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Organized by Judy Moussa

Mother of Nation, Clara Muhammad


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Impact: United States

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Help publish volumes II & III of the biography of Clara Muhammad, wife of Elijah Muhammad, mother of W. D. Mohammed, written by the late Dr. Zakiyyah Muhammad.


                                           by Dr. R. Zakiyyah Muhammad


The Institute of Muslim American Studies, Inc. (IMAS) is seeking to raise $10,000 to publish volumes two and three of Dr. Zakiyyah Muhammad’s book, Mother of the Nation: Clara Evans Muhammad. Donations received in excess of the initial budget will be applied to publishing hardcover and audio versions of the book. 


What makes this book distinctive?

    • --Unlike most studies on the Nation Of Islam that depend on secondary information, this book preserves the views, opinions, and statements of primary sources, including numerous members of Clara Muhammad's immediate family.

  • --Meticulously investigated and maintaining a scholarly perspective, the book presents a spiritually-based narrative of the formation, growth and culmination of the Nation of Islam, and then its remarkable transition to traditional Muslim tenets and beliefs.

  • --The book offers an enthralling introduction of Al-Islam useful for propagation (dawah) and for presenting to converts the doctrines and principles of their new religion.

  • --It highlights the significant contributions made by Muslim women to the development and growth of Islam in the USA.

  • --It documents the contributions of African American Muslims to the origins of homeschooling in the United States.

  • --It represents the culmination of author, scholar, and teacher, Dr. Zakiyyah Muhammad’s life's work, and the fruit of her passionate dedication to Islamic education.


     Clara Evans Muhammad (1899-1972), was a mother who set out on a mission that radically transformed her society and changed the course of U. S. history.   She was the co-builder of the Nation of Islam (1931-1975) along with her husband, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

     In 1930 when the mystic W. D. Fard Muhammad founded the Lost Found Nation of Islam in the Wilderness of North America, he not only chose Elijah Poole to be its leader but he also chose Clara Evans. He selected the pair realizing that Elijah needed a supporter and helper in the unprecedented work of building a Nation.

Her Life is Emblematic of a People

     The life of Clara Evans Muhammad is more than the story of a single soul. It is a commentary on the circuitous journey of a people searching for its lost identity and finding it. It is the story of a human soul – emblematic of a people – reaching for the right to live a dignified human life. 

     Her life describes a woman‘s faith in God for freedom from oppression, her love and devotion to her husband and family, and the power of maternal instincts to protect and advance her goals.

    Clara Evans Muhammad is of the tradition of Mothers whose names are often lost to history. Her work was shadowed by her legendary husband, Elijah Muhammad, whereas other great women’s work is often enhanced by such renown. Yet, Clara’s work was unique, even unprecedented by some standards, due to the level of poverty from which she ascended after marriage.

Clara's Contributions

     --Her impact on women, education, and Muslim leaders has spanned five generations influencing the largest identifiable community of Muslims in the United States of America. To that community, she is Mother Clara.

    --Clara was the first official member and teacher of women in the MGT&GCC (Muslim Girls Training and General Civilization Class).   It was the first official class for Muslim women.

     --Clara Evans Muhammad was the primary motivator behind the pioneering University of Islam Schools. The school began in her home with her children.

     --Clara maintained and led the Lost Found Nation of Islam for nearly a decade while her husband was incarcerated.

     --Clara was personally responsible for bringing the Qur’an into the American penal system now called correctional institutions.

   -- Clara Evans Muhammad is regarded as an exemplary model of integrity, grace, elegance, and perseverance for women particularly Muslim African American women.

Volume One of the three-part series chronicles the formative years (1899-1930) of Sister Clara’s life. 

It was published on July 31, 2020, and is available on Amazon.




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