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IMAGINE getting the reward for sending someone to HAJJ!
You can now sponsor someone to receive the gift of a life opportunity to perform 'HAJJ'. Your donation will help sponsor someone who is:
What an amazing opportunity for both the recipient and of course, YOU the donor....just imagine getting the reward of someone else HAJJ! Think about it, for your small donation, you will get the reward of someone else:
It's can contribute to someone performing hajj by simply making a small donation!
By the will of Allah, through your generous donations we were able to provide Mike with a fully paid ticket to perform Hajj!
We visited Br Mike earlier this month in the hills of Kuala Baru, 2hrs north of Kuala Lumpur, where he is a full-time student at Darul Quran school for memorisation.
Mike is a 22yr old convert to Islam and is visually impaired (blind), yet he has managed to not only read the Qur'an in Braille, but also memorise 5 Juz (parts) of the Qur'an in a short time. Watch how we surprised Br Mike with his gift to Hajj!
The team at Tenfold have created a project platform which enables you, the donor to directly change someone's life by contributing to their Hajj Ticket. By simply providing someone with this gift, they will be the honoured guests of Allah to His house, where they can complete one their obligations, wash away their sins and become closer to Allah.
The My Hajj project, works in conjunction with trusted partners in participating countries.
Step-By-Step Process to My Hajj:
The recipient can then plan their time and arrange for their Hajj Trip!
Imagine reaping the rewards for someone who performs Hajj? Or what about getting the reward for helping someone turn back to Allah, pray to Him, repent to Him and have their sins wiped clean....all because you made a small generous donation!
All funds raised are directly used to enhance, develop and create the products/resources needed for the My Hajj Project, making a long lasting impact on a global scale.
All your generosity will be received by Allah in the form of Sadaqa Jariyah in-shaa-Allah, which is an ongoing charity, gifting Muslims from across the globe the opportunity to learn and establish an obligatory Pillar of Islam, Hajj.
Tenfold was established in order to provide a platform for Muslims to donate towards projects which only focus on having a on-going charitable reward! This is all about our belief of making your donation work harder for you : )
Alhamdulillah we have successfully formed an international network to assist in the implementation and promotion of these projects.
Iman Projects is based in Sydney & Malaysia, founded by Br Mohammad Quadan & Br Ibrahim Chahal. With over 17yrs experience working within Dawah & Community Focused businesses and organisations, they have been able to successfully contribute to many local and international dawah projects.
In 2014 Brothers Mohammad & Ibrahim were invited by the Electronic Dawah Committee of Kuwait to Istanbul, Turkey to sit as Inaugural Members of the Global E-Da'wah Committee.
This is you opportunity to get involved and be part of this amazing project! Choose from one of the options on the right hand column and the rewards are endless.
A Share
You are guaranteed a share in someone Hajj! No matter how small the donation it will help us book the Hajj ticket for someone who deserves it but cannot afford it.
310 claimed
A Contributor
Alhamdulillah! Your donation is a good chunk of someone's Hajj now. You get a share in the reward of every Tawaf, every Salah and everything they learn from this trip!
141 claimed
Good Chunk
This is a good chunk of the cost of Hajj This donation could pay for a few nights hotel for someone going to Hajj and you are getting a big piece of that inshaAllah! You will get a share in the reward of someone going to Hajj!
21 claimed
To give you some perspective, this donation is enough to cover someone's flight to Makkah! All donations will contribute towards the overall Hajj but we just want to say JazaakAllah Khayr for this massive donation!
3 claimed
Half a Hajj!
This donation is enough to cover half of someone's Hajj! In some countries, this will help us pay for a FULL Hajj! May Allah bless you and accept this from you! JazaakAllah Khayr for this massive donation!
0 claimed
Full Hajj!
This donation is enough to cover someone's Hajj! Your donation is enough to help fund an entire Hajj for someone who cannot go on it! May Allah bless you and accept this from you! JazaakAllah Khayr for this massive donation!
0 claimed
2X Hajj
Allahu Akbar!!!!! This donation is enough to cover Hajj for 2 people! Your donation is enough to help fund an entire Hajj for 2 people who cannot go on it! May Allah bless you and accept this from you! JazaakAllah Khayr for this massive donation!
0 claimed
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Shahnaz Bi
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
No Name
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
mrs rakhshinda khan
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
You helped someone go to Hajj!!!
Assalamu Alaikum,
On this blessed night, that is possibly Laylutul Qadr, I would like to personally say thank you and ask Allah from the bottom of my heart to bless you and your family in this life and the next, may He grant you to enter Al-Jannah from any of gate you desire. Ameen
Your donation will help someone who is deserving and cannot afford to, actually Perform their Hajj!
In return you will get the reward for each prayer they make, each tear they shed, each Tawaf they perform when they perform their Hajj in shaa Allah! This is a blessing indeed!
But let us not stop here, with your help we can send many more people to Hajj from across the us make this happen and simply share the Launchgood link across your WhatsApp and FaceBook social networks and urge others to obtain the same rewards insha’Allah! YOU TOO WILL GET THE REWARD FOR WHAT THEY DONATE : )
Your Brother,
Mohammad Quadan
Insta: @mohammadquadan
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