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“Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like the one who did it.”
— Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Impact: England, United Kingdom
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This campaign will collect all funds raised by July 31, 2020 at 6:45 PM EDT
The Black Muslim Women Healing Collective is a space that is dedicated to supporting and uplifting Black British Muslim Women. Allowing spaces for women to restore their own skills and capacities in trauma release and healing in their communities, families and within themselves.
It is a hub that will create multiple online and in person safe spaces with access to the needed heart-centred therapeutic practices and teachings rooted in a rich Islamic spiritual heritage . This will be done in a compassionate, non-judgemental and non-directive environment that can meet the specific needs and experiences of the Black Muslim identity.
The recent conversation regarding anti- Black racism has highlighted the reality of the everyday injustices that have been normalised in our communities. Black Muslim women not only face racial prejudice and gendered islamophobia from non-Muslim community, they often face these similar prejudices from the wider Muslim community.
This can mean that for many Black Muslim Women it is rare to find a ‘safe’ space that can fully embrace her spiritual and cultural narratives and potential.
For the past few weeks we have held healing spaces for Black Muslim Women to collectively express and process the pain triggered by the recent events in the USA. These sessions were a space to voice fears, difficulties and needs. It involved a space of deep listening, breath work, holding space, collective dhikr and prayer.
These sessions were well received (see testimonials) and emphasised that if women do not have the opportunity and resources to heal from past and present trauma, then their wellbeing and ability to support is heavily impacted. It also recreates a generation who feel distant from the Muslim community.
We explored the impact of collective trauma and what collective healing could look like. Our collective healing is a holistic process, which addresses mental, physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
And [God] shall heal the breast of the believers. (at-Tawba, 9:14)
All healing is from Allah, and so our foundation is strongly rooted in seeking nearness to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (saw), through the Quran, Dhikr, Seerah and Salawat (Salutations of the Prophet (pbuh)
Collective healing is multidimensional and requires the support of therapist, teachers, creatives, storytellers, healers, elders and many more people of wisdom.
In order to honour the work, we must invest in these spaces, so the healing is able to continue over the long term
Your donations will support our intentions to
Thank you so much for your support. This is how we build commUNITY, how we build cultures of reciprocity and healing, how we build futures, how we care for our Ummah (Islamic Community).
Please share widely across social media, every mention to your friends, every share on instagram, facebook or twitter makes a huge difference.
If you have further questions or enquiries please feel free to get in touch by email
This is an initiative co created by a collective of Black Muslim women who collectively have years of experience in serving the wider Muslim community and creating spaces that nourish deep connection to Allah and the prophetic tradition.
It is led by Rabiah Mali who is a herbalist, a member of the acoustic nasheed duo @Pearls of Islam and community activist. She has served the Muslim community for over a decade through her group Pearls of Islam and The Rabbani Project. She creates spaces that are dedicated to the healing of women through the advancement of Muslim female scholarship, Female creativity, Dhikr, Prophetic wellbeing practices and the relationship of Nature and Spirituality.
@herbal_blessingclinic @pearls.ofislam
Adelah Bilal is a yoga teacher who has been leading the healing sessions through breathwork and compassionate listening. She is passionate about creating spaces that uplift, unite and empower Black women. She has a Masters degree in Islamic law and is excited to be in a space which is rooted in Islamic tradition and cultivates growth, knowledge and Black cultural appreciation.
Creating Connections
May Allah bless you, your support will go towards establishing an online communication platform to host hundreds of women.
45 claimed
A space of deep listening
Jazakuallah Khair! Your generosity will go towards creating spaces of deep listening and platforms for women to be heard
23 claimed
A space of knowledge
Alhamdulillah. May Allah shower His generosity on you and your family. Your support will go towards monthly classes and workshops rooted in the rich Black Islamic history
15 claimed
A space of celebration
Allah bless you and your family. Thank you. Your are supporting spaces that will celebrate and teach the richness of Black Islamic culture and nourish female creativity.
12 claimed
A space of resilience
Mabrook! Jazakuallah Khair. Yippee! Your kindness, generosity and support will go towards creating a community of healing, reciprocity and resilience
5 claimed
A space of legacies
Ya Karim, your love and generosity will create an holistic education and resources to support raising Black Muslim children
0 claimed
A space of deep healing
Mashallah, May Allah continue to shower you with His mercy and love. Your kindness will empower women with the tools and skills to heal themselves and the community from racial and gendered trauma.
1 claimed
A space of female scholarship
Mashallah, May Allah bless you. May Allah reward your generosity, love and compassion tenfold. May Allah honour you with nearness to Him and love for the Prophet Muhammad (saw) Your support will begin to pave the way for Black female scholarship and leadership
2 claimed
Giving is better together! Your share could raise over 0.
“Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like the one who did it.”
— Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Kulthum Abdul-Aziz
Maheer Khan
m r kasmani
An Anonymous kind soul
Xiomara Burnett-Forbes
An Anonymous kind soul
Lily King
Lily King
Ashiya Mendheria
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
An Anonymous kind soul
Giving is better together! Your share could raise over 0.
“Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like the one who did it.”
— Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
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Backed by our Trust & Safety guarantee
Giving is better together! Your share could raise over 0.
“Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like the one who did it.”
— Prophet Muhammad ﷺ