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Support An Aspiring Student of Knowledge


raised of 0 USD goal

700 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Memphis, TN

Zakat-verified fundraiser.

Registered 501(c)(3)

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by January 12, 2025 at 8:45 PM EST

Let's Send Mikail to Egypt

Learn More Here

Assalaamu 'alaikum!

Let me introduce you to Mikail Abdush-Shakur, a dedicated young man who’s only 19 but already making big life choices for the sake of his faith. Not long ago, he was set on a career in real estate, but he quickly realized how much interest (ribā) was involved, and it weighed on him. After making istikhārah, he saw every door closing, and he took it as a clear sign from Allah that he needed to change direction. Something else that served as a motivation for him to change course was him witnessing his best friend get murdered right in front of him. Now, he feels a deep calling to study Islam and share that knowledge with others, in shaa Allaah. He’s ready to commit his life to this path – but he needs our support to reach his destination: Egypt!

Alhamdu Lillaah, once Mikail arrives, his tuition and living expenses are covered, thanks to a generous sponsor. There's also an entire community of people he knows waiting on him. We just need to help him get there and provide initial support to settle in. Your contributions will go toward:

  1. Airfare to Egypt
  2. Some religious attire
  3. Books and school supplies
  4. Passport and travel essentials
  5. Spending money for his first few months

“Whoever travels a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise.” (Sahih Muslim)

Here’s a chance to earn sadaqah jāriyah – support Mikail’s journey, and may Allah multiply your reward!

Donate Now to Empower Mikail’s Future!

Here's a baby picture for kicks and giggle. His parents will be so proud! 😊 

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Recent supporters

Abdiaziz Osman

$10 AUD, a month ago

Lema Abdulaziz Ghailan

$1 CAD, a month ago

Hamza Ismail

$1 USD, a month ago

Zuhair Imaduddin

$2 USD, a month ago

Mansur Mirani

$5 CAD, a month ago


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Zuleakha A Dawoodjee

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Bushra Kaleem

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Wahab Gondal

$5 USD, a month ago

Sourena Amini

$5 USD, a month ago

Melissa Ponsot

$1 USD, a month ago


$1 USD, a month ago

Zakey Ilmudeen

$3 USD, a month ago

Anas Amer

$1 USD, a month ago

biibi abukar sakawe

$1 USD, a month ago

Nafee Rashid

$2 CAD, a month ago

Syeda Rob

$1 USD, a month ago

Abdulaziz Elmustapha

$10 CAD, a month ago

Dina Elsharkawy

$5 USD, a month ago

Updates 1

Measured Tones Institute of Quran22 days ago

May Allaah Reward All of You!

Assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu! On behalf of my family, we would like to thank each and every one of you for your generous donations, whether it was $1 or $100+. Every penny holds weight in the sight of Allaah and for us as well. My little brother is now in Egypt, fully enrolled at the Nile Center in Cairo. He is learning Arabic there and studying Quran, Alhamdu Lillaah. He is very much enjoying it and benefitting from the studies and the positive suhbah (companionship) as well. We pray that this contribution of yours be a sadaqa jaariyah (continuous charity) for you and your families. All the best!


Ashir Kirk

Executive Director

Measured Tones Institute of Quran

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