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Organized by Mahvish Irfan

Soles for Souls


raised of 0 USD goal

511 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: United States

Verification in progress. Learn More

This campaign will collect all funds raised by July 19, 2015 at 12:45 AM EDT

Changing lives, one shoe at a time

Dear Donors, 

Thanks to you, we’ve been over 100% funded five times. Know you have left a beautiful footprint in the world and are immensely appreciated! Nu Look Salon & Boutique will have more humanitarian campaigns in the near future so keep an eye out! :)

With the utmost gratitude, 

Mahvish Irfan


300 Million People Don't Have Shoes

For many that means no school or work, no escape from poverty or illness, and no hope for the future....simply because they can't walk safely. 

Lets change that. 

Watch our video to learn more. 

Feet Facts

Nu Look Salon & Boutique is working with Soles4Souls to help people in desperate need around the world get the shoes they need to start their life off on the right foot. 

As Soles4Souls explains, shoes help prevent the spread of parasitic diseases that plague over 1.4 billion people worldwide, and they are a basic human necessity.

The reality of life for many individuals is that having a pair of shoes is a rarity. It is not uncommon for people to grow up without ever having had a pair of shoes at all.

Who is affected?

Nearly 1/2 of the world's population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.

Globally, 300 million people can’t afford good shoes. Without them, girls aren’t able to go to school. Mothers have difficulty finding work. Life is a painful struggle and the cycle of female oppression continues – simply because women can’t walk out of it, literally.  

Be a Hero

Many serious health conditions are absorbed through the feet because of lack of shoes. This includes infections, amputations and even death. People in warm climates are severely affected.

But, for as little as $10, you can create one serious, generational change. Your donation will purchase a brand new pair of shoes that will go directly to Soles4Souls. From there, it is distributed to the girls and women around the world who need it most.

With a new pair of shoes, you can help a girl in Africa get to school, giving her the power to get an education and job. You can help a woman in Guatemala enter the workforce, saving her family from poverty. You can help mothers struggling in the U.S. get back on their feet.

With enough shoes donated, you can even help boost an economy. The shoes can be used to create self-sustaining jobs for impoverished people where they sell the shoes to gain desperately needed revenues.

A sole pair of shoes can change an entire generation. Be the hero that makes that change happen.

Also, here's a picture of me, Manager at Nu Look Salon & Boutique, with some inventory in the back. Imagine the lives we can change with these shoes! 

Spread the word!

Share this campaign with family and friends. Personally talk to them, send a text message, shoot an email, whatever it takes to make people not just "like" Soles for Souls but actually support it.  

Post all over your social media accounts using the hashtag #GoodWillPrevail & #ShoesForAll to help this cause get as much awareness as possible! A BIG thank you and MUCH love from the family members of Nu Look Salon & Boutique! 

UPDATE (July 12, 2015): 

Champions, some important news: 

-We’re Entering the FIFTH and FINAL Round-
Thanks to you, Soles for Souls has moved up from $5K to $7K to $9K to $11K and now $14K. We’re breaking records here. Serious records. But we can’t lose the fight now.

$14K is MAX Capacity. $14K means over 1,400 pairs of brand new shoes will be donated around the world to the people who need it most. Over and over again we’ve been 100% funded. I have no doubt that we can do it again for the 5th time. But…

-It’s Crunch Time- 
There’s only a few days left. We’re only 18% away from achieving victory. To cross the finish line, I need your help. People everywhere are waiting for your support. What should you do? Encourage one friend or family member to donate & share this cause on your social media pages. Use the hashtag #goodwillprevail. If everyone here does this, we’ve made it

See you at the top! I know we can leave a beautiful footprint in the world!


Alternative Payment Options: If you do not wish to make your donation online using your credit card, we accept cash/check/PayPal. Please email for details. Thank you!

UPDATE (July 6, 2015): **WWIINNEERR** !! :D 

Days ago, I entered our Soles for Souls campaign to a competitive global contest for positive initiatives. That contest was called Productive Muslim Ramadan Challenge. 

Today, I discovered that we're WINNERS! Soles for Souls is one of the selected causes featured on Productive Muslim's site! From my heart to yours, thank you! This is a *big deal.* 

Together, we're almost 100% funded again. I'm confident we'll be able to change 1,400+ lives in no time! 


Your giving amount



One pair of brand new shoes has been donated!

142 claimed



You just transformed TWO lives! We're sending you a thank you note! (Contiguous US only)

53 claimed


Look at you!!

Saving 3 lives and all. We're sending you a thank you note! (Contiguous US only)

22 claimed


You're making Mama proud <3

You may not know it, but donating 4 pairs of brand new shoes means you're making a SERIOUS impact. We're sending you a thank you note AND a picture of the Nu Look Salon & Boutique staff donating your shoes!! (Contiguous US only)

16 claimed


A Valley of Smiles :)

We think spreading happiness is your talent. Think about all the smiles you've spread by donating 5 pairs of brand new shoes. We're sending you a thank you note AND a picture of the Nu Look Salon & Boutique staff donating your shoes!! (Contiguous US only)

14 claimed


God bless you. Seriously.

8 pairs of shoes. 8 pairs of shoes! That's called spreading a ton of love and making the world a better place. We're sending you a thank you note, a picture of the Nu Look Salon & Boutique staff donating your shoes AND shipping you a surprise gift! (Contiguous US only)

6 claimed


You're making history. Period.

Donating 11 pairs of shoes means you're changing the course of history for 11 different people. That's big. You're rewriting the narrative for generations and can't even begin to imagine the difference you've made. We're sending you a thank you note, a picture of the Nu Look Salon & Boutique staff donating your shoes, AND shipping you a hijab or men's bracelet. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. (Contiguous US only)

37 claimed



Holy Guacamole! You *HERO*, you! Donating 55 pairs of brand new shoes means we will give you the most precious thing in the world: our cat. Just kidding. We will schedule a personal call with you to reward you with something even more special for aiding so many people. This is just extraordinary!!!!

4 claimed



It can't really get better than this. You're donating 111 brand new shoes. Our mind is blown. You've made an *unbelievable,* *unfathomable* change in this world. We will set up a personalized call to reward you with something extra special.

0 claimed


Your share could raise over 0


Recent supporters

Jane Sherry

$100 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$74 USD, 10 years ago

Saffron Road & Productive Muslim Sponsorship

$110 USD, 10 years ago

Brooke Sharkey

$10 USD, 10 years ago

Lisa Molinari

$20 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$28 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$4 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$37 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 10 years ago

Randa Kuziez

$5 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$7 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 10 years ago

Tania Sultana

$50 USD, 10 years ago

Janet Dicomo

$145 USD, 10 years ago

Taylor Kaylynne

$100 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 10 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$100 USD, 10 years ago

Updates 13

Mahvish Irfan9 years ago

Ramadan Mubarak - Soles for Souls 2 NOW LIVE!

Asalaamu Alaikum – Peace be upon you all!

RAMADAN MUBARAK to everyone celebrating! May this be your best Ramadan yet, showered with blessings, happiness and ease, ameen!

Friends – we are back by popular demand! Soles for Souls 2 has been created! Better shoes, same great cause. If you have a pair of shoes, please consider donating to someone who doesn't.

For many, no shoes =  no school or work, no escape from poverty or illness, and no hope for the future....simply because they can't walk safely. 

Let’s change that, even with $1. Donate here:

Thank you and God bless!

Mahvish Irfan

Mahvish Irfan9 years ago

$1.23 away from VICTORY + Goodies!

Salaam (Peace) Dearest Supporters!

Your generosity for Soles for Souls allowed us to be 101% funded. We donated 1,400+ brand new shoes to people in need around the world. You made a big and beautiful difference in the lives of hundreds and hundreds of people from Tanzania to Colombia.  

I need your help again

My new humanitarian project, ClotheSyria, is 94% funded. We are providing brand new blouses, skirts, scarves and shoes to Syrian refugees. They are in desperate, desperate need of it. They own nothing but the clothes on their backs. 

$1.23 away from VICTORY                    

I did some math. If everyone here donates, or gets a friend to donate, just $1.23 we will reach our $12,000 goal!! There’s only 4 days left. We’re 94% there. We CAN do this together. We NEED the support of everyone; all 511 of you compassionate souls! Lets not let a measly $1.23 get in the way of achieving victory!

Here’s the link to donate:

You’ll also get receive some surprise goodies for your donation, no matter how much you give :) Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for patching hope for refugees, one outfit at a time.  


Mahvish Irfan

Mahvish Irfan9 years ago

ClotheSyria – The Latest Campaign!

Salaam (Peace) Soles for Souls family!

How are you?

It’s been a little quiet around here but that’s only because at Nu Look Salon & Boutique we’ve been hard at work planning and creating a new humanitarian campaign. And guess what? It’s just been launched!

Meet ClotheSyria, the latest campaign!

What’s it about? Clothing Syrian refugees who are in dire need of basic items like new clothes and shoes. This is the worst humanitarian disaster in two decades. Not having clean attire to wear exposes refugees much more to numerous diseases, which can be easily spread to other refugees since everyone is living closely together.  

Make the difference.

It's time to move beyond feeling bad and "sharing" or "liking" such posts on our social media pages. YOU can help by donating new blouses, skirts, scarves and shoes by visiting I’m pretty sure were in a MEGA successful campaign before….so I think we can do it again :) Lets spread the word! #clothesyria #goodwillprevail

Take care!

Mahvish, Manager at Nu Look Salon &Boutique

P.S. – If you donate today you get bonus points from Allah! It’s Friday!

Mahvish Irfan10 years ago

WE DID IT!!!!!!

Dear Champions, 

We never extended the deadline. We only extended the goal.

Together, WE DID IT!!!!! 

We moved up from $5K, to $7K, to $9K, to $11K, to $14K. FIVE times we’ve been over 100% funded! Please know that Soles for Souls is YOUR victory. Without you, this could NEVER happen. I mean it!

Now, over 1,400 shoes will be donated to people in need around the world. Over 1,400 prayers have been answered. 


From heart to sole, thank you, thank you, thank you to all my brothers and sisters in humanity who extended their hands to help out their other brothers and sisters in humanity. 

Special thanks to the first donors, who gave when few others gave and believed in this cause from the very start. I’ve had many people give support beyond my expectations and I pray that you are given so much more in return for your charity.

May nothing but happiness enter your life dear champions. What a beautiful footprint we have left in this world!!!

With the utmost gratitude, 

Mahvish Irfan, Manager at Nu Look Salon & Boutique 

P.S. - Keep an eye out for more awesome humanitarian campaigns in the near future by Nu Look Salon & Boutique ;) 

Mahvish Irfan10 years ago

Gifting the BEST Present Ever!

Salaam (Peace) Dear Givers,

Ramadan is fleeting FAST

Tick tock, tick tock. There’s only hours left! This is the time of the year when the reward for your good deeds is multiplied beyond measure.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving in this indescribably special time. If you are celebrating, I want to wish you a sincere Eid Mubarak! May this your best one yet!! :D

The gates to Soles for Souls are about to close too

Right now, we are 95% funded and have less than 2 days left. I believe, before the gates are closed, we can reach 100% for the fifth and final time. 

You’ve already given, but continue encouraging others to also give someone in need a brand new pair of shoes. It just might be the best present they’ve ever received.

Here’s the link should you need it again: Share widely and I'll see you at the finish line ;) !!

With gratitude, 

Mahvish Irfan, Manager at Nu Look Salon & Boutique 

Mahvish Irfan10 years ago

FINAL ROUND: Get Ready to Rumble!

Salaam Champion,

We’re entering the FIFTH and FINAL Round

Thanks to you, Soles for Souls has moved up from $5K to $7K to $9K to $11K and now $14K. We’re breaking records here. Serious records. But we can’t lose the fight now.


$14k is MAX Capacity. $14K means over 1,400 pairs of brand new shoes will be donated around the world to the people who need it most. Over and over again we’ve been 100% funded. I have no doubt that we can do it again for the 5th time. But…

It’s Crunch Time

There’s only 6 days left. We’re only 18% away from achieving victory. To cross the finish line, I need your help. People everywhere are waiting for your support.

What should you do? Encourage one friend or family member to donate & share this cause on your social media pages. Use the hashtag #goodwillprevail. If everyone here does this, we’ve made it. Here’s the link should you need it:

See you at the top!

-Mahvish, Manager at Nu Look Salon & Boutique    

P.S. For Muslim donors, try donating at night. You just might catch Laylatul Qadr and get the reward of donating for 83+ years even if you've only donated once ;)

Mahvish Irfan10 years ago


Salaam beautiful souls, 

I've got some *exciting* news! 

Days ago, I entered our Soles for Souls campaign to a competitive global contest for positive initiatives. That contest was called Productive Muslim Ramadan Challenge.

Today, I discovered that we're *WINNERS* :D :D :D

Soles for Souls is one of the selected causes featured on their site! WOWzers!! You can check us out here (along with other incredible initiatives!) --->

This was the *best* contest they've had to date. Lets keep the support and goodness going y'all!!

We're 85% funded

That's not far off from being 100% funded for the *THIRD TIME!* Again, this would never, ever be possible without your heartfelt support. Thank you. Donating 760+ brand new shoes is a big deal.  

Lets continue sharing Soles for Souls with family and friends so we can be 100% funded soon. Here's the link that's making serious change --->

We will keep in touch!

Mahvish, Manager at Nu Look Salon & Boutique 

Mahvish Irfan10 years ago

Prayers Answered

We are 100% Funded AGAIN!!!

I had a dream that by today we would be able to donate over 700 brand new pairs of shoes. Hours ago, that dream came TRUE!

This is my first crowdfunding campaign. I never realized how difficult it would be but you know what? It's WORTH IT!

You’ve inspired me immensely.

I'm gonna keep the goodness GOING! Your generosity has given me the motivation to keep pushing myself. Instead of finishing this project, I've expanded the goal to $9K (i.e. over 900 shoes).

With your continues support, I’m absolutely confident we can be 100% funded for the THIRD TIME!

Today, share this link with someone new to help make this happen --->

You are undoubtedly making a *beautiful* difference in this world. And, you know what? It’s not just my prayers that have been answered. More importantly, you’ve helped answer the prayers of over 700 people that just wanted walk safely.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

-Mahvish Irfan, Manager at NuLook Salon & Boutique

Mahvish Irfan10 years ago

Yesterday something monumental happened…

We reached a 101% funded goal in just ten days!!

What does that mean? We are changing the future of over 500 people by giving something as simple yet profound as a new pair of shoes. This is nothing short of *phenomenal* and could never, ever be achieved without your support!

Many people talk about doing good, but few actually take the steps to do it. You’ve heard LaunchGood say it over and over again, but it’s true.

Thank you for setting yourself apart by actively helping those in need through our campaign.  

I have expanded our goal from $5K to $7K

There are still so many people that truly need our help. With enough effort, outreach and support, I'm absolutely confident we can achieve our 100% funded goal again. Lets do it!! 

Keep sharing Soles for Souls with family and friends. Lets encourage people to not just "like" this campaign, but actually support it!

Speaking of supporters, you’ve got to check out again to see some of the incredible organizations and people that have recently joined our campaign!

Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

-Mahvish from Nu Look Salon & Boutique 

Mahvish Irfan10 years ago

Picture, Productive Muslim, and Progression :)

Salaam, ALL!

In just a few days, we’ve almost reached $3.3K  - Subhan’Allah. How absolutely spectacular!

$3.3K means 330 lives CHANGED thanks to your contribution. We’re 66% funded and with your continuous support – we WILL reach our goal,insha’Allah!

Here’s a picture of all the shoes that will be donated! I’m absolutely beaming knowing what a difference you’ve made!

Want to know what else? Productive Muslim has donated and tweeted about our campaign too! Check it out:

I’m working hard to get the word out to the Muslim community not just to spread awareness, but have actual donors help make this dream a reality. We aren’t far off from 5K!

Don’t forget to continue encouraging family and friends to support this cause. With proper intention, you can’t even fathom the reward Allah will give you for making the world a better place by giving something as simple and essential as a pair of shoes, insha’Allah :D


Mahvish Irfan10 years ago

Holy Guacamole: Halfway Point Reached!!

It’s been less than 18 hours…

… since we won the Ramadan Challenge competition and we’ve already raised over HALF of our goal! As of now, $2,538 has been given from generous people like you. 


I’m absolutely confident that we can reach our $5,000 goal. Remember, its not just shoes you’re donating; its actual lives you’re transforming, insha’Allah.

What’s next?

Pictures! I want you to see how many brand new shoes - in their boxes with cushioning too! – are being donated by Nu Look Salon & Boutique. It’ll give you jitters! Expect to see some soon ;)

Lets keep the momentum going folks so we can reach our $5,000 goal ASAP!


Mahvish Irfan10 years ago

You want to know why you’re different?

I just came back...

...from praying Jumu'ah at the masjid today. What’s the first thing I did the second I stepped home?

I unplugged my laptop from the charger, quickly turned it on, and started typing. I wanted to let you all know that I can’t stop praying for you. Yes, YOU.

Thank you.

Thank you for supporting this campaign. Thank you for believing in goodness. Thank youfor helping so many people start new, better lives. Thank you for being different.

Different? Yes, different.

You’re the initiator. You’re the one that runs towards goodness, instead of waiting around to follow what the crowd is doing. You’re one of the first who donated and your donation helped attract more donations. That’s how you’re different.

Friday is fleeting for most of us. 

You already attained maximum reward by donating on a Friday – but imagine if you also referred a friend or family member too.   

You’ll get your reward, their reward, and all the reward for the donations you’ve attracted on a FRIDAY. Whoa!!!!

It may sound ambitious, but I believe we can raise 50% before Friday leaves. At $1,731 we are just 15% away from our goal. 

Create a call to action! 

Get at least 1 other person to donate. Pick up the phone, talk to them personally, or shoot them a text message. WE CAN DO IT TEAM!!!!!!

May Allah SWT bless you beyond measure for your aid, ameen!



Mahvish Irfan10 years ago

The Khutbah hasn't even started...

...and you're already paving your way to Jannah on this first Jummah of Ramadan! By helping to donate brand new shoes, know that you've made a true, tangible change in someone's life

Thank you for making a beautiful difference in this world.

Not to mention, since this day is extra blessed, that means your reward is extra amazing, insha'Allah! You're one of the blessed few that's not just "liking" a charitable campaign but actually supporting it - the two are not equal. 

But, remember one crucial detail. When we give these shoes out, people in need say "Thank you." In reality, we should be thanking them because although we are helping them in the dunya (world), they are helping us in our akihra (afterlife).

Keep spreading the goodness and get family and friends to not just "like" our Soles for Souls campaign, but actually support it. Also, post all over your social media pages and use the hashtag #shoesforall and #nulook. 

May Allah bless you with all the happiness and peace in this life and the hereafter for your support, ameen! We will keep in touch. 

-Mahvish Irfan

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