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Organized by Southgate Mosque

Help Southgate’s First Mosque Complete Its Purchase


raised of 0 GBP goal

3059 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: England, United Kingdom

UK Gift Aid

Verified for authenticity.

This campaign will collect all funds raised by March 30, 2023 at 7:00 PM EDT

We need the global Ummah to respond and help us raise the £1.5M to help us complete our purchase.

Dear brothers and sisters.

A Message From The Imam

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah

In Southgate, located in North London, we have a growing Muslim community but no mosques. Alhamdulillah, at the beginning of this year we have secured a beautiful and historic 3-acre site with 4 buildings that will serve the community for years to come. We have paid a million pound as a deposit and now we are raising funds to complete the purchase of Southgate's first Mosque. Please join us and help us by donating and sharing this information widely. By the grace of Allah we have found a beautiful site and paid £1 million deposit. The owners have given us permission to use the space ever since.

We need to raise £3 million by the end of December 2022 to complete on the purchase and carry out essential renovations.

This mosque will provide an open and inclusive prayer space for all Muslims as well as meet the educational, social and cultural needs of the community. Our Mosque will be the hub of community activities and centre of excellence.

Our blessed Muhammed (peace be upon him) told us - “If you help to build a mosque for Allah, Allah will build a house for you in paradise.” Please help Southgate mosque.

Thank you.

May Allah accept all your efforts, your donations and grant you success in this world and the next.

Ajmal Masroor 
For and on behalf of Southgate Mosque
Please feel free to contact us for further information on 07956987398 or email



About Us

Southgate Mosque was founded in 2021 as a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing prayer facilities to the local Muslim community.

Our long term ambition is to acquire permanent premises in the Southgate area, to establish a place for prayer, community activities and services benefitting both Muslims and the wider community.

Our Appeal - A Golden Opportunity!

We opened the doors to the Alan Pullinger Centre for Jum'ah prayers in November 2021. Within a few weeks, numbers had grown through word of mouth, and less than a year later, we are almost at full capacity. Our community Iftar event during Ramadan was over-subscribed, and over 400 people attended Eid-ul-Adha prayers in Grovelands Park.

The Muslim community in Southgate is made up of a wide and varied demographic, and makes an essential contribution to the fabric of the area. It is clear that our social, spiritual and educational needs continue to grow, even while there are other mosques in surrounding areas.

We now have a unique opportunity to acquire a truly spectacular building set within its own extensive grounds in the heart of Southgate. The building itself is Grade II listed and is of special interest to English Heritage. If we were to succeed in establishing our centre here, we would be able ensure that in addition to meeting the current needs of local Muslims, we would be restoring a valuable asset within the community, and would secure a legacy for generations to come.

This project will not be easy and will take time, however it will only be possible with the support and contributions of the local community. We therefore appeal to you to donate generously and help us in whatever way you can to secure a unique legacy in Southgate for both Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

What do we need now?

The purchase price is £6.65 million for the entire 3 acres of land and 4 buildings: 
1. Stately home (Southgate house)
2. Large barn 
3. Nursery 
4. Lodge

We raised £1 million in just 10 days to allow use of the site. We now need £2.5 Million by the end of December to secure this unique site for our Ummah, as well as £500,000 for renovation and restoration work. With your help we can make this happen Insha'Allah


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