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Organized by Osama Mourad

Help Train the Leaders of Tomorrow!


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Impact: Roswel, GA

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by November 17, 2016 at 12:00 AM EST

The Future Breeding Ground of Community Leaders

Troop 12 - The Future Breeding Ground of Community Leaders

The Troop 12 family is one that has always been growing, and now, with the recent graduation of three eagle scouts, it is time once more that we need a new set of trained leaders. The Boy Scouts program is one built around teaching through experience, and the framework of a troop has been, and always will be, one that is structured around having scouts guide other scouts to success. For this purpose of having a perpetual group of effective leaders, the Boy Scouts of America hosts a series of training camp programs for aspiring young torchbearers of leadership. When it comes to Troop 12, most of our scouts have taken the first step in this three step initiative, and are now looking to further advance their training by stepping on board with the second level of the training program known as the National Youth Leadership Training camp (NYLT) and eventually the third step which is titled National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE).  In order for this needed next stride to be taken, Troop 12 humbly requests your help in financing this initiative.

Why the Scouts Need to Advance their Leadership Training

As Boy Scouts, one of the three guiding factors from the Boy Scout Oath is “To help others at all times.” The intrinsic meaning behind this excerpt from the oath, taken by every scout at every outing, is that as scouts, it is essential that we use our abilities and knowledge to not only advance ourselves and our fellow scouts, but also to help bring a change for better in society. As good leaders, scouts are able to help outside their troop meetings, in the real world where such strong leadership is needed most. Attending NYLT & NAYLE is not a want, it is a must; NYLT & NAYLE will allow scouts to work with other future leaders to mutually advance their skills that will later benefit the world that all of us live in. The Boy Scouts of today are the foreign aid workers, the soup kitchen runners, the community service initiators, and the international heroes of tomorrow.

So What is NYLT & NAYLE?

The National Youth Leadership Training camps are individually focused training experiences that bring new skills and greater enthusiasm to the eventual beneficiaries of the world. These week long outings help shape the troop leaders into individuals that will then benefit the younger leaders in their settings and will solidify the troop at the Scout unit level. NYLT participants will work hard and play hard together as they put into action the best Scouting has to offer. After participating in NYLT, scouts have the opportunity to go ahead and take training at NAYLE camp, to take their skill to the ultimate level.

How can you Help?


We promise that every penny collected from generous investors in the future, such as yourself, will be put towards the attendance of scouts from troop 12 at NYLT & NAYLE. The current cost for attending both NYLT & NAYLE is around $500 per scout, and so it is quite a burden for individual parents to support such a large sum. For this reason, we simply request that you help ease this burden. Troop 12 Guarantees that every dollar invested here will have a profound impact on the world of tomorrow, so donate what ever you can afford! Atlanta needs your help, and as they say, it is better to teach the poor man how to fish than it is to give him a fish. May God reward you for your time, and please spread the word if that is all you can afford.

Thank you

- Troop 12

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Recent supporters

Chris Blauvelt

$4 USD, 9 years ago

Omar Hamid

$10 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$15 USD, 9 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 9 years ago

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