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Dar al-Zahra Weekend Madrassa
Dar al-Zahra (UK) is a community charitable organisation that is run by women and serves women in Liverpool, UK and beyond. It is based upon three core and fundamental principles: Knowledge, Practice and Service.
Its activities of learning have been designed to give young women a sense of what it means to be Muslim and gain insight into their own selves and their place in society as a young Muslim woman living in the UK.
Students are taught a range of subjects such as Qur’an, Fiqh, Hadith, Sīrah, Shamā’il, Tafsīr and more. In addition to being taught the religious sciences, the students are also granted the opportunity to engage in various sports and arts such as Archery, Kayaking, Horse Whispering, Duff classes and Muay Thai. These activities help build positive relationship/companionship with both teachers and students, as well as giving students an opportunity to step out of their comfort zone and try new activities. The Trust is looking to offer much more opportunities over the coming years inshaAllah.
As the madrassa expands and develops the institute has introduced to its curriculum a fundamental course on ‘Why Islam is True’ in order to remove any doubts from the minds of the youth and to grant them confidence in their faith and identity as a Muslim woman. This course equips our students with the essential tools to navigate secular environments and defend Islam as the truth.
As part of implementing the sacred knowledge that is taught; Dar al-Zahra strives to cultivate a safe environment for its students to grow and develop. Students take part in group prayer and dhikr/remembrance of God weekly. In order to boost the confidence of these young women the students are encouraged to lead each other in the litanies and to deliver beneficial talks/reminders.
In Ramadan, the students are given the opportunity to take part in a Qur’an Challenge where they are required to recite a portion of Qur’an daily. This challenge not only encourages students to develop a connection to the Qur’an but allows them to compete with their peers in virtuous deeds.
As part of implementing the institute’s principle of service, the students have been involved in acts of service for the wider community. The students are given an opportunity to engage in acts of service inside and outside of madrassa. This is a good training ground for them to be able to grow and develop their skills for the wider community. They are given small tasks such as assisting with setting up and packing away of the madrassa.
They have also helped organise full day programmes that catered for over 150 women from all over the country. This service empowers our students and allows them to build upon fundamental skills such as team working, decision making, interpersonal skills, patience and more.
Charity Walk for Quilliam Mosque
Since its inception, Quilliam Mosque has opened its doors to Dar al-Zahra to hold its Weekend Madrassa for Young Women. In 2022, the Masjid required a large sum of money in order to secure part of its building. The Dar al-Zahra students and teachers took it upon themselves to support the cause and worked together in order to raise over 100k for the Masjid through various initiatives that was not limited to but included a group charity walk, food/bake sales and community gatherings.
International Work
Alhamdulillah we are truly blessed to offer weekly classes for women and young girls to a much wider audience through an online platform. These Programmes has reached over 50 countries and 5 continents. It offers the following Programmes online:
Teacher Training Programmes
In order to offer the best services to its students, Dar al-Zahra has successfully offered teacher training programmes to further develop their skills. Some of the programmes that the teachers have been involved in are:
Qur'ān Programme
Dar al-Zahra has over 50 volunteers to teach Qur’an to women all around the world during the blessed month of Ramadan. Alhamdulillah as part as this programme the institute has partnered with the Shifa institute in New Zealand to offer an intensive Quran and Qa’idah Nuraniyyah Course.
Why Islam is True Programme
Some of Dar al-Zahra teachers are also working with Basira Institute to complete its teacher training Programme on ‘Why Islam is True.’ Alhamdulillah, the teachers have started to deliver this course as part of its curriculum for the youth.
Hadith Ijazah Programme
Dar al-Zahra teachers were also given an opportunity to partner with Greensville Trust for an Ijazah Programme where the teachers were able to attain an ijazah in the well-known collection of Imam Tirmidhi’s Shamā’il, by one of the greatest scholars of our time.
Supporting the Work
Door of Blessings
214 claimed
In honour of the people of badr
67 claimed
Door of Juwayriya رضي الله عنها
51 claimed
Door of Umm Salama رضي الله عنه
86 claimed
in honour of the martyr's of badr
23 claimed
Door of Sawdah رضي الله عنها
24 claimed
Door of Maymuna رضي الله عنه
13 claimed
Door of Zaynab bin Khuzayma رضي الله عنها
9 claimed
In honour of the people of Badr
35 claimed
Door of Safiyyah رضي الله عنها
10 claimed
Door of Hafsa رضي الله عنها
12 claimed
Door of Zaynab bint Jahsh رضي الله عنها
4 claimed
Door of Umm Habiba رضي الله عنها
9 claimed
in honour of the martyr's of badr
2 claimed
Door of Aisha رضي الله عنها
8 claimed
In honour of the people of Badr
6 claimed
Door of Khadijda رضي الله عنها
4 claimed
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Bebi Assim
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Nura Hassan
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
I parveen
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Welcoming Dhul Hijjah
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ informed us that there are no days in which righteous actions are more beloved to Allah than the first ten days of this month.
Let us be of the most generous in the most beloved of days to Allah.
A Fragrant End
27th Ramadan
Last 10 Nights
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