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Organized by Ahmed Bassal

Teach Hundreds of New Muslims to Pray!


raised of 0 AUD goal

91 supporters, 413 days left

Impact: Australia

Verification in progress. Learn More

The Intro to Islam Foundation sees hundreds of people entering into Islam each year, we want the latest teching tools to teach them to pray for life!


Each year, hundreds of people accept Islam through the FREE Intro to Islam course, the largest standardised course for new Muslims in Australia!

This course helps them accept Islam and say their Shahada, then teaches them how to be practicing Muslims for life in sha Allah. The course, and ALL resources like books, prayer mats, CD's and DVD's are all 100% FREE and always have been!



We want to continue the best educational resources we can for our students - both non Muslims and New Muslims, so that they can learn the Quran, to pray, to fast, and everything else that goes along with being a practicing Muslim in sha Allah! We want to provide all this FOR FREE - just like we have been doing for the last 10 years alhamdolillah. 



Imagine arriving on the day of judgement and seeing the reward of SEVERAL LIFETIMES of Salat all in your scales! What a smart investment!

We also hold social events for reverts to help them feel like they are part of the Muslim community, and embrace them with love and brotherhood! As always, everything we do is FREE!



Support our project and you will be providing non-Muslims with:

- A free way to learn about Islam

- A friendly coach to answer their questions and help them say their Shahada

- Free classes with other reverts to teach them the basics of Islam, including how to make wudu, pray, fast, and more

- Free classes about the life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH 

- Free Quran, prayer mat (with instructions) as well as other books and resources to help them on their way

- Free social events designed to help them make new Muslim friends who can support them emotionally as they transition into Muslim life. 

May Allah SWT bless you and reward you all in sha Allah :) 


Your giving amount


This One Is For Everyone

Provide support into our general fund for New Muslims, which will support classes, books, resources, lessons, and more!

16 claimed


Sponsor 1/3 of a New Muslim

Don't worry we won't cut them into thirds! For every 3 people who take up this giving level, 1 New Muslim will be sponsored. They will have all their learning materials and all their classes covered in sha Allah. May Allah SWT reward you with nothing less than Jannat Al Firdaus :)

11 claimed


Sponsor 1/2 of a New Muslim

Don't worry we won't cut them into 2! For every 2 people who take up this giving level, 1 New Muslim will be sponsored. They will have all their learning materials and all their classes covered in sha Allah. May Allah SWT reward you with nothing less than Jannat Al Firdaus :)

1 claimed


Sponsor ONE New Muslim

One whole person will learn about Islam free of charge because of you! 1 New Muslim will be sponsored. They will have all their learning materials and all their classes covered in sha Allah. May Allah SWT reward you with nothing less than Jannat Al Firdaus :)

11 claimed


Sponsor TWO New Muslims

Two whole people will learn about Islam free of charge because of you! 2 New Muslims will be sponsored. They will have all their learning materials and all their classes covered in sha Allah. May Allah SWT reward you with nothing less than Jannat Al Firdaus :)

2 claimed


Sponsor THREE New Muslims

THREE whole people will learn about Islam free of charge because of you! 3 New Muslims will be sponsored. They will have all their learning materials and all their classes covered in sha Allah. May Allah SWT reward you with nothing less than Jannat Al Firdaus :)

0 claimed


Sponsor FOUR New Muslims

FOUR whole people will learn about Islam free of charge because of you! 4 New Muslims will be sponsored. They will have all their learning materials and all their classes covered in sha Allah. May Allah SWT reward you with nothing less than Jannat Al Firdaus :)

1 claimed


Sponsor EIGHT New Muslims

EIGHT whole people will learn about Islam free of charge because of you! 8 New Muslims will be sponsored. They will have all their learning materials and all their classes covered in sha Allah. May Allah SWT reward you with nothing less than Jannat Al Firdaus :)

1 claimed


High Roller for Jannah!

May Allah SWT bless you and reward you! You have supported us on many levels and supported over a DOZEN new Muslims :)

0 claimed


Firdaus Level Warrior

We ask Allah SWT to give you nothing less than Jannat Al Firdaus :)

0 claimed


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Recent supporters

riyan abdirahman

£1 GBP, 9 hours ago


€1 EUR, a day ago

Sareena Mohammad

$5 CAD, 2 days ago

Mayra Jamall

$10 AUD, 3 days ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 AUD, 3 days ago

Ababacar Mandela Ndiaye

$22 CAD, 3 days ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 AUD, 3 days ago

Khadija Ghanam

$10 CAD, 4 days ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 5 days ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$300 AUD, 6 days ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£25 GBP, 6 days ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$48 USD, 6 days ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 AUD, 7 days ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 CAD, 7 days ago

Lynn H

€1 EUR, 7 days ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£10 GBP, 8 days ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$30 AUD, 9 days ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£5 GBP, 9 days ago

Anonymous kind soul

£35 GBP, 10 days ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 AUD, 10 days ago

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