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Asalamaulikum wa Rahmatullah!
Outshine the Sun is a book detailing the lives of 40+ Muslim women in history! While it is primarily a children’s book, the text is informative and entertaining for people of all ages. The women in this book are role models for us today, and the lessons their lives provide- holding to faith despite hardship, working to serve the community, and aspiring towards excellence in everything- resonate throughout time.
We hope you support our work and we appreciate your consideration!
In history and her-story,
We hear some tales of mystery.
We learn old truths and long-lost dreams,
We find these heroes of our deen.
These Forty Women changed the world-
They lived their faith, and legends paled.
Their lights were brighter than the sun.
Let’s read their stories one by one.
What this book entails
This book contains 40+ biographical entries on Muslim women! The figures discussed in the book come from a wide range of geographies, backgrounds, and times, extending from the Prophet SAW’s day to the present! They are scholars, heroes, scientists, poets, and more.
Figures in the book include:
-Fatima RA, the daughter of the Prophet SAW
-Rabia al-Adawaiyya, the 8th century pious predecessor
-Fatima al-Fihri, founder of the worlds’ oldest college
-Razia Sultana, ruler a wide swath of the Indian subcontinent
-Malahayati, defender of Aceh, Indonesia from invasions
-Nana Asma’u, teacher and translator of Islam for thousands of people
And many more!
Each entry contains:
-a beautiful watercolor illustration, rich in meaning.
-a biography for children rendered as a quatrain poem.
-a quote from the figure (if one can be found in historical sources)
-details of where and when she lived
-an explanation of the symbolism in the illustrations
-a prose biography for older children and parents
-a list of some of the lesson’s that can be learned from the figure’s life
Additionally, after every 5 entries, there is a two page spread detailing exercises that children might do to internalize the values learned!
Our goal with this format is to help readers learn about the lives of these women in aesthetically-pleasing, informative, and entertaining ways, and to make it clear how relevant their lives are to us today.
Why this book
Western Media portrays Muslims as exceedingly patriarchal, and unfortunately many Muslims buy into that same myth. They forget that the first person to accept Islam was a woman, that Islam was passed down and further by pious, educated women. They don’t acknowledge that Muslim women have always played crucial roles in building our civilizations and cultures.
Knowing this history is important, both because it undoes so many of the biases that exist today, but also because it inspires us and teaches us what is possible. Muslim women throughout history are incredible role models- to Muslim girls, yes, but honestly to everyone. This book is an attempt to teach and popularize a small chunk of this history.
How are you helping?
By supporting this campaign, you are helping Fons Vitae afford publishing and distribution costs. In addition, you can receive physical or digital copies of the work, and thereby help with its spread! The great help is simply to read the work and make dua- financial support and buying copies is also welcome though :)
If this campaign is successful, we anticipate distribution of the giving level tier rewards and publication in late Summer 2023 inshaallah. We intend to include the names of all supporters (who do not give anonymously) at the end of the book.
Who are we?
Selam! I’m H. Sumeyra Korkmaz, the book’s illustrator and formatter. I am currently working on my PhD in Islamic studies at Marmara University in Istanbul. I’m the co-founder of a Children’s education NGO in Turkey and a student of classical illumination techniques. You can see some of my artwork here.
Salam everyone! I’m Abdul Rahman Latif, the book’s author. I’m a PhD Candidate in Religion at Columbia University in New York. I currently serve as the Muslim Chaplain at Dartmouth College. My research, my work, and my creative pursuits all involve a love of storytelling and education.
We met several years back when we worked on another, much smaller children’s book at the behest of a mutual friend. That children’s book is available freely online here. Inshaallah we think that both our art and writing have improved since then!
Our publisher, Fons Vitae ("al-Kauthar" or “fountain of life”), is a non-profit academic publishing company based in Louisville, Kentucky, that specializes in interfaith scholarly works focused on world spirituality. It is known for its significant English translations of Arabic and Persian works, especially in the field of Islamic spirituality, Tafsir and Jurisprudence. Its award-winning books and DVDs are used throughout the world in university classrooms and by the general public. Fons Vitae was founded by A. Gray Henry, who co-founded the Islamic Texts Society (ITS) in 1980 after studying at al-Azhar University for 10 years. Fons Vitae is well known for its The Ghazali Children's Project.
Jazak Allah Khair to Aimen Mimiko for making the campaign video, Sister Grey for her support, and our many proofreaders and friends who gave feedback- Sherife Slocum Arslan, Rümeysa Öztürk, Aisha Yaqoubi, Husna Zülfikar, Attiya Latif, Sarah Mokh, Saadia Yacoob, Zaid Adhami, Sarah bin Tyeer, Zawar Jafri, Salwa Ahmed, and Sania Rahim, among others. Also thanks to you for taking a look at this campaign!
Receive a downloadable art print! Expected delivery late summer 2023. All supporters who do not give anonymously will be mentioned at the end of our book inshaallah!
1 claimed
Recieve a digital copy of the book and a downloadable art print! Expected delivery late summer 2023.
3 claimed
Receive a physical hardback copy of the book and a downloadable art print! Shipping included within the US, if outside the US we will ask you to pay the shipping cost. Expected delivery late summer 2023.
21 claimed
Receive two physical copies of the book and a physical copy of an art print of a figure from the book! Shipping included within the US, if outside the US we will ask you to pay the shipping cost. Expected delivery late summer 2023.
11 claimed
Receive four physical copies of the book, and one physical art print! Shipping included within the US, if outside the US we will ask you to pay the shipping cost. Expected delivery late summer 2023.
20 claimed
Receive 40 copies of the book + 25 art prints! Shipping included within the US, if outside the US we will ask you to pay the shipping cost. Expected delivery late summer 2023.
1 claimed
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Ahmad albuainain
Nilufer R Shaikh
Aisha Ahmed
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Hassaan Shahawy
Shafaat khan
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
For international orders
This message applies only to international donors.
It appears that several of the international donors did not share email addresses so I’m unable to connect you directly to the publisher. Please email
Say in the subject line that you already paid for the book, that you just need to pay for shipping, and provide your mailing address and name.
Thank you!
Copies sent out! Book published!
I want to thank you all again for your patience and support!
The book’s publisher, fonsvitae, is sending copies out to all US addresses- everyone’s should arrive by the end of the month inshaallah. The address used were those retrieved last year, plus any updates given in the google form in August. If you do not receive a copy, please email
If your shipping address is international, you will be a part of an email chain with the publisher shortly, where you can work with them on shipping inshaallah.
If you ordered an ebook, expect a pdf version of the text in your inbox by October 15.
Unfortunately we weren’t able to fulfill the prints part of the rewards, but the book is longer than originally planned.
I hope you find it of benefit, keep us all in your duas, and forgive us for any and all shortcoming in the work and in this process.
Allah bless!
Indicate new address for book shipping
Salam all!
Just a reminder to fill out this form an indicate your new shipping address if it has changed since last year. Please fill it out by 8/20/24.
Muslim Women in History Books printed! Shipping this fall inshaallah! Please update mailing address
I'm very excited to say that Fons Vitae has printed the book and we will be able to ship rewards out this fall inshaallah!
I want to thank everyone for your immense patience. Publishing is a slow and meticulous process, and I definitely undercounted and misunderstood the timeline. We are really excited to get this book out to the public, to islamic school and orgs, and that would not have been possible without your support. Allah bless you.
I realize that folks' mailing addresses may have changed since backing this campaign. Please fill out this form by 8/20/24 if you have a new address, otherwise books will be sent to your old address.
The publisher has told me that shipping abroad is difficult; she asks that if any backers who are outside the US, are able to pay for shipping themselves, it would be appreciated. You can contact me through messaging on launchgood if you are willing to do so.
Jazak Allah Khair
The Publisher is working hard!
Asalamualikum everyone!
Jazak Allah khair for your patience. We finished our children's book, Outshine the Sun: 40 Muslim Women in History, several months ago. The publisher has been working hard on formatting in the meantime- the process takes a lot longer than we understood. We are optimistic that we can have the book out to you by the end of the year.
Jazak Allah Khair! The campaign is finished alhamdulilah!
Asalamualikum wa Rahmatullah!
Jazak Allah Khair for the support! Alhamdulilah we have enough funds to move forward with the project. We'll be working with our publisher, Fons Vitae, over the next few months to iron out final details and get things to the press! We hope and pray inshaallah to be able to send out rewards late summer as initially planned, but we ask for your patience as publishing can be complicated and it may take a little longer.
We will be in touch inshaallah! We can't wait for you to have the book!
Abdul Rahman
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