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Organized by Read Foundation

School Kits For Orphan Children


raised of 0 GBP goal

48 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Azad Kashmir, Pakistan

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by July 6, 2016 at 7:45 PM EDT

Be a hero to the orphan children studying in our scools

Be A Hero To Orphan Children

Is there a worthier cause than helping an orphan child with your zakat or sadaqa? Not according to the beloved prophet (upon him be peace) who has left us with numerous reminders about the honour achieved by the one who helps an orphan.

Some might call this heroism. And why not when a heroic act can take any form. Isn’t she a hero who helps the old lady across the street? How about the heroism of the man who spares some change? Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. There is a hero within every one of us.

So here is an opportunity for you to achieve that honour. We present you with a chance to become a hero. How? By supporting an orphan child to become educated.

Alhamdulillah today we are teaching 92,000 children across our network of schools. Most of these children are from poverty backgrounds who otherwise would not have been able to afford the quality of schooling they’re receiving.

Almost 10% of these children are orphans. That's 8,500 children who have nothing and nobody to help them. That’s where you come into the picture.

Support our campaign with your zakat or sadaqa. Gift a child or two or more with a pack so that they are properly equipped to learn. Your gift will play a crucial part in ensuring they are best placed to improve their future.

Because education works in solving their poverty.

Your Support Lets Kids Be Kids

Kids being kids, items such as school clothing, stationery and equipment need replacing multiple times a year. Stuff gets lost, worn out, or grown out of where energetic kids are concerned. The children in our schools are no exception, but particularly so because of the difficult terrain they live in. 

Many of our schools are servicing rural communities situated in remote mountainous areas, and as a result the average walk for pupils is a two hour trek across a mountain to get to school, come sunshine, rain or snow. As a result, items such as clothing in particular receive a huge amount of wear and tear and don't last as long.

Children need good quality shoes and clothing to protect them from the rocky terrain and unpredicatable weather that comes with living in mountainous regions. As well as a sturdy backpack strong enough to lug around their books and equipment on the long journey to and from school.

How You Can Help 

Gift a school kit to a child

A school kit comprises of a new school uniform, backpack and stationery, and a textbook bundle. Or you can split the kit and give one of the individual items as follows:

New school uniform – Provide a disadvantaged child with full uniform, including a jumper, two shirts, pair of trousers, and two pairs of shoes.

Backpack and stationery – Provide a disadvantaged child with a backpack containing notebooks and pencil case including pen, pencil, colouring pens, eraser, pencil sharpener and geometry set.

Textbook bundle – Provides a disadvantaged child with a textbook on Mathematics, English and Science.

It would absolutely be amazing if we could raise enough funds to provide all 8,500 of the orphan children in our schools with school kits but we've set a more realistic target of 1,000 children. Please support us so that orphaned children can be given the kits they need to excel at school.

Share this campaign with your friends and family!

Please spread the word so that others can support these kids too.

About READ Foundation

READ (Rural Education And Development) is a non-profit organisation working to create school places for children affected by poverty. We have been implementing educational and welfare projects in the developing world since 1994.

We started this journey with just £200, one teacher, 25 children, a desire to change the face of poverty forever built upon a belief that 'education works'. Today, we have enough places for 92,000 children to gain an education across 340 schools - 8,500 of which are orphaned.

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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

£2 GBP, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£15 GBP, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£55 GBP, 8 years ago

sul jawaid

£15 GBP, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£55 GBP, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£1 GBP, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£25 GBP, 8 years ago

shahien khan

£55 GBP, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£10 GBP, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£55 GBP, 8 years ago

N Yahi

£10 GBP, 8 years ago

Sara Burhan

£15 GBP, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£55 GBP, 8 years ago

Sabina Chowdhury

£10 GBP, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£15 GBP, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£55 GBP, 8 years ago

Hena Siddiqui

£55 GBP, 8 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£15 GBP, 8 years ago

Fatema Zohora

£15 GBP, 8 years ago


£110 GBP, 8 years ago


Updates 2

Read Foundation8 years ago

One day left


Thank you for your support in getting our crowdfunding campaign to this point. We couldn't have done it without you, and alhamdulillah one more orphan child now gets to replace worn out items to help them excel at school. Jazak Allah khair.

We still have some way to go to meet our target and get even more items replaced for the orphan children in our schools. And we need your help to get there.

Please share this campaign with your friends and family, and encourage them to donate for the benefit of orphan kids. There is still time left to benefit from the blessings of Ramadan insha'Allah, for them and you. Please help.

Jazak Allah khair


Read Foundation8 years ago

Thank you for your support


Thank you ever so much for supporting our crowdfunding campaign. Insha'Allah we will be able to provide some of the orphan children in our care with school kits that will help them to excel in their studies insha'Allah. All thanks to you!

We'd love to do more though. It'd be amazing if we could give more of our kids these school kits, particularly those children that are in desperate need of new items because they have grown out of them.

Many of these children depend entirely on the scholarship that we provide for them to go to school. The scholarship includes one uniform for the year but this often needs replacing for many children due to them outgrowing their clothes and shoes. Kids grow up fast! That's why we need your continued support.

Do please continue to support our campaign. Share the campaign page with your friends and family and get them to donate. We can take zakat or sadaqa for this project if you or they are yet to give any of these this Ramadan.

Please help, particularly as these are the last few days of Ramadan, of which one of these nights may well be the Night of Qadr.

We pray Allah continues to bless you and give you and us all the tawfiq to benefit from these last few nights of Ramadan. Amin.


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