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Organized by Abdulmagid Aborwin

Support the needy


raised of 0 USD goal

1073 days left

Impact: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Verification in progress. Learn More

This campaign will collect all funds raised by December 31, 2027 at 3:00 AM EST

Helping those in need.

Value Life Foundation (VLF) is established in Claremont, California, USA on January 2002 as a nonprofit, public benefit corporation. It is organized under the nonprofit public benefit corporation law for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes.


Value Life Foundation's mission is two fold: relief and social development. VLF's human relief mission is to help the needy, especially those suffering from hardships and disasters. The social development mission on the other hand is aimed at structuring and implementing programs that provide needed tools of awareness and education in order to make significant long-term impact on local communities and else where. To accomplish the above objectives, we raise funds by soliciting donations from the public. VLF's founding directors are multicultural, thus facilitating a wider and more versatile network of donors.

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