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Organized by Quranic Insights

Quranic Insights


raised of 0 GBP goal

1347 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Walsall, England

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by December 31, 2021 at 6:45 PM EST

Quranic Insights offer EVERYTHING for FREE! From Our Weekly/Monthly Courses, as well as our one-off webinars! Your support helps us reach the Ummah Worldwide!

About Quranic Insights

Quranic Insights have been providing Tajweed Classes to students around the world for FREE. Since Ramadhan 2020, we have had over 3000 students sign up for our various free courses.

Since then, we have expanded in delivering and initiating various projects, courses and webinars. Including specialised courses for those who have recently embraced Islam, and for many born Muslims who desire to practice our religion more seriously, Alhamdulillah. 

- In under a year, we have enrolled and taught up to 2,000 students how to recite Quran! Many whom are new Muslims, as well as many born Muslims who wanted to reconnect with the book of Allah by reciting with Tajwid.

We are projecting that the number will be at least double that for next year insha-Allah!

- These Tajwid classes, we enrol 200-300 students per month, from people around the world. From Australia, New Zealand, Indian sub-continent, Europe, to the U.S, Canada, and even the Caribbean! Alhamdulillah

- As well as these classes, we have also arranged many other Islamic courses/webinars.

All of that has been totally FREE for everyone, and my promise is to always keep our courses/webinars totally FREE insha-Allah!

- We also set up a Hifdh School inside Syria itself, in Idlib. It's a dedicated Quranic Insights Hifdh school, for students, refugees, orphans who have been displaced due to the ongoing war and conflict.

Currently Quranic Insights is funding/sponsoring all the 5 teachers, and 100 students in our Hifdh school. (more details on our website)

How does this all work if everything is for FREE?

We have been able to grow so much, first and foremost, due to Allah's help and Barakah, which has manifested itself, no doubt.

I truly believe that, Quranic Insights has been able to achieve so much, and its success has been because of the Du'as and support of the students of Quran, and those who have participated in our other courses. As well as many others who have noticed our work and wished to play their part in furthering our mission.

- Currently our costs per month is around £3,000 - That's £36,000 for the entire year!

This is currently the financial situation. With no signs of slowing down, that yearly figure is set to rise even more, as we look towards providing more for you all in the coming year insha-Allah.

Why support Quranic Insights?

We believe that the starting point and the foundation of not only furthering one's advanced Islamic studies, but rather, the very acts of worship itself; Like Salah, is in being able to recite the word of Allah correctly.

In just a few months, the growth in the demand, and the growth in the number of students has grown exponentially.

Since Ramadhan, with hardly any promotion of the course, the number of students registering each month has been growing. This has mainly been through 'word of mouth' of students who have done the course in the previous months.

This is a testament to the success of our classes Alhamdulillah. May Allah continue to utilise us for the service of his Deen, and to accept from all of us. Aameen!

We have now recruited more teachers, and we project that we will require more teachers to come on board to meet the increasing demand.

Providing training, facilitating classes, amongst other things, our costs necessarily will increase.

We wish to keep the classes totally Free for all students going into the future. This is where you can help to earn yourselves immense Sadaqah Jaariyyah Insha-Allah, and to be part of this growing unique ground breaking project. Alhamdulillah.

How can you support us?

  1. Donate here on LaunchGood and share our link to get wider reach and support insha-Allah!

- Ramadhan around the corner, I am reaching out to you all to become Quranic Insights Ambassadors.

What will that entail?

- Simply, help Quranic Insights raise funds through your contacts this Ramadhan.

A fundraising page will be set up for you, and you just need to try your best in whatever you can manage to fundraise.

This work will continue Insha-Allah, and you can become a part of it even more so, as this will be a Sadaqah Jaariyyah (Continuous Charity) for you insha-Allah.

Whatever anyone benefits from the courses and webinars, that will be on your scale of good deeds on the day of judgement insha-Allah!

If you'd be interested in supporting us and becoming an ambassador for Quranic Insights this Ramadhan, please message me directly.

Full support will be given insha-Allah to help you fundraise.

Jazakumullahu Khyran

AbdulHayy Salloo
Quranic Insights.

  1. Set up a standing order/direct debit of whatever amount you are comfortable with. This will help us remain sustainable and will help us grow, in order to keep up with the demand. Sign up Here to set up a standing order:

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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

£15 GBP, 3 years ago

Miss Alima Bibi

£100 GBP, 3 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£1 GBP, 3 years ago

Mohammed Shahid

£12 GBP, 4 years ago

Mrs m begum

£15 GBP, 4 years ago

Miss Alima Bibi

£15 GBP, 4 years ago


£5 GBP, 4 years ago

Zar Hansa

£10 GBP, 4 years ago

J Shahed

£10 GBP, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£2 GBP, 4 years ago


£1 GBP, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£1 GBP, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£2 GBP, 4 years ago


£15 GBP, 4 years ago


£15 GBP, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£12 GBP, 4 years ago

MS K Zuber

£45 GBP, 4 years ago

Robina Kausar

£50 GBP, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£12 GBP, 4 years ago

H L Farah

£12 GBP, 4 years ago

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