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MCA Ramadan Iftar Sponsorship: First 20 Nights of Ramadan


raised of 0 USD goal

3 supporters, 41 days left

Impact: Santa Clara, CA

Registered 501(c)(3)

Verified for authenticity.

This campaign will collect all funds raised by April 4, 2025 at 6:45 AM EDT

Help use feed 400+ Muslims nightly during the first 20 nights of Ramadan at our Masjid: Muslim Community Association


Ramadan Iftar Together at the MCA

Sponsor to help us feed 400+ muslims nightly during the first 20 nights at our Masjid in Santa Clara: Muslim Community Association of SF Bay Area

  • Iftar will be served Monday - Thursday in the Khadijah Banquet Hall. Friday - Sunday we will be serving togo boxes.

The Muslim Community Association in Santa Clara is one of the largest Islamic Centers in the nation. Every year we offer free daily iftar for single and new muslims, however we still encourage all community members to attend.

Iftar Sponsorship Cost

This year we are planning to host around 300-500 people during the weekday but that number can go up to 700 during the weekends. The price of food has gone up with inflation and in addition we have to pay for supplies, setup, and cleaning. Supplies also include milk, dates, plates, cups, spoons, and tea. Therefore, the prices include the cost of the meal and all associated expenses. 

To sponsor an iftar you can choose from different giving levels:

  • Host 1 person: $16 per meal
  • Host a family or more than 1 person
  • Sponsor entire night for $6,400 (Your dedicated name can be broadcasted for community dua)
  • Sponsor half the night for $3,200 (Your dedicated name can be broadcasted for community dua)

Jazakallah khair for taking to the time to read about our fundraiser. InshAllah even giving a little goes a long way to gain the reward of feeding another person during the blessed month of Ramadan and even if we can't afford it, may we get the reward of feeding each person just by sharing this fundraising with others. 

Family Name Recognition 

We would like to show our gratitude to you and the community by making an announcement the night of the iftar with a name of your choice. In addition we will include it in the offline and online Ramadan Iftar Calendar and in our newsletter. May Allah SWT accept your good deeds.

  • Please sponsor half a night or the entire night and send us a dedicated name


Overall Costs

  • Please note that iftar expenses at MCA during ramadan can run upwards of $140K and excess funds may be distributed across MCA ramadan iftar campaigns



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An Anonymous kind soul

$500 USD, 14 hours ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$3 USD, 4 days ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 7 days ago

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