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Organized by PaliRoots

Provide Nutritious Meals for Children in Gaza


raised of 0 USD goal

9304 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Gaza

Zakat-verified fundraiser.

Registered 501(c)(3)

Verified for authenticity.

This campaign will collect all funds raised by June 3, 2021 at 3:00 AM EDT

Your donation will provide fresh, healthy meals to Palestinian children in Gaza to combat malnutrition.

1.3 million Palestinian refugees living in Gaza are fighting HUNGER, according to the UN. After decades of occupation and a tight blockade, families struggle to access basic things like clean water and medicine, and more than half of the population is living in poverty, making it especially difficult to battle against disease and malnutrition. It is time we use our collective voice to help children in Gaza grow up healthy and strong.  😓

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PaliRoots and MECA teamed up to Feed School Children in Gaza.

The Children of Gaza Need Our Support

With the population of Gaza reaching close to 2 million and over 50% under the age of 18, it is our duty to help ease the living situation due to the ongoing siege in Gaza. Our work primarily focuses on children as they are the future hope for Palestine.

We partnered with the Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA) team to do a 3-month pilot program to research food and nutrient deficiency in four kindergartens in some of the poorest areas of the Gaza Strip. We found that among the 372 children at these kindergartens, 37% were anemic, 4.1% were stunted, 23% were at risk of stunting, 3% were underweight, 20.5% were overweight, and 14.2% were obese.

At the end of the pilot program, the results showed a significant improvement in the health of the children. This also increased their desire to attend school more regularly. Their attention and behavior improved as well. We are thrilled to continue this project and seeing the happy faces from the parents, teachers, and children makes us even more excited to continue this beautiful work.


Helping Families Stay Together

The MECA Project Assistant Wafaa El Derawi is a trained nutritionist and experienced nutrition educator. She oversees all aspects of the project including the weekly plans for balanced meals. Each day differ but the meals include foods such as chicken, meatballs, lentils, salads, fresh and cooked vegetables, fresh fruit and, milk.

Four women are in charge of purchasing nutritious, affordable ingredients to prepare the food which is delivered five days a week to these kindergartens. The head cook is Im Wadee, who has experience in a previous nutrition project with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Im Wadee is a mother of 8 children and her work is the only source of income for her family.

Hala, who worked in the pilot project, is the assistant chef. Her work supports her father who is ill, four brothers, and a sister with two sons as well. Two additional women will be hired as assistant chefs as the program continues to grow.

Why Should I donate?

> To help Children in Palestine

> To support the local economy

> To protect your blessings

> It makes you feel so good ❤️️

> To empower the community

> It's Tax-Deductible 

> Teach your children to be generous

> Help women-led families to be financially sustainable 

Our Mission

PaliRoots is a social-cause brand that is inspired by the courage and strength of the Palestinian people. Each product they craft has a story that empowers their community with the goal to provide the world with resources, information, and remembrance for the future generations to come. They donate to various Palestinian charities and are sponsors of this food drive. Learn more today. 

Our Partner

MECA works to protect the health, lives, and rights of children in the Middle East. The primary tools they use are aid, education, and empowerment. Programs include direct humanitarian relief as well as projects to help support income generation. Human rights awareness is also improved by encouraging dialogue on the international level.

Supported By:

The Nut House Company was founded in 1953 in Amman-Jordan and was known for roasting top of the line grade A quality tree nuts. They operate 2 stores in Chicago, IL and Patterson, NJ, and even have an online store!  Shortly after they opened their small shop in Amman, many locals started to frequent the store looking for the amazing taste of their fresh imported and daily roasted tree nuts. This eventually attracted all the 5 stars hotels in the country and region. Learn More about The Nut House Today. 

Dalia Elcharbini

Dalia Elcharbini is a Palestinian-Canadian contemporary artist based in Toronto. Her subject matter is inspired by her Palestinian roots and the philosophy of Taoism. Her work aims to tap into the human mind and elevate the viewer into a higher state of consciousness. She believes that a big part of her artistic calling is to shed light on the real identity, beauty and story of Palestine by intentionally leaving traces and symbols of her culture throughout her body of work in an attempt to honour and bring awareness to the Palestinian culture and the real narrative of the occupation. She proudly donated beautiful artwork which has brought tremendous support to this campaign. It was shared over 67,000 times!

Feed a Child today and share your impact with your friends on Whatsapp groups, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter! Thank you for your support and generosity. 

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Recent supporters

Melissa Briley

$15 USD, 3 years ago

Amerah H Kassim

$205 USD, 3 years ago

Khadijah Darboe

$150 USD, 3 years ago

Ahmad Farouk

$15 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$90 USD, 3 years ago

Zaneb Hasan

$1 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 3 years ago

Daniah K Khalayleh

$30 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 3 years ago

Gasser Khaled

$15 USD, 3 years ago

Jahid Sojib

$15 USD, 3 years ago

The Nut (1 donor)

$9,000 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$250 USD, 3 years ago


$15 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$300 USD, 3 years ago

Ayesha Shadan

$150 USD, 3 years ago

Meher Stevie

$30 USD, 3 years ago

Umer Khan

$15 USD, 3 years ago

Umer Khan

$15 USD, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 3 years ago

Updates 1

PaliRoots3 years ago

Ramadan food parcels for families in Gaza!

Thanks to your generous donations, 400 families in Gaza received food parcels with lentils, beans, cheese, and chicken plus fresh produce and special Eid cookies! 

Due to the rise in COVID-19 cases, all kindergartens are closed in Gaza. But with your support, MECA and our partners are making sure more than 2,000 children in Gaza are getting healthy, nutritious meals every day during Ramadan while they stay safe at home. Thank you!

Each food parcel is packed with healthy foods purchased from local farmers and cooperatives

Women in Gaza bake Eid cookies for the PaliRoots meal program Ramadan food parcels

Preparing some of the 400 food parcels for distribution

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