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Organized by Sommieh Flower

Sitara School and Teachers' Institute


raised of 0 USD goal

116 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by April 30, 2019 at 3:00 PM EDT

Teaching with Tarbiyah

Our Mission

Can anyone claim ignorance when it comes to the plight of children in the developing world, war-torn world? They stand begging on our doorsteps. No one can save them all, but each one of us can do something. Sitara School’s 2018 Ramadan Campaign is here to offer hope of a brighter future to the youth of Pakistan through education. And their hopes are your opportunities. We are offering you a chance to make a difference. A donation of just $45.00 a month goes a long way toward changing lives in Pakistan.

Sitara’s Impact

In a country that struggles to educate its children, Sitara is a haven for more than 260 boys and girls, ages three to sixteen. We provide them with books, uniforms, technology and teachers. But we provide much more than that. The word Sitara means “star” in Urdu. Each one of our children are shining stars who will light the way to a better future, Inshallah. Your contributions will keep their lights shining bright.

Since 2011, our school has grown from 20 to 265 students. In 2017, we initiated Sitara Girls’ High School, the only girls’ high school in our town. Without it, the future scientists you see in our cover photo would have finished their education after 5th class, only to be locked behind the boundary walls of their homes. But once word of our program got around, many fathers came forward to pledge their support and admit their daughters. Now these young women are getting a secondary education. Inshallah, many will go on to college and beyond, becoming educated, pro-active citizens who can take their country forward into the 21st century.

Teaching for Understanding

In an educational system where memorization and cramming are the rule, Sitara stands out. Our simple motto is Teaching for Understanding. In Pakistan, every school claims to be “English medium”, but we proudly follow a bilingual curriculum because academic research has proven bilingual is best in developing strong minds. We teach in English and Urdu, thus making sure our students clearly understand their learning. We go beyond the books in developing creative lessons with a focus on Tarbiyah, or character education.  Through our Quranic Arabic program, students learn to read the Holy Book with proper tajweed and tafseer and most importantly, to apply its lessons in their lives.

Teaching with Tarbiyah

Every school brings new improvements in our curriculum with better books and resources as well as more training for the teachers. This year, we have begun working with the Tarbiyah Project. This project was designed by Br. Dawud Tauhidi,(r) a pioneer of Islamic education in America. His visionary plan for global spiritual education is being implemented in this little corner of Pakistan. It is a voice of moderation in a country that is often accused of extremism.  The Tarbiyah Project is a natural fit for Sitara because it is so much in harmony with the original Islamic values and ethics on which this country was founded. The seven themes of the Tarbiyah Project are God Consciousness, Noble Character, Useful Knowledge, Healthy Living, Human Relations, Daily Living and Public Service.

Our Twinkling Stars

Our youngest students show the greatest potential. They start out as preschoolers, attend regularly and   get a consistent education as they grow. Many little ones come to us speaking Pashto, Punjabi or other dialects. We welcome their mother tongues and gently guide them in the study Urdu, English and Arabic. We take a phonics- based approach, as this has proven most effective in educating English language learners.

Our Shining Stars

Once they’ve learned the basics of reading, writing and math, our elementary students really take off in their learning. Through projects and activities, centered around the themes of Tarbiyah, we let their interests, guide the curriculum, while still maintaining the high standards that will enable them to achieve excellence in all their subjects. We offer a balanced literacy program that includes speaking and writing as well as reading in English and Urdu. We use the best textbooks on the market, providing them for free or at a highly subsidized cost to families in need. Our technology program starts in first class, with computer classes and the use of tabs and laptops in the classroom.

Our Super Stars

After fifth class, our boys leave us. Most of them go to the government school that is just down the road from our campus. They like to return for visits and to use the computer room! The nearest government girls’ school is in the next town with no safe options for transport. That is why we’ve established our senior section, which now educates girls in classes six through ten.

 I call these girls our super stars because in most cases, they will be the first ones in their families to graduate eighth class and go on to high school. The families have really started to appreciate the fact that their daughters are now literate. One father said, "We are blind in this society. It is our children who can see for us." Inshallah, their education will not stop when they leave us. We have high hopes for them to complete college and go on to university studies. Our future plans included establishing a scholarship fund for this purpose, Inshallah.

 Career development is part of our curriculum. We continue to bring in professional people and skilled workers to show our students a wide world of possibilities.  Our technology curriculum is as hands on as possible, utilizing tablets, laptops, smartphones and desktops to teach real world applications that will give our students an advantage in the competitive global marketplace. Our brand-new Science lab, built with your generous donations, ensures that we can teach the rigorous Science curriculum mandated by the Federal Ministry of Education. Our hands-on Science experiments also go a step beyond, ensuring that our students can apply what they learn in their textbooks to real life situations.

The Teachers’ Institute

The tremendous improvements in our students and curriculum have not come about by themselves, of course. It has taken hard work and dedication on the part of the teachers and administrators. Sitara Teachers’ Institute has been instrumental in bringing the best of teaching theory and practice to this little corner of Pakistan. In a nation where teachers receive little in the way of training before entering the classroom, Sitara function as a lab school. Saturday mornings are reserved for teachers’ workshops with director Sommieh Flower, who has years of experience in the States as both a teacher and administrator as well as a master’s degree in Curriculum and Administration. Sitara teachers work to improve their own English while learning the best phonics based and reading comprehension techniques to use with their students. They also learn the benefits of technology in the classroom and in their own lives. The Institute offers many opportunities for professional development.

Your Greatest Opportunity

Our donors have been very generous in our earlier campaigns, but the bigger the school the more the expense. It costs only about $18.00 a month to educate a child, but there are other factors to consider, such as rent for our campus, utilities and salaries for our hard-working, dedicated staff. If we divide those expenses among the student population, it comes to about $45.00 a head, or $450.00 USD for the entire school year. These are our suggested donation amounts, but you may contribute as much or as little as you wish, as a one time, monthly or occasional donation. Our future plans include the possible purchase of solar panels to solve the daily load shedding issues we face. We would like to eventually build our own, much larger campus to better serve the growing numbers of children who want to attend our school.

Please spread a good word for us by sharing our video and this Launch good link on all your social media.  This campaign aims to raise $30,000 during Ramadan, when all contributions are multiplied. What an golden opportunity for our donors! Please give all you can and reap your rewards both here and Hereafter. Jazak Allahu khairun.

Your giving amount


Sitara Helper

Buy a textbook or uniform for one of our deserving students. May Allah reward you here and Hereafter.

21 claimed


Sitara Supporter

Your contribute will buy a student's books and supplies for an entire school year. May Allah reward you here and Hereafter.

8 claimed


Sitara Donor

Just $45 pays a student's tuition, and covers part of the cost of running our school for one month! May Allah reward you here and Hereafter.

8 claimed



Your donation will buy us bricks, mortar and lumber to build a new library and add more classroom space. May Allah build a palace for you in Jannah! Ameen.

8 claimed



Your donation will buy us more tablets and laptops and internet service to enhance our technology program. May Allah furnish your palace in Jannah. Ameen

4 claimed


Friend of Sitara

You are a personal education sponsor for one of our deserving students, taking care of all his or her educational expenses and a share of our operating costs for a full year. Please accept a complimentary digital copy of Eye of the Heart, Sommieh Flower's spiritual memoir. As you have sheltered us, may Allah (SWT) shelter you under His Arsh. Ameen.

6 claimed



You play a major in our future goals of purchasing land, building another campus and establishing a scholarship fund for our graduates, Inshallah. May Allah beautify your eternal home.Please choose between a digital or autographed paperback copy of Eye of the Heart.

3 claimed



Your commitment to the future of our students makes all the difference. May Allah multiply your reward here and Hereafter!

1 claimed


Your share could raise over 0


Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$0 USD, 6 years ago

Samah taki

$100 USD, 6 years ago

Mohamed Deedat

$2 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$45 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 6 years ago

Deborah Potter

$45 USD, 6 years ago

Mubeen Sarwar

$5 USD, 6 years ago


$2 USD, 6 years ago

Atif Rafique

$25 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 6 years ago


$25 USD, 6 years ago

Akmal Sulaiman

$10 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 USD, 6 years ago

Farah Nadiah

$10 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$33 USD, 6 years ago

Shameem Siddiqi

$1,000 USD, 6 years ago

Updates 8

Sommieh Flower4 years ago

Would You Help Them for a Dollar?

Dear Friends,

Only three days left for our LG campaign. You can still earn some Ramadan blessings and help us reach our goal. At 90k, we are 90% there! We are grateful for all you've done, but we need just a bit more help this time. If you could give us just $5-10 (more or less) we would be at 100K in no time. So do it now, if you possibly can, and spread the word. Do it for the kids! Thank you!

Sommieh Flower

Director, Sitara Trust

Sommieh Flower4 years ago

Sitara Needs YOU!

Dear LG donors,

 Assalamu alaykum! Alhamdulilah, this week marked the end of our most unusual school year. in spite of Covid lockdowns and start ups, the 300 children of Sitara were able to take their final exams and graduate. Nobody knows what the next year will hold, but we intend to do our best to educate and support these needy children. You have helped us before and I'm sure you'd do more if you could. Sharing our links is one way to continue helping so share them far and wide. We are reaching the last ten days of Ramadan, when your charity can be of unlimited value, so please keep Sitara in your donation plans once again and urge your friends and family to contribute too. Our recent video, is the story of one boy told through the eyes of another. It captures the true essence of our mission, Ensuring the Right to an Education for All.  

Jazak Allahu khairun for all of your support. May Allah accept all our deeds this Ramadan and keep our intentions pure. All the best, Sommieh Flower

Sommieh Flower6 years ago

Ramadan Update

Assalamu alaykum Sitara Friends,
Hard to believe we are in the last ten days of this blessed month! Alhamdulilah, Allah has been very kind to our school. With $17,267 we are well on our way to acheiving our Ramadan goal of $30,000 in 30 days. The last ten days and nights are the best time for giving so please keep Sitara in mind. A small donation would be very kind!        Our 2019 LG link is!/
Sommieh Flower6 years ago

30 Days- $30,000 WE CAN DO IT!

May 7, 2019

Dear Sitara Supporters,                         

Assalamu alaykum and Ramadan Kareem. First, I’d like to thank you for supporting Sitara in the past year. If this is the first thank you are receiving from me, I’m truly sorry. Somewhere along the line, Launchgood notices started coming to my promotional mail, instead of my primary inbox. I just discovered the issue today! For this reason, I may have missed the chance to say thank you. We appreciate you more than you know.

Sitara has grown by leaps and bounds this past year. We have become an official registered trust in Pakistan and have therefore changed our name to Sitara Trust. After years of successful growth as Sitara School, we have decided to expand our mission to encompass community development. In addition to our elementary, girls’ high school and teacher training program, we now have a Mother Child Center, Craft Center and Sitara Farms and Orchards.

You can read all about these new programs on this year’s Fund-Raising campaign, hosted once again by Launchgood. Please follow the special link below to get an update on all our new projects. The work is going very well, Alhamdulilah, but we need your support more than ever. The ultimate goal of community development is self-sustainability for families and the community as a whole. But it takes hard work, education and funding to get there and that’s where you come in.

Please go to our link at!/. Donate what you can and then share the link with all your contacts on social media platforms. Sharing the link is very important because it brings new people to the campaign. So sharing is as important a contributing money. With the right intention, everyone can do something.

I am in the process of changing all Sitara gmail and FB contacts to what’s app. Please send  your what’s app # with your name and location to +631-792-3301 to complete this important process.

Jazak Allahu khairun for being part of the Sitara family and have a blessed Ramadan!

Best regards,

Sommieh Flower for Sitara Trust

Sommieh Flower6 years ago

It's Giving Tuesday!

Dear Sitara Friends and Family,

Today is Giving Tuesday and Launchgood has a contest on to see who can collect the most money and/or donors in 24 hours. There are prizes totaling more than $100,000 for this event but time is of the essence. Please take a moment to go to our Giving Tuesday campaign to see all the wonderful new things that are going on, thanks to your previous generosity.!/

Make a donation of any amount and SHARE THE LINK to help us win! Jazak Allahu khairun

Sommieh Flower

Sommieh Flower6 years ago

New Projects Inaugurated by Sitara Trust

Dear Donors,

Assalamu alaykum! 

While I was enjoying my summer in North America, Sitara supporters in Pakistan were hard at work on our new projects. So much has happened in such a short time! For one thing, Sitara is now a registered Trust under the Ministry of Philanthropy in Islamabad capital territory. This status will help us avoid business taxes and streamline the donation process for local supporters.

  On Monday, September 24, we held an Inauguration Ceremony for two new facilities. One is the SMCC, Sitara Mother Child Center and the other is the Sitara Craft Center, a vocational training school. We have begun classes in both new spaces this week. The mothers attending are interested in learning sewing, Qur'an and English. They get to have an hour or two away from their children, who can play in our  wonderful playroom full of almost new toys. The objective of the SMCC is to raise the self esteem of these ladies and help them attain some skills. At the same time, their babies will get an early start to their education.

The SCC (Sitara Craft Center) is starting with two classes: Steel Fabrication and Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. Although the students are young (under 15 years old,) they are very eager to learn these new, hands on skills. Future courses will include CAD/CAM and jewelry making, but that is just the start. The idea is to give our former students earning skills so that they can pay their own way for higher education, Inshallah.

  The new projects were very well received by our guests, including many well known personalities from Islamabad. After High Tea, we gave guided tours of the school for those who were interested. We have formed a what's app thread to send weekly pictures and other school information to keep you in the loop. If you are interested, please let me know by sending a what's app to me at +1631792-3301.  More updates will follow, Inshallah.  Please share this update far and wide with family and friends.

FYI, our Launchgood campaign is open. Please go to to make a contribution and tell your friends as well.

Sommieh Flower6 years ago

New Projects Inauguration Update

Sommieh Flower7 years ago

Keep Sharing!

Assalamu alaykum Sitara Friends and Families. Inshallah your Ramadan is going well. Have you joined Launchgood's Ramadan Challenge. Every day, for 30 days the featured projects on LG receive extra donations from generous donors like you. Its a win win situation for us all!

Alhamdulilah, Sitara has received almost $6,000 so far, one fifth of the way to our $30,000 goal. So please join the Challenge (if you haven't already)to support all these great causes and share our link globally! Thank you!

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