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Organized by Penny Appeal USA

Yasmin Elhady Gifts Light, Power and Water with #PAUSA


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3 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Registered 501(c)(3)

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Help #PAUSA and Yasmin Elhady create Sustainability through Solar Panel Water & Power Centers

What's the issue?

780 million people are living without clean drinking water. In parts of Africa and Asia, people have to walk up to five miles to get clean water for their village. Women in Africa and Asia walk four miles to get the same amount of water that Americans use in two minutes on average in a shower. Access to clean water is one of the most pressing issues for communities around the globe. Through this campaign, we hope to help tackle the crisis directly!

How will this campaign help solve the problem?

By harnessing the power of the sun and promoting sustainability!
Our Solar-Powered Water Wells use the sun as their source of power. Throughout the day, solar panels absorb and generate a flow of electricity that powers the water well. These panels can work under low light conditions at reduced power without stalling or overheating. These water reservoirs are especially beneficial for dry areas, where the sun is always shining!

The advantages of Solar Water Wumps include:

- No need for fuel or electricity, making the wells ideal for rural communities
- Low maintenance cost and easy operation
- Environmentally friendliness
- Sustainable solution: The panels, converters, and batteries can survive up to 25 years, therefore, ensuring the sustainability of water access
- Reliable water access means women and children no longer have to walk miles to access water from neighboring villages

Why should you contribute to this campaign?

Access to clean water leads to healthier lives, better-educated communities, and a route out of poverty. Safe and reliable water access enables locals to drink, wash, clean, and irrigate their crops as well as hydrate their animals. Helping others get easy access to clean water means so much less they have to worry about!

Facts & Figures

More than 4,000 villagers have benefitted from the current Solar-Powered Water Centers! These incredible feats of engineering not only provide running water to the homes of up to 1,500 people and 1,000 livestock but also supply electricity and power to schools and places of worship! Placed in desert areas, the Solar Water Panel and Power Centre can fill a reservoir that holds three days’ worth of water to ensure they don’t go without it on those cloud-covered days.

​Which countries are you bringing clean water to?

This campaign will bring clean water to Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan

How much does it cost to help bring clean water?

One Center provides for 3,000+ individuals ($30,000) - Beneficiaries are provided a water supply – piped water with gravity force which will supply water in public places!

Will this initiative be carried out by a trusted nonprofit?

Yes! Penny Appeal USA is a relief and development organization with a BIG vision for the world. We want to create the best societies we can and break the cycles of need and poverty for good. This is why we work to turn small changes into a BIG DIFFERENCE.
Our vision is a world that is united and strong! Where communities work together to support one another, leaving need and poverty behind for good!
If you have any questions about Penny Appeal USA, please see our recent Annual Report.

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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 3 years ago

Miriam Ahmad

$5 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$3 USD, 3 years ago


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