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Organized by Faraz Yousufzai

Rebuilding Syria: One Village at a Time with Faraz Yousufzai


raised of 0 GBP goal

976 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: United Kingdom

UK Gift Aid

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FIRST village complete! Syria Relief are starting work on their SECOND village inside Syria! Let’s rebuild syria one home, one village at a time

One year ago we began building a brand new village inside Syria for thousands of people. Alhamdolillah it is complete and 5,000 people - mainly widows and orphans, have moved in. For the first time in over a decade hundreds of Syrian families have easy access to clean water, electricity, their own private toilet, kitchen, sewage facilities and the safety and security and privacy of a solid brick home.

We are now raising funds to complete the building of a second village for 4,500 people which will also include a large mosque, school and hospital. 

Help me raise funds to build the last 100 homes!


Watch the first families moving in HERE

Syria has seen a decade of death and displacement. Over 500,000 people killed and 11 million forced to flee their home.

Syria Relief, the leading NGO working in Syria, are helping to rebuild Syria. We’re building our second new village for 5,000 displaced Syrians in Northern Syria and we need your help.

This is a sadaqah jariyah project, like never before. Together, we can begin to correct some of the injustices forced upon the millions of victims of the brutal Syrian Civil War.

For £2,000 per family you can provide a Syrian family with a permenant home, that has 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, electricity, water and all the utilities they will need. 

£ 500 for a quarter share in a home and together we will build this!

Millions live in tents, fragile shelters or sleeping on the floors of bombed out buildings like schools and mosques. These shelters have no proper bathing and cooking facilities, they have no space and they provide no protection and offer no dignity. They are just temporary shelters, they are certainly not homes. Added to this, each winter extreme flooding in Syria causes damage to tents forcing families to flee their shelters once again, damaging and destroying what little property they have left.

Imagine the joy you will give them. Imagine the duas from the family!

Imagine the rewards you will receive for every moment of peace, safety and security they enjoy. 

Imagine every life saved in the hospital you help build and every child you help through the school you helped build and every believer that prays and heals in the masjid you helped build.

You are building a whole village for whole families. You are giving them a place of safety, security and beauty so they can live , grow and flourish once more.

What an incredible Sadaqa jariyah opportunity from Allah! How can we turn it down?

For £2,000 per family you can provide a Syrian family with a permenant home, that has 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, electricity, water and all the utilities they will need. 

£ 500 for a quarter share in a home and together we will build this!


You’ll be more than building a home, you’ll be building hope.

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A4na R4na

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$188 USD, 2 years ago

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