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Organized by Mujahid Chowdhury

Shah Jalal Al-Yemeni Docu-Drama Series


raised of 0 GBP goal

8 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: United Kingdom

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Our pre-production costs include research, script writing, editing, videography and audio work. Help us bring the story of Shah Jalal to mainstream platforms!


"It is time that we exterminate every last Muslim in this kingdom. They are growing in number like an infestation of mice!", said Trishanku the trusted sorcerer and advisor of king Gour Govinda. "I agree. Let us punish them with fire", sniggered Nibir, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He was another advisor of the king. Govinda sat on his golden throne decorated with the finest jewels of Hindustan stroking his perfectly waxed black mustache. His pride being trampled on by a deep inner feeling of anxiety. He saw a dream of a noble Muslim warrior crumbling his palace the night before. "Gather the soldiers around the field where the Muslims pray. Let them take sufficient firewood with them", he said. The new Muslim community living under terrible conditions in the kingdom of Gour Govinda were terrified. Previous attempts by the Sultan of Delhi to liberate them have already failed miserably. What would be their fate for believing in Allah and his messenger?

"Why should you not fight in God’s cause and for those oppressed men, women, and children who cry out, ‘Lord, rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors! By Your grace, give us a protector and give us a helper!’?"

— Al-Nisā':75

After tragically losing both his parents, Shah Jalal is adopted by his uncle Syed Ahmed Kabir, a nobleman and Islamic scholar of Makkah. Under his guidance and tutelage Shah Jalal grows into a courageous, honest and highly disciplined student of sacred knowledge and is offered an honorary position at his uncles seminary. However after seeing a life changing dream Shah Jalal and four of his closest companions decide to set themselves on a new path and journey across the Muslim world in search of their destiny. Before departing Shah Jalal is gifted a handful of soil by his uncle. "Settle and spread Islam in the land which resembles this soil", says his uncle. Where would Shah Jalal's destiny take him? Was he the noble Muslim warrior that Gour Govinda saw in his dream? Find out in season 1 of one of the most anticipated Islamic docu-drama series’ of the past decade, Shah Jalal Al-Yemeni.



Let's be honest, the greatest need of the Ummah and the world at large today is to liberate ourselves from oppression. But in order to achieve this there are multiple steps that the people of the world must take together. After much thought the scope within which we have chosen to operate and dedicate our life's work to is a legal and peaceful one in which we will be taking a courageous step into the battlefield of hearts and minds in which our weapon of choice will be the medium of film production.


We are inspiring Muslims in the west and global south to reconnect with key figures in Islamic history based on their ancestral heritage through docu-drama TV series’. We are reconnecting Bengalis with Shah Jalal, English reverts with Abdullah Quilliam, Moroccans with Moulay Idriss Zerhoun, Nigerians with Usman dan Fodio, Pakistanis with Iqbal, Somalis with Sa’id min Mogadishu, Turks with Sa’id Nursi and there are many other projects in the pipeline. We are also presenting the stories of Muslim ethnic groups to a non-Muslim audience.


We believe that by reconnecting with the great scholars and revivers of Islam, Muslims in particular, will be able to reclaim their identity not on nationalistic grounds but via a connection to a trusted “founding father of their homeland” who ultimately has a unifying connection to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). If one of these series' became popular enough then it could go as far as reaching a state level in which a Muslim nation state parliament may start to discuss who their "founding father" is.

This project will also enable Muslims to take control of the narrative in which they are currently portrayed to be savages and “human animals” in the words of Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Finally in the same way that non-Muslims have taken interest in Islam by witnessing the bravery and faith of the people of Gaza we truly believe that they will also take an interest in Islam by watching docu-drama style TV series' on some of the classical and contemporary heroes of Islam mentioned above. In multicultural cities such as London and New York non-Muslims, after watching an episode from one of our dramas, would then be able to communicate with their peers who may be Arab, Bengali, English, Nigerian, Pakistani, Somali, Turkish etc and spark a conversation about a real life Muslim hero from that person's ancestral homeland. This has the potential to completely change the dynamics of casual Muslim non-Muslim interactions in which they would now have an opportunity to talk about something that they both enjoy and like in common, a popular TV drama about a real-life Muslim hero and not a fictional character such as DC’s Batman, Marvel’s Spiderman, Tyrion from the Game of Thrones or Tommy Shelby from Peaky Blinders. This could then lead to further intimate discussions about Islam as a complete way of life and it's ability to free people from oppression on a mass scale.


The first docu-drama series we intend to produce is Shah Jalal Al-Yemeni. In order to produce the first 14 episodes of season 1 we need a budget of £400,000. That's roughly £28,500 per episode. We aim to raise the complete amount during Ramadan 1445 and we are confident that the community will get behind this initiative. Pre-production has already begun so even if we do not raise the full amount we as an organisation are putting our own time and money into this initiative and delivering this project with or without your support as we strongly believe in its success. However those who donate early-on will get an immense reward by participating in our Jihad in the battlefield of hearts and minds insha’Allah.

And lastly an Ayah from the Qur’an which should help you understand, if you ponder over it, why we Muslims must continue to narrate our stories:

نَحْنُ نَقُصُّ عَلَيْكَ أَحْسَنَ ٱلْقَصَصِ بِمَآ أَوْحَيْنَآ إِلَيْكَ هَـٰذَا ٱلْقُرْءَانَ وَإِن كُنتَ مِن قَبْلِهِۦ لَمِنَ ٱلْغَـٰفِلِينَ

“We relate to you, [O Muhammad], the best of stories in what We have revealed to you of this Qur’ān although you were, before it, among the unaware.”

— Yusuf:3

Surah Yusuf is the only chapter in the Qur’an that has a chronological order, it has a beginning, middle and end. Something typical of all stories. From the story of Yusuf and from ayah three of this surah in particular we learn that stories are important and serve a great purpose in the Deen of Allah. Allah knew in his infinite wisdom that story telling would one day be a key means of communicating ideas in society and therefore showed us the best way to present a story from this Surah. From the theatres of ancient Greece to Netflix TV shows, we can see the impact that story telling has had on entire civilizations past and present. Stories can change the thought patterns and ideas of an entire population. Although we Muslims are a bit late on the scene we have the best stories to offer. So let’s come together and support this initiative to help present our stories to the world.


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My name is Mujahid Chowdhury. I am a London-born software engineer of Bengali heritage, aged 32 and married with two children Alhamdulillah. I have a deep desire to leave a lasting legacy in the world, especially amongst my fellow Muslims. Initially I thought about writing books and developing software or a product to achieve this goal but have now realised that my interests and talent lie elsewhere. From a young age I have always loved to read and write fictional stories. During my early teens when I started to practice my faith more seriously I quickly switched over to non-fictional Islamic books and content as our Islamic history is filled with hundreds of true stories of actual heroes, each providing a unique life lesson and endless inspiration.

After many years of searching and exploring, doing various projects using my technical and leadership skills, I finally had a great realisation on the night of the 15th Sha’ban 1445 whilst praying tahajjud. My parents were in Sylhet, Bangladesh at the time as my dad went to visit his fathers childhood home in a small village near an area called Khoronshi. For some reason I never looked into the meaning of this word “Khoronshi” and neither did I understand what it’s origins were. As I was doing some deep soul searching at the time I decided to go down this rabbit hole and found out that this village was named after a person by the name of Shah Suleiman Koroni. Koroni being the place where this person originated from (likely a place in modern day Türkiye, Greece or Iran) and hence the name “Khoronshi” given to the village. Who was this person and why was he so special to have my ancestral village named after him?

A picture of the mountains in the town of modern day Çömlekçi in Türkiye where nearby the town of Koron would have been.

I remember my grandmother mentioning his name a long time ago but unfortunately I do not recall what she said about him. After some Googling around I found out that there was a Madrasah in the village also named after this individual which some of my relatives funded. And to my surprise Shah Suleiman Koroni was actually buried a few minutes away from that Madrasah.

A picture of the entrance gates to the Shah Suleiman Koroni Madrasah in Sylhet.

So who was this man who is likely to be my direct ancestor? And what was a person from Koron doing buried in Sylhet? Well after some investigation it turns out that he was one of the 360 disciples of the great Shah Jalal Al-Yemeni, a revered Islamic scholar, warrior and preacher who gathered Muslims from across the world in Delhi from where he eventually brought Islam to the Bengal region after waging jihad and defeating the tyrannical king Gour Govinda in the 8th century AH.

“Sounds like an amazing story”, I thought. “The inspiration from this story is exactly what the Ummah, especially those from the subcontinent, need today with all that is happening in Palestine and Gaza. Someone should write a book or produce a TV series about it”. To my surprise it turns out that such a thing does not exist and so there I was on the prayer mat making du’a that Allah puts barakah into this endeavour and allows it to be a success and a means of me honouring the person that brought Islam to my ancestors. I intend for this to just be the beginning of my legacy and contribution to the Ummah. I hope that someone will watch this series, and the many other series’ that I intend to produce thereafter, and be inspired to follow in the footsteps of the great scholars, mujahids and revivers of Islamic history.


Donate now and help us narrate the story of the Bengali people and Shah Jalal to the world!

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Your giving amount


Level 1

If 5,000 individuals donate £10 each we will reach our pre-production budget of £50K.

2 claimed


Level 2

If 2,500 individuals donate £20 each we will reach our pre-production budget of £50K.

1 claimed


Level 3

If 1,000 individuals donate £50 each we will reach our pre-production budget of £50K.

1 claimed


Level 4

If 500 individuals donate £100 each we will reach our pre-production budget of £50K.

0 claimed


Level 5

By donating £500 you will be invited to our Gold Supporters group where you will receive exclusive content before anyone else.

1 claimed


Level 6

By donating £1,000 you will be invited to our Gold Supporters group where you will receive exclusive content before anyone else and your name will also be featured in our special supporters list at the end of each episode of this series.

0 claimed


Level 7

By donating £5,000 you will be invited to our Gold Supporters group where you will receive exclusive content before anyone else and your name will also be featured in our special supporters list at the end of each episode of this series. You will also be given the opportunity to meet some of our future VIP guests at our London studios.

0 claimed


Level 8

By donating £10,000 you will be invited to our Gold Supporters group where you will receive exclusive content before anyone else and your name will also be featured in our special supporters list at the end of each episode of this series. You will be given the opportunity to meet some of our future VIP guests at our London studios. Finally, you will be invited to feature in the series if you wish to do so.

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$631 USD, a year ago

Imran Master

£10 GBP, a year ago

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£10 GBP, a year ago

Mujahid Chowdhury

£2,500 GBP, a year ago

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