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Organized by Dr Faisal Ahmed

Rehabilitate the orphans of Bangladesh amid Covid-19 crisis with Zakat and Sadaqah


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19 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Dhaka, Dhaka Division

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by July 31, 2020 at 1:45 PM EDT

And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression. And fear Allah Taála; indeed, Allah Taála is severe in penalty Al Quran

Comprehensive rehabilitation program for orphans

Imagine, a 3 years old girl drenched to the skin in heavy rainfall is begging for foods to the wayfarers in a cold, rainy day. The situation is far worse when she is picked up by the pimps and sold to brothels in a country where prostitution is illegal. The same happens with the male child; only difference is that the little orphan boy will be picked by drug peddlers and trained to traffic and sell drugs throughout his life.

The situation is even worse amid the Covid-19 crisis. The whole country is under lockdown and the starving, poor little children cannot get alms to buy one meal a day. Few lucky ones who work in hazardous industries like battery making or steel rolling mills as child laborer are listed first on the layoff schedule. Right now when the Covid-19 crisis is at its worst, these pure, guiltless, adorable street children are praying for death lying on the streets.

Bangladesh, since its liberation in 1971, has not flourished enough to afford national rehabilitation program for the ultra-poor population including orphans and floating people. Almost all the orphanages in Bangladesh run on private funds and donations. It is an enormous blessing of Allah Ta’ala that the orphanages of Bangladesh accommodate over two hundred thousand orphans.

One thing we should take into consideration is that orphans are, in every way, human beings; pure, complicated, maddening human beings. Given that we often mistake the orphanage as an educational institution where orphans are treated the same as regular students. However, the real scenario is far more pathetic. Orphans are often treated as slaves and animals in the orphanages. In most of the cases the governing authorities take that orphans land here to feed on alms, sleep in cages and randomly get punished on the mood swings of their supervisors. There might be few exceptions, but most of the cases are like that, at least in Bangladesh. Ask yourself one thing, is that how you would want your children treated in the school? So it is clear that orphanages are not schools.

We would like to make a point for which we landed the above discussion.

We don’t want orphans to stay the same throughout their lives.

We don’t want them to live on the alms, we don’t want them to be considered a burden, we don’t want their children to share their fate. We believe in equal opportunity for everyone. 

The rehabilitation program we are discussing here is a comprehensive life plan with a view to support the orphans so that they can get back to a regular life. Yes, we are talking about the entire life and career of the orphans, not just the food and shelter. Human being, once habituated to live on alms, loses his/her abilities for which he/she is called “Ashraful Makhlukat” (The best of all creatures). We want the orphan to flourish with all his/her potentials and engage in making the earth a better place for the generations to come.

Below is a brief description of our comprehensive rehabilitation program:

Food and water:

  • Regular 03 course meal 3 times a day for balanced nutrition

  • Special 05-13 course meal on over 150 special Islamic occasions throughout the year

A total of 1100 animals, 450 cows and 650 goats were sacrificed on Eid-ul-Adha. Besides, equal number of animals is slaughtered over the year on special Islamic occasions.

  • Pure mineral drinking water from 03 deep underground reservoirs at different locations
  • Self-employment initiatives in remote districts. Recently several hundreds of families have been supported under this initiative in Nilfamari, a northern remote district of Bangladesh.
  • Food and water distribution in flood affected and famine stricken areas when needed
  • Tens of thousands of food packages are distributed in the second week of each Hijri month throughout the country.


  • Distribution of clothing throughout the year including the winter
  • The clothing materials are of high quality, not some cheap, unwearable clothes in the name of “Zakat”.

Free healthcare:

(Both male and female in separate facilities maintaining proper Purdah)

  • Free blood group testing and blood donation campaigns throughout the year
  • Monthly free eye camps
  • Quarter yearly campaigns for smoking and drug prevention
  • Free circumcision throughout the year
  • Free consultation, medical checkup and medicine throughout the year
  • Free ambulance service throughout the year
  • Special care unit for mother and child throughout the year
  • We promote normal delivery and discourage C-section.


(Both male and female in separate facilities maintaining proper Purdah)

  • Free hygienic accommodation for homeless orphans and street children; currently over 2500 orphans
  • Rehabilitation facility for poor widows
  • Rehabilitation facility for landless people
  • Old age home facility for poor, aged people
  • Financial support for the helpless who happens to have a bit of land


( Both male and female in separate facilities maintaining proper Purdah)

  • Free education for the orphans with the regular students
  • Teaching of Tasauwoof (Knowledge of purification of heart) for all in four Tareeqas i.e Qadria, Chistia, Nakshbandia Mujaddidia and Muhammadia
  • Education for elderly people (Mostly religious and moral)
  • Technical education i.e automobile repairing, electronic applainces repairing, building construction, professional cookery etc.
  • Training program for Imams and Muazzins
  • Madrasa education as in sacred Quran Shareef, sacred Hadees Shareef and Fiqah
  • Free IT education i.e programming, free-lancing, graphics design etc. for interested students
  • Need based scholarship for meritorious students
  • Huge central library enriched with over a million books encompassing every branch of knowledge and initiative to build one in every household
  • Initiative to start Anjuman-e-Al-Baiyinaat (Reader’s forum) in every household

Career building:

  • Financial support as in interest free loans for self-employment initiatives
  • Our graduates can directly apply for the following employment opportunities under our sister concern businesses
    • Career in research, manufacture, operation and promotion facilities under our sister concern organization “International Sunnah Promotion Center” (Please visit our website-

  • Career in Muhammadia Jaamia Shareef Research Center
  • Career in agriculture including cultivating, fishing, livestock etc. in our own lands all over Bangladesh
  • Career in our daily newspaper the Daily Al-ihsan and online portals 
  • (Please visit our online news portal -

  • Career in in-house publishing business
  • Career in  in-house printing business
  • Career in in-house delivery services
  • Career in over 1200 Masjids and Madrasas all over Bangladesh under our umbrella

  • Career in our Tahzib-Tamaddun division i.e Qaseeda, Hamd, Naat, event management etc.
  • Career in medical and healthcare industry under our sister concern “Al-Mutmainnah mother and child specialized hospital” (Please visit our facebook page -


  • Marriage support for poor men and women by providing basic necessary items including dresses, shoes, utensils, bedding, fans, sewing machines, and more along with some financial assistance
  • Free counseling program for strengthening family bonds and reducing separation
  • Remarriage of widow/widower by counseling and matrimony service

Social welfare:

  • Free funeral service for abandoned corpses
  • Financial support for newly converted Muslims
  • Muslim Rights Foundation (MRF) for providing legal support to the helpless, oppressed Muslims
  • International Group for Scientific Research and Cooperation (IGSRC) for countering the baseless claims of atheists and reclaiming the contribution of Muslims in every branch of science
  • International Sunnah Promotion Center for researching, manufacturing, promoting and supplying Sunnah products to every household
  • Tahzib-Tamaddun section for reviving the rich heritage of Islam
  • Ruiyatul Hilaal, an international moon sighting committee
  • Prison misery reduction initiatives
  • Welfare program for the autistic, disabled and handicapped people
  • Fostering unwanted, abandoned children
  • Mobile toilets

Social awareness:

  • Social afforestation
  • Initiatives for reducing social crimes i.e acid throwing, eve teasing, misuse of mobile phone and internet etc.)
  • Anti-corruption social movement
  • Public awareness campaign for reducing wastage of national wealth i.e electricity, water, fossil fuels etc.
  • Public awareness campaign for reducing traffic congestions i.e encouraging using foot over bridge, zebra crossing, obeying traffic signals etc.
  • Encouraging to buy domestic products
  • Awareness campaign for preventing road accidents
  • Breastfeeding encouragement campaign
  • Raising awareness for price control and hoarding prevention
  • Patronizing potential domestic industries

Special program:

  • Raising public awareness against terrorism, extremism and fundamentalism in the name of Islam
  • Preventing hypocrite scholars from promoting non-Islamic ideas and practices in the name of Islam

We would like to thank Allah Ta’ala for enabling us to retain following 12 (Twelve) unique features in our Madrasa and Orphanage:

1. The symposium of Falyafrahu in the girls section for acquiring knowledge with proper Hijaab along with the global circle 

2. Muhammadia Jaami’ah Shareef research center with online research and publication facility for evidence based research 

3. International Group for Scientific Research and Cooperation for scientific research and refuting atheist’s arguments 

4. Huge central library and activities to build a Baitul Hikmah (library) in every household 

5. Activities to establish tens of millions of Masjids, Madrasas and research centers worldwide. 

6. Activities to establish Anjuman Al Baiyinaat reader’s forum at every household.

7. Tahzib-Tamaddun division for reviving the rich Islamic heritage and International moon sighting committee – Ruiyatil Hilaal Majlish.

8. Al-Mutma’innah Mother and child care hospital for medication with proper Hijaab.

9. Muslim Rights Forum (MRF) for providing legal assistance to Muslims.

10. Canteen Shareef for eliminating dependence on non-Muslims

11. International Sunnah Promotion Center for promoting sacred Sunnah Shareef.

12. Last but not the least, the everlasting Saiyidul Aa’yaad Shareef celebration and observation of 12th of each Hijri month by arranging Meelaad Shareef in billion voices, city circumambulation and giving away blessed food to wayfarers.

Why you should contribute your Zakat to this cause

إِنَّمَا الصَّدَقَاتُ لِلْفُقَرَاءِ وَالْمَسَاكِينِ وَالْعَامِلِينَ عَلَيْهَا وَالْمُؤَلَّفَةِ قُلُوبُهُمْ وَفِي الرِّقَابِ وَالْغَارِمِينَ وَفِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَابْنِ السَّبِيلِ ۖ فَرِيضَةً مِّنَ اللَّهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ

“Zakat expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect Zakat and for bringing hearts together for Islam and for freeing captives or slaves and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah Ta’ala and for the stranded traveler. It is an obligation imposed by Allah Ta’ala. And Allah Ta’ala is all-knowing and the wisest. (Sura Tawbah Shareef, 60)

وَفِي أَمْوَالِهِمْ حَقٌّ لِّلسَّائِلِ وَالْمَحْرُومِ

And from their properties was [given] the right of the [needy] petitioner and the deprived. (Sura Zariyat Shareef, 19)

لَن تَنَالُوا الْبِرَّ حَتَّىٰ تُنفِقُوا مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَ ۚ وَمَا تُنفِقُوا مِن شَيْءٍ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ بِهِ عَلِيمٌ

“Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah Ta’ala] from that which you love. And whatever you spend - indeed, Allah Ta’ala is knowing of it. (Sura Al Imran Shareef, 92)

"‏ تَرَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ فِي تَرَاحُمِهِمْ وَتَوَادِّهِمْ وَتَعَاطُفِهِمْ كَمَثَلِ الْجَسَدِ إِذَا اشْتَكَى عُضْوًا تَدَاعَى لَهُ سَائِرُ جَسَدِهِ بِالسَّهَرِ وَالْحُمَّى ‏"‏‏.‏

"You see the believers as regards their being merciful among themselves and showing love among themselves and being kind, resembling one body, so that, if any part of the body is not well then the whole body shares the sleeplessness (insomnia) and fever with it." (Sahih al-Bukhari 6011)

عن أنس - رضي الله عنه وعن عبد الله - رضي الله عنه - قالا: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : " الخلق عيال الله ، فأحب الخلق إلى الله من أحسن إلى عياله "

Narrated by ‘Ha’drwat Anas bin Malik Rwadiallahu Ta’ala ‘Anhu, Rwasoolullah ‘Habeebullah Swallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam says, the whole universe is among the family of Allah Ta’ala; those are the dearest to Allah Ta’ala who contribute to the welfare of the family of Allah Ta’ala. (Baihaki Shareef, Mishkat Shareef, Mirkat Shareef, Muslim Shareef)

Welcome to the floor of ‘Habeebullah (the dearest ones).

Submit your Zakaat, Fitrah, Ushar and other donations at Muhammadia Jaamia Shareef Madrasa, orphanage and lillah boarding 

Your donated Zakat will be distributed to those who are eligible as per Islamic Shariah. Our Zakat scheme is developed with the aim of making Muslims Independent of all dependency. 

  • More emphasis is given to pay Zakat to Twalib of Ilm i.e students engaged in acquiring knowledge of Deen Islam. Muhammadia Jamia Shareef is the best Madrasa where sole aim is to acquire and distribute Ilm of Deen.
  • You can also come forward to pay your Zakat and be a part of our worldwide Zakat Collection and distribution.

Don't go without supporting this unique non-profit organization to boost its promotional activities to bring its benefits in your door steps. May be your child will enjoy your donation's benefits. You are sure to get better reward in this world and hereafter. 

Feel free to share with your friends! If anyone donates from your reference, Almighty Allah Subhana Ta'ala will also give you equal rewards!!!

Image Gallery of Muhammadia Jamia Shareef Madrasa and Yateemkhana(Orphanage) in different location in Bangladesh.

12 unique features of the Madrasa Details:

1. The woman’s symposium of Falyafrahu in the girls section for acquiring knowledge with proper Hijab along with the global circle.

2. Muhammadia Jaami’ah Shareef research center with online research and publication facility for evidence based research.


Huge collections of published book from Muhammadia Jaami’ah Shareef research center. A short list is available online at

Estimated initial cost: USD 500 (Buying books, free copy promotion among Muslims all over the world)

3. International Group for Scientific Research and Cooperation for scientific research and refuting atheist’s arguments.

Regular events/seminar is arranged to raise awareness among the general mass that science itself is the full contribution of Muslims.
Estimated initial cost: USD 500 (Arrangement of 1 seminar in Dhaka Press Club)

4. Huge central library and activities to build a Baitul Hikmah (library) in every household

Estimated initial cost: USD 500 (Buying important books for the library)

5. Activities to establish tens of millions of Masjids, Madrasas and research centers worldwide. 

A short list of 48 Madrasa is given below.
A short list of 161 Masjid is can be found here

Photo gallery of madrasa can be found here

Estimated initial cost: USD 5000

6. Activities to establish Anjuman Al Baiyinaat reader’s forum in every household 

Ensure education and knowledge sharing among all ages of Muslims. The goal is to participate in social voluntary work in their respective community.
7. Tahzib-Tamaddun division for reviving the rich Islamic heritage and International moon sighting committee – Ruiyatil Hilaal Majlish.

Regular arrangement of seminar in Dhaka Press club to raise awareness among people about different important topics
Estimated initial cost: USD 500 (Arrangement of 1 seminar in Dhaka Press Club)

8. Al-Mutma’innah Mother and child care hospital for medication with proper Hijaab

Estimated initial cost: USD 500 (Buying some items for the hospital)

9. Muslim Rights Forum (MRF) for providing legal assistance to Muslims

Using the traditional law system, fight for the legal rights and issues on behalf of Muslim community. This forum works across the borders.
Estimated initial cost: USD 500 (Filing a writ in Supreme Court)

10. Canteen Shareef for eliminating dependence on non-Muslims

Promoting sunnati food to Muslims and educating them about the benefit of use of Sunnate products and food. Related publication is also distributed. Moreover dedicated pickup vans runs across the nation to spread sunnati food door to door. Muhammadia Jaami’ah Shareef plan to do the same around the world.

11. International Sunnah Promotion Center for promoting sacred Sunnah Shareef

Van with sunnate food/ items 

Promotion of scared sunnah shareef is done using online Facebook page ) and official website

Estimated initial cost: USD 500 (Buying a portable sunnate shop) 

12. Last but not the least, the everlasting Saiyidul Aa’yaad Shareef celebration and observation of 12th of each Hijri month by arranging Meelaad Shareef in billion voices, city circumambulation and giving away blessed food to wayfarers

Name of the NGO/Non-Profit that is handling this project: Muhammadia Jaami’ah Shareef Madrasah and Yateemkhana (Orphanage)
Location: 5/1 Outer Circular Road, Rajarbag Shareef, Dhaka - 1217 Check on Google Map here :
Contact Number: +8801716881551, +8802-8317019
How many people it will benefit: Almost 20 cores people
The community it will benefit: Entire Muslim community, especially Bangladeshi Muslims community. Madrasa run different programs on international scale too. 

Photo gallery of construction of Sunnati Masjid at Dhaka

Don't go without supporting this unique non-profit organization to boost its promotional activities to bring its benefits in your door steps. May be your child will enjoy your donation's benefits. You are sure to get better reward in this world and hereafter. 

Support Us by sharing
> Please Share with your friends and families via Text SMS, Social Media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, IG etc.
> Keep us in your prayers so that we can meet our target and support lots of orphans and spread Islam. 

Feel free to share with your friends! If anyone donates from your reference, Almighty Allah Subhana Ta'ala will also give you equal rewards!!! 

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An Anonymous kind soul

RM 100 MYR, 4 years ago


$2 USD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 USD, 4 years ago

Feras ahmed

$3 USD, 4 years ago

Khadiza N. Jannat

$25 USD, 5 years ago

Jannatul Ferdours

$5 USD, 5 years ago

Md Shakawat Hossan

$50 USD, 5 years ago

Saeed Emon

$50 USD, 5 years ago

Gazi Arafat

$25 USD, 5 years ago

R Hossain

$100 USD, 5 years ago

Eram Ahsan

$5 USD, 5 years ago


$25 USD, 5 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$30 USD, 5 years ago


$10 USD, 5 years ago

Nusrat Jerin

$20 USD, 6 years ago

Sulo Abawi

$100 USD, 6 years ago

Khatera Ahmaddi

$100 USD, 6 years ago

Shabnam Patel

$100 USD, 6 years ago

Shabnam Patel

$100 USD, 6 years ago

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