Organized by HCICANADA

Provide Hot Meals During Ramadan in Gaza w/ Shaun King


raised of 0 USD goal

30959 supporters, 33 days left

Impact: Palestinian Territories

Zakat-verified fundraiser.

Registered Charity

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by July 30, 2024 at 6:30 PM EDT

Gaza is at Risk of Starving

For nearly 150 days, the people of Gaza have endured a brutal genocide. Over 90% of Gazans have gone at least one day without food, but the blockade has become so absolutely awful that we are now seeing the first babies and children literally die of starvation and malnutrition. The entire nation is starving, but together, we can change that. And we must.

Day by day, as fewer aid trucks are let in, and evil colonizers block the border entry points, the equation is simple - the supply of food is only meeting a tiny fraction of the demand. Food prices have skyrocketed so much that one Palestinian husband just spent the final $95 he had to buy a tiny single portion of rice and a single portion of meat for his wife. 

Food is so scarce that storing and protecting whatever food you have has become dangerous. The lack of proper nutrition is now causing new illnesses to develop among the formerly healthy and is making every pre-existing illness and ailment so much worse. That’s why we are aiming to provide hot and nutritious meals all over Gaza throughout Ramadan this year. 

The wonderful staff at Human Concern International, with your help, have been working hard to provide daily food boxes throughout Gaza. But this growing problem need not persist. Together we can fight hunger for our Palestinian brothers and sisters. And for this project, we have joined together with the humanitarian Shaun King and Ali Aldaly, a young Palestinian leader on the ground in Gaza that has been working with Shaun for months to provide food and shelter to Palestinians that have been overlooked. 

Providing food for those in need not only fulfills a fundamental aspect of Islamic faith but also fosters unity and solidarity among individuals and communities.‘The Messenger of Allah (saw) was asked, “Which charity is best?” He replied, “[Providing] water”’. [Abu Dawud] This Ramadan, we have the opportunity to live like the early generation of Muslims by showing concern for the less fortunate through the practice of Sadaqah.

Our donors empower us to work collaboratively with communities facing food insecurity to find equitable and practical solutions to address the shortage while also training locals to be part of the program’s leadership and implementation. By donating, you can help prepare hot meals to the families and  ensure that they don't go to bed hungry during this holy month. In Islam, the reward for providing food and water to the poor, the needy, and the thirsty is immense, and your donation will help you earn this reward.


Hello Friends,

It's Shaun. I hope you are doing well. 

First off, thank you so much for your donation for our Ramadan Hot Meal Program in Gaza. Because of you, we've served over 100,000 meals to families that literally would not have received anything at all had we not delivered them. 

As you know though, after the slaughter of 7 staff members of World Central Kitchen, which was the largest daily provider of meals in Gaza, they have pulled out and suspended all of their operations. So have several other NGO's that provided meals there. 

It's my earnest belief that this was always Israel's goal. They want to starve Palestinians to death. This isn't my educated guess, they have literally said so. For those that don't starve, they want to push them into Egypt, then steal the land for themselves. 

We CANNOT let this happen. 

I planned on this project only lasting the month of Ramadan, but we are clearly going to have to continue much longer. 

So here is my earnest request - if you can give again today, please do so. 

I don't care if it's $5 or $5,000. It's going to take ALL HANDS ON DECK. 

To give you some context, last year the annual budget of World Central Kitchen was $500 million. We've raised $2.5 million. 

See the difference? 

Our staff, though, can't be evacuated. They are all local Palestinians. And they need our full support. 

Please, chip in today with your best donation. 

Here's the link:


Your friend and brother,



Food box distributions for Ramadan

This campaign is dedicated to fundraising on behalf of Human Concern International, a registered charity in Canada. The collected funds will be directed to this charity. 

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Updates 1

HCICANADA3 months ago

Update from Shaun

Hello Friends,

It's Shaun. I hope you are doing well. 

First off, thank you so much for your donation for our Ramadan Hot Meal Program in Gaza. Because of you, we've served over 100,000 meals to families that literally would not have received anything at all had we not delivered them. 

As you know though, after the slaughter of 7 staff members of World Central Kitchen, which was the largest daily provider of meals in Gaza, they have pulled out and suspended all of their operations. So have several other NGO's that provided meals there. 

It's my earnest belief that this was always Israel's goal. They want to starve Palestinians to death. This isn't my educated guess, they have literally said so. For those that don't starve, they want to push them into Egypt, then steal the land for themselves. 

We CANNOT let this happen. 

I planned on this project only lasting the month of Ramadan, but we are clearly going to have to continue much longer. 

So here is my earnest request - if you can give again today, please do so. 

I don't care if it's $5 or $5,000. It's going to take ALL HANDS ON DECK. 

To give you some context, last year the annual budget of World Central Kitchen was $500 million. We've raised $2.5 million. 

See the difference? 

Our staff, though, can't be evacuated. They are all local Palestinians. And they need our full support. 

Please, chip in today with your best donation. 


Your friend and brother,


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