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Organized by Islamic Relief

The First and Oldest Mosque in Canada's Capital NEEDS Your Help!


raised of 0 CAD goal

134 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Ottawa, ON

Verified for authenticity.

Major upgrades to our carpet and building repairs are on top of the urgent expenses needed at the Ottawa Muslim Association.

It all started in the 1950’s...

Just as the Prophet ﷺ helped to build the first mosque in Medina, the pioneer Muslims of Ottawa followed his footsteps and with limited resources, they decided to rent a space in the basement of the NorthWestern United Church to serve the first seed of the Muslim community. That space was utilized as an Islamic Sunday School and a place of worship to gather and perform Jumua and Eid prayers...

Fast forward 71 years...

The Ottawa Muslim Association is now one of the landmarks and pillars of Islam, not just in Ottawa, but in all of Canada, serving the community through countless programs, 3 schools and two community centres: The Ottawa Mosque, as well as the Hall of Peace, previously the NorthWestern United Church. Yes; that same space where this journey began 71 years earlier, with Allah’s blessings the Ottawa Muslim Association purchased it in 2017.

Now, here is the problem:

Due to COVID-19, our donations have gone down by 60%. However, our services have actually rapidly increased by over 50% due to a sharp increase in demand! This is partly because many mosques completely stopped, and also because of the central role and location of our mosque in the hearts of the community. We have witnessed a spike in counseling services , Zakat services, accommodation and job search support, online classes and many other services provided by the mosque.

For the ultimate ongoing reward and sadaqa, this is an opportunity to be part of the renovation and maintenance costs for a mosque in need.

Prophet Muhammed ﷺ said:
When the son of Adam dies, all their deeds are halted except for 3:
1- A perpetual charity
2- A beneficial knowledge
3- A righteous child that prays for them

By contributing to this Masjid, you will receive ALL THREE mentioned in the Hadeeth, as this is the oldest continuous charity in Ottawa, and the knowledge that will be taught in the mosque will benefit others, and the mosque attendees will always pray for the ones who helped to build it, insha’Allah!

With the sacred month of Ramadan coming to an end please consider giving generously to maintain our services to the community and beyond, and may Allah reward you for your generosity in dunya and the hereafter.

You can learn more about our story here. Or watch now by clicking play on the main image!

For every $2 raised, Islamic Relief Canada will donate $1.

Your giving amount


Dust off some old manuscripts

In our basement there are over 6,000 volumes of Islamic books, many of which have been out of print for decades and are considered a treasure for knowledge seekers!

19 claimed


Fix a broken tile

Washroom and Wudu area maintenance and upkeep. Nothing is insignificant; the reward will surely outlast the structure, God willing.

23 claimed


Replace one burnt bulb

We are trying to be a green Mosque! Help us replace all the light fixtures with LEDs. And, do you think a 50 year-old chandelier has easily replaceable spare parts? Help us make it shine again.

13 claimed


Maintain and clean the minaret

The Ottawa Mosque minaret is in need of maintenance and sealing to protect it for many years to come. It is the tallest minaret in Ottawa! Help us keep it clean and maintained.

10 claimed


Maintain and shine the dome

Designed to mimic the parliament building, this beautiful green colour is beginning to rust, and it needs regular maintenance and sealing to protect it for many generations to come.

18 claimed


Repair a dozen parking spots

It took 30 years for us to be able to get our parking lot expanded to fit over 300 cars, making it one of the largest parking lots in Centre Town. We have 10 accessible spots, and two spots for electric charging cars. Help us to maintain these spots so mosque entry and exit can be smooth and congestion free.

4 claimed


Sponsor one prayer spot in the back row

3140 is the number of Friday prayers established in this Masjid. We have never stopped, even during the current pandemic. Help us to keep your Masjid going.

3 claimed


Sponsor one prayer spot in the middle row

750,000 is the number of prostrations (Sujood) offered in this Masjid (per person). We have never stopped, even during the current pandemic. Help us to keep your Masjid going.

0 claimed


Sponsor one prayer spot in the front row

21,000 is the number of Fajr prayers offered in the front rows of the Ottawa Mosque. We have never stopped, even during the current pandemic. Help us to keep your Masjid going.

2 claimed


Maintain the atmosphere

Keeping the heating/cooling system properly running means a fresh breeze during every prayer for 60 years and counting. After 60 years, the system needs major maintenance, please help your Masjid to stay comfortable.

6 claimed


Maintain the imam's house

The imam's house has been a home to a number of the greatest imams in the city's history, and will continue InshaAllah with your support.

1 claimed


Maintain the classrooms

These are some of the oldest Islamic classrooms in North America. We have grandparents today who tell us they were taught Arabic and Quran by the Sunday Islamic School teachers 60 years ago. Imagine the reward you'll have for generations to come!

0 claimed


Maintain the Minbar

The most important place in the Masjid. More than 5,000 hours of wisdom and knowledge have been delivered over the Friday and Eid sermons since the mosque was establish. Your contribution is essential to continue sharing the message of Islam in Ottawa.

0 claimed


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Recent supporters

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 CAD, 4 years ago

Shafighallah Hashemi

$100 CAD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 CAD, 4 years ago

Mohammad Adib Shaokat

$5 CAD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$25 CAD, 4 years ago

Azhar Mohammad

$100 CAD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 CAD, 4 years ago

Andrew Tomayer

$40 CAD, 4 years ago

Marc Wabafiyebazu

$3 CAD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$40 CAD, 4 years ago

Marc Wabafiyebazu

$3 CAD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$40 CAD, 4 years ago

Oday Aswad

$40 CAD, 4 years ago

Marc Wabafiyebazu

$5 CAD, 4 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$12 CAD, 4 years ago

Yamur Al-Douri

$25 CAD, 4 years ago

Tahmina Sultana

$100 CAD, 4 years ago

Oday Aswad

$80 CAD, 4 years ago

Mohamed Jouini

$5 CAD, 4 years ago

Oday Aswad

$40 CAD, 4 years ago

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