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Organized by Hussam Ayloush

Send Your Love to Mustafa Nizam's Family


raised of 0 USD goal

373 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Los Angeles, CA

Registered 501(c)(3)

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It is with deep sadness we share that our beloved brother Mustafa Nizam passed away on Friday night from a heart attack. Let us show our support to his family.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raj’ioun
With sincere acceptance of Allah’s decree we mourn the loss of our dear colleague and beloved brother Mustafa Nizam who passed away on Friday night, at a masjid, during a community event that he helped organize.

Mustafa was the Associate Outreach Manager at the Greater Los Angeles Area office of CAIR-CA. We pray to Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Forgiving, to grant Mustafa mercy, forgiveness, and Jannah. We pray that Allah grant his wife (and our colleague) Sr. Tazheen and their daughter Sabreena patience, strength, and reward for their patience as they deal with this difficult loss. Sr. Tazheen is the Executive Director of the San Diego office of CAIR-CA.

We have come together to support his family during this difficult time as a small token of gratitude to Mustafa and his family for all the sacrifices he has made to serve and empower our community, throughout Southern California. Sr. Tazheen and their daughter are facing loss that will always stay with them but we hope through this campaign we can alleviate some of the financial burden they face and let them know how much we appreciated Mustafa. And through our du'aas we pray that they are given the tawakkul and sabr they need.

Mustafa genuinely and deeply loved Allah, His Messenger, our Deen, the community, and his family, with passion; and Allah knows best. He had an unparalleled commitment to uplifting our community and advancing dignity and justice for all people.

Death is never easy. However, we console ourselves that Mustafa lived a life of giving to others and serving Allah, and he passed away in the same way, on a Friday at a masjid while helping empower our community. He was loved by everyone who had ever encountered him. May Allah accept from him all his good deeds and forgive his shortcomings. Verily, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.

Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. (Qur’an 3:185)

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Jamil Zaman

$300 USD, 2 years ago

Jamil Zaman

$3,000 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 CAD, 2 years ago

Odessa Y Oda

$25 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$250 USD, 2 years ago

Kathleen Boyle

$100 USD, 2 years ago

Patricia Duke

$250 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 2 years ago

Feroz Mojadedi

$50 USD, 2 years ago

Susan Smith

$50 USD, 2 years ago

Musaddique Thange

$150 USD, 2 years ago

Scott Hansen

$25 USD, 2 years ago

Kim davong

$25 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1,380 CAD, 2 years ago

From one of your many brothers

£447 GBP, 2 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 USD, 2 years ago

Abdullah Khan

$100 USD, 2 years ago

Updates 1

Hussam Ayloush2 years ago

Thank you from us and from Mustafa's family

Assalaamu Alaykum. Greetings of peace!

Thank you for showing so much love to the family of our dear late brother Mustafa Nizam. You, as a community, came together to send a generous gift of $50,000 to the family. While no gift can replace the family's loss, it will certainly help them deal with the unexpected financial challenges that result from such sudden death.

Below is a kind message that Sr. Tazheen, the wife of Br. Mustafa, wrote on her Facebook page to the community.

May Allah grant Mustafa mercy and Jannah. May HE grant the family patience. And may He reward you and bless you.

It has been 17 days ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I am grateful to Allah for my tribe. My tribe, that has stood by me in my most excruciating time. My family, that has been cradling me gently. My friends, that are hugging me tightly. My community, that is silently standing by me because we are all at a loss for words. There are so many people to thank for their amazing grace and generosity that it would take me weeks to write all their names. Please know that Sabreena and I know you love us, even if I have not had the chance to thank you. Please know that I hold you close to my heart even when I can’t say it with words. Please know that I am beyond grateful for all you have done and you are in my prayers all the time.

Know that each of you had a special place in his heart and know that he loved each of you individually. That amazing beautiful love of his will never be lost. His stories and his smile will always be with us. He loved beyond boundaries and barriers. He never let race, caste, creed, or social status get in the way of his love. He gave of himself generously whether it be love, attention, or just kind words. He stood for justice. He spoke loudly for people, who didn’t have a voice. He stood for people when they couldn’t stand up for themselves. He loved unconditionally and gave as much as he could.

There are so many people that have surrounded us in the last 2 weeks, by being there, with beautiful flowers, heartfelt cards, and nutritional food. I will thank each one individually as I get time.

The Nizam Family, my bio family, CAIR-CA family, CAIR National, my TCIC family that made the Azza possible, Bishop Mortuary and Katrina, Greenwood Cemetery, Ibrahim Lakhani and the folks from masjid Noor, the San Diego Activist community, San Diego Democratic party friends, Los Angeles folks that knew him, ADC, Alliance SD, Universidad Popular, my Vista community, POTC, PANA, Minority Humanitarian Foundation, Elected officials in San Diego. Congresswoman Sara Jacobs, Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer, Supervisor Nathan Fletcher and so many of those that I could not tag here because I am not the Facebook expert my husband was or the social butterfly he was.

I could never be as funny as him or as cool as him, but all I can do is live the rest of my life in the ways he showed me. My love and my gratitude are falling short on words, but my heart is full.
With love and gratitude - Tazheen

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