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Impact: Pakistan
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This campaign will collect all funds raised by June 24, 2023 at 5:46 AM EDT
Former teacher at Al-Ghazaly High School, Sr. Abir Hafez passed away on Monday, May 22nd. Our hearts go out to Sr. Abir, one of our dearest sincere sisters. Sr. Abir was known for her genuine kindness, mashaAllah. Her smile touched the hearts of every person she met. Her laughter was always contagious. She had a heart of gold towards everyone and was always very caring, kind, and compassionate. She loved everyone in Al-Ghazaly like family, treating them with gentle motherly affection. For 13 years, she drove 2 hours back and forth for her children to go to Al-Ghazaly Islamic School during their elementary and high school years. Her goal in life was for her children to get the best Islamic education and become upstanding members of the community. She was an amazing role model for her children, and dear and loving wife to her husband.
Sr. Abir was also known for her strength and faith. She always put Allah first in everything; she lived and died by Tawakul. These past 9 months since her difficult diagnosis, even through the toughest and most difficult times, she never complained. Every doctor and nurse she interacted with would remark “I’ve never met a patient as happy as Abir, she’s always smiling.” She truly put Allah at the center of every day, every relationship, and every action. May Allah grant her Jannat el Firdous, forgive her, and give patience and ease to her family.
Sr. Sally Amer:
“It is beyond an honor to be writing about my dear Sr. Abir. While words cannot do justice in describing her precious soul, there is peace in knowing that she is in a better place. The mere fact that she has impacted the lives of thousands (myself and children included) will serve as a sadiqa jariya. Sr. Abir’s presence lit up every room. Her face radiated light and purity – signs of her dedicated iman. Her smile alone had the power to lift burdens while providing comfort and ease. She was sincere in all her actions and helped with everything. I never heard her refuse a request or say no to anyone. She was a selfless woman who kept the ties of sisterhood alive. The sacrifices she made throughout her life were admirable and awe-inspiring. The love we have for Sr. Abir is truly for the sake of Allah and she will be greatly missed.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un: “Verily we belong to God, and verily to Him do we return.”
This is a reminder that death has been decreed by Allah, and we will all return to our Creator.
May Allah envelop Sr. Abir in mercy and forgiveness. May Allah grant ease to the hearts of the family and friends who grieve this loss. May her sickness be a means of absolving her sins. May Allah grant her Jannat Al-Firdaws. May Allah reunite us with our loved ones in paradise. Ameen. Ameen. Ameen.”
Continuous Charity for our dear Sr. Abir
This fundraising campaign can be considered a Sadaqa Jariya (continuing charity) in Sr. Abir's name. If you can donate anything at all, even as little as 50 cents, we and Sr. Abir's family would be appreciative beyond words. Please share the link to this fundraising campaign via Facebook, Twitter, email, or any other platform you would like.
Who will benefit from this gift in Sr. Abir's name
Currently, over 21 million Pakistanis suffer from a water sanitation crisis that has impacted the entire country. Major cities like Karachi and Lahore struggle to provide access to clean and safe drinking water, but the situation worsens amongst rural villages that not only lack modern systems, but also adequate healthcare. Contaminated water is the leading cause of diarrhea and other severe health conditions, resulting in death due to a lack of treatment in many of these underdeveloped villages. Children, more than any other demographic, are the most vulnerable victims of these health conditions as their immune systems are not developed enough to withstand the muddened and bacterially infected water they’re forced to drink.
Paani translates to water in Urdu, a beacon for our mission to produce both short and long-term solutions that ignite sustainable change against this water crisis. Our team’s foundation began as a student organization at the University of Michigan and we have since then become a certified non-profit organization. Paani’s purpose has and always will be to provide for people in need, bridging the gap between those able to help with the ones who need it most.
Every cent or rupee donated goes directly to the communities in Pakistan, whether it be through building wells, distributing food packs, or compiling hygiene kits. Paani faces no operating costs and so far we have built over 4,500 wells across rural Sindh and KPK, a number that grows daily with your support. However, Paani does not exist to provide only temporary fixes; our goal is to also tackle the permanent adversity at hand. Aside from the wells being put in place, Paani is also leading projects through education, health, and waste management efforts.
Our team strives to be transparent in every way possible, so you can rest assured that your donation will fund a valuable cause. We have several avenues in which we can use your support, whether it be donating a well on behalf of yourself or your family, donating for projects specifically geared towards our public health initiatives, or even something as small as buying Paani apparel and tweeting about us to your local community. Many families have donated multiple wells on behalf of deceased relatives, as sponsoring a well goes on to provide good deeds (sadaqah jariyah) to those passed.
The donation of a well includes the construction of the well, constant monitoring and testing of water samples for cleanliness and safety, and maintenance. Batches of sixteen wells get built at once with the price of one well averaging out to $200 USD. Paani currently accepts cards, checks, Paypal, Venmo, and Donorbox. Any and all donations are tax-deductible.
We thank you consistently for your support as we would never be able to make an impact without your help. Spread the word of our mission to those you know and check back with us frequently on our social media to see our progress!
Some of our accomplishments include
•Raising $1,850,000+ through grassroots fundraising
•Constructing over 4500+ wells in rural Sindh and KPK to provide 40,000+ families access to clean water
•Receiving partnerships with Microsoft Azure and Google’s nonprofit networks to begin pursuing global marketing campaigns
Learn More
Featured in the LATimes, Dawn, Geo TV, Parhlo, and USAToday Paani is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2017 in response to the growing water crisis in Pakistan. Lead by young professionals and university students, Paani is entirely volunteer-based and works to create public health-based impact in Pakistan. We have raised over $1,800,000, built over 4500 wells in rural parts of Pakistan (both in Sindh and in KPK), sent $500,000 in medical equipment to hospitals in Pakistan, and are now working to implement sanitation/hygiene-based curriculum in schools. For any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us on any of our social media platforms
Continuous Charity
85 claimed
Sadaqa Jariya
100 claimed
Give The Gift of Water
Provide access to clean water for the people of Pakistan today.
85 claimed
Give The Gift of Water
Provide access to clean water for the people of Pakistan today.
15 claimed
Give The Gift of Water
Provide access to clean water for the people of Pakistan today.
8 claimed
Give The Gift of Water
Provide access to clean water for the people of Pakistan today.
4 claimed
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Sadaqa Jariaya
Asma Shah
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Dahshan Mansour
Zakeer Hosain
Sharif Family
An Anonymous kind soul
Hala Mohamed
Malik Makkaoii
An Anonymous kind soul
Wells & Masjid
بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ وَلاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ وَلاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلاَّ بِٱللّٰهِ
In my mother’s life, she left an everlasting impact as a loving teacher, mother, sister, daughter, and friend to many. She lit every room with her beautiful smile. Her small acts of kindness were remembered by many. Numerous amount of people were inspired by her charisma, sabr, Ihsan, and heart of gold. She treated everyone with kindness like no other. Every day of her life, she lived with such Ihsan that set an example for many. Till this day, people come up to me and tell me beautiful stories about her that I cherish every day. She truly was an angel walking on this earth.
On behalf of the entire Hassan Family, I would like to thank every single person for their generous contributions. My family and I are truly blessed with an amazing community. My mother raised us in such a beautiful community that my siblings and I truly hold dear to our hearts. She’s sacrificed so much for us to grow and become great Muslims and alhamdulilah she was able to see all of us achieve success in our deen and education. It’s so clear why she loved this community so much. Because of you, this campaign started and truly flourished. The goal of the campaign exceeded its target goal multiple times in a matter of hours and alhamdulillah reached to such a high amount. With the help of all of you and the Paani team, we were able to meet over $30K to build in Pakistan:
- 10 Handpump Wells: providing clean water to different villages
- 1 Solar Panel Well: providing over 1,000 villagers clean water for drinking water/bathing/hygiene/food access, and also power & electricity from the solar panels to their communities
- 1 Masjid - Masjid Al Ihsan: providing villagers Allah’s home to pray and allow children to learn the Quran
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : "إذا مات ابن آدم انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاث: صدقة جارية ،أو علم ينتفع به، أو ولد صالح يدعو له" ((رواه مسلم))
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased)."
May Allah (SWT) accept this Sadaqah Jariyah, increase this in her weighted good deeds, have mercy on her soul and re-unite us all in Jannah. Remember this Dunya is very temporary, use your time wisely to increase your good deeds whether that's through teaching Islamic knowledge, increasing your 3elm, spreading kindness, smiling to one another, having sabr during hardship and happiness/success, and performing athkar. Try to implement little things in your day-to-day basis in the remembrance of Allah. Most importantly, perform every act (related to career/zakat/family/etc.) in this dunya with the intention towards Allah (SWT). And never forget to reach the goal in this Dunya to live life with Ihsan.
Please continue to remember my beautiful Mama and best friend in your duaas and prayers.
Thank you for changing lives forever.
Your donations will help these villagers for generations inshaAllah. And thank you to the Paani team for putting so much hard work and effort into this project, may Allah (SWT) reward them for such a tremendous job in these past 4 months mashaAllah Allahuma barik.
- Aya Hassan
MashaAllah & Alhamdulilah, thank you.
سُبْحَانَ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ واللّٰهُ أَكْبَر
I genuinely have no words to thank each and every one of you for surpassing the goal multiple times throughout this campaign in a matter of a few days and raising so much on behalf of Mama’s sadiqah jariyah, may Allah (SWT) reward you all. SubhanAllah & alhamdulillah, Mama’s goal in this life was for my siblings and I to grow within a strong & huge Muslim community, and alhamdulillah we are blessed with a beautiful one. Because of each and every one of you who’s contributed to this sadiqah on behalf of Mama, the Paani organization will be able to do so much more with this project. Your contribution will inshaAllah help so many children & families in Pakistan, may Allah (SWT) make this project a reason for their health and comfort. I can’t express how much gratitude this project brought to me and my family, it truly warmed our hearts throughout this difficult time. This wouldn’t have been possible without you all.
Mama has touched the lives of many even with the simplest acts of kindness, I cherish that my siblings and I were blessed with a beautiful role model who showed us true Ihsan in her everyday life. SubhanAllah, we are amidst the last 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, try to increase your Ibadah, smile to one another, perform zikr, and make duaa for the ummah. Most importantly, perform every act of good deed in this life with a pure intention for the sake of Allah (SWT), and never take for granted even the smallest of good deeds. May Allah accept this sadiqah jariyah on behalf of Mama, increase this in her weight of good deeds, & may she enter Jannat El Firdous inshaAllah. Eid Mubarak to everyone & may Allah (SWT) accept your sadaqah & increase your scale of good deeds 😊
- Aya Hassan
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