with Allah Almighty ameen.

The project includes:
• A new 10 metre x 6 metre masjid
• A new furnished home for the Imam and his family
• A new kitchen with pots, plates and utensils
• Toilets and ablution facilities (male & female)
• Janaza (funeral) biers
• Solar electricity for the complex
• Madrassa uniforms for all learners
• Qurans, books and kitabs
• Black boards

Shukran again for your generous support!

The masjid opening ceremony will be held on Saturday 19 September 2020 inshaa Allah.

For more information on Naqshbandi dawah, visit

Naqshbandi Muhammadi Order of South Africa4 years ago


Assalamu alaykum.

Alhamdulillah, our new Malawi masjid is nearing completion and is almost ready for painting.

Shukran again to all our donors.

Naqshbandi Muhammadi Order of South Africa4 years ago


Assalamu alaykum.

The roof of the new masjid and Imam's house have been installed. Alhamdulillah.

Shukran to all the donors.

Naqshbandi Muhammadi Order of South Africa4 years ago

Qurbani 4 Africa

Assalamu alaykum

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting our campaign. May Allah Almighty accept your generosity and reward you in abundance during these holy days.

Naqshbandi South Africa is currently running a fantastic Qurbani campaign. They have been running the Qurbani campaign for 12 years with the specific purpose of providing meat for their feeding program that runs throughout the year.

Please support Naqshbandi's Qurbani campaign. They need your help to alleviate the hunger crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Please have a look at the campaign:

Eid mubarak to you and your families.


Naqshbandi Muhammadi Order of South Africa4 years ago

Malawi masjid project

To whom it may concern,

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

In a Sahih hadith reported in Sunan Ibn Majah, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said that: “Whoever builds a masjid (mosque) in which the Name of Allah is mentioned, Allah will build a house for him in Paradise.

On behalf of Naqshbandi SA, we hereby convey our sincere appreciation and thanks for your kind donation/contribution, which has enabled us to achieve our target, alhamdulillah. Your donation made it possible for us to fulfill this important religious duty. May Allah (SWT) accept our actual actions and intentions and provide for us in the Hereafter with “houses in Paradise”, Āmīn.

From literally no Islamic infrastructure, as the villagers only reverted to Islam during our Da’wah visit in 2018, this village will now proudly have a new masjid complex that will comprise of the following:

1. A new 10 metre x 6 metre masjid;

2. An Imam’s house;

3. A new kitchen (with pots and utensils);

4. Toilets and ablution facilities (for males & females);

5. Janaza (funeral) facilities;

6. Solar electricity;

7.  Madrassa uniforms;

8. Qurans, books and other kitabs;

9. Writing boards;

10. Imam's salary for a year; and a

11. Feeding scheme for a year.

As we partnered with you, we partnered with villagers to secure the land. The village chief who requested us to build a masjid, made the land available for this purpose - so we have their commitment. This was also made possible through your kindness – so once again thank you! Islam can now be practiced by our Muslim brethren at a level that we are accustomed to. Alhamdulillah. Inshaa Allah, the building project will commence within a few weeks.

Our ability to raise the funds for this Masjid complex was all but remarkable as we were overwhelmed by the success of our LaunchGood campaign. In record time, you responded to whatever means we published our plea. We have therefore embraced LaunchGood as a means to campaign. We encourage you to spread our current and future campaigns and to forward it to whomever you believe can assist or can benefit from supporting our causes. With your kindness we are able to alleviate, at least to some degree, the misery and plight of our suffering brethren. We (and no doubt also our recipients/beneficiaries) are extremely grateful to you. Please continue to support and share our current LaunchGood campaign:

You have made a difference – shukran, jazakallah khayr.

Was salam.

Naqshbandi Muhammadi Order of South Africa4 years ago

Thank you!

Assalamu alaykum.

A very big shukran to each and everyone who donated to our Malawi masjid campaign.

Alhamdulillah, we have collected 100% of the funds needed with your help, whether it was big or small.

May Allah Almighty reward you abundantly and place lots of barakah in your wealth and lives.

The funds were collected in less than a month, alhamdulillah.

Shukran again and all the best to you and your families.

Naqshbandi Finance Committee

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