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KBK Yemen Campaign


raised of 0 USD goal

571 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: Yemen

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This campaign will collect all funds raised by February 28, 2019 at 11:45 PM EST

The war in Yemen has caused famine, starvation, and many deaths of the young and old alike. We are hoping to raise awareness and funds to the people of Yemen.

We need your help to end the starvation in YEMEN. My husband and I have been collecting donations for Yemen and sending it directly. Every single dollar we take is given right back to those in need. In Yemen, we rent trucks that get filled with necessities like flour, oil, rice, bread, meat, etc. Each truck costs roughly around $5,000USD. We pay for the rental of the trucks, the driver's fees, and even the gas OURSELVES. Donations collected are used STRICTLY for food or any other necessity they might require. These trucks are then taken to the neediest in Yemen, especially in remote villages where the war has taken its biggest toll.

1. Yemen is now the world’s largest humanitarian crisis

Due to the escalation of conflict in 2015, an estimated 18.8 million people in Yemen need some form of humanitarian assistance or protection.

2. The crisis is entirely man-made

The conflict is taking an enormous toll on Yemen’s civilian population. More than 7,000 people have been killed and more than 42,000 have been injured since the violence escalated just over two years ago. Air strikes and localized fighting have destroyed the economy and moved an already weak and impoverished country towards social, economic and institutional collapse.

3. Yemen is on the brink of famine

Yemenis are facing the world’s largest food security crisis. Some 7 million people do not know where their next meal will come from, and one in every two children is stunted.

4. Clean water is now a scarce commodity

More than 8 million people lack access to safe drinking water and sanitation in Yemen. The population is now at risk of disease outbreaks, such as cholera, dengue and scabies.

You can help by 

1) Sharing our campaign & spreading awareness

2) Ordering a "Stop the War on Yemen" T-shirt on our SEPARATE link via

3) Or if you are not interested in ordering a T-shirt, you can simply donate here on our LaunchGood campaign.

There has never been a more urgent time to respond to this crisis. Do your part and help the people of Yemen today.

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Recent supporters

Giving Tuesday 2018 Runner Up winner

$1,000 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 6 years ago

Ayesha Siddique

$50 USD, 6 years ago

Raania Zahid

$100 USD, 6 years ago

faiza khan

$75 USD, 6 years ago

Shabeena Khan

$10 USD, 6 years ago

Husna Ahmed

$25 USD, 6 years ago

malak beydoun

$1 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$200 USD, 6 years ago

nahid hammad

$200 USD, 6 years ago

Rabia Tayab

$20 USD, 6 years ago

Mohammed Hassabo

$25 USD, 6 years ago

Sameir Mohamed Aidarous

$31 USD, 6 years ago

For Allah

$1,000 USD, 6 years ago

Hafza Tayab

$50 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 USD, 6 years ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$50 USD, 6 years ago

Raania Zahid

$100 USD, 6 years ago

Omar Kaid

$100 USD, 6 years ago

Updates 3

KBK Relief Foundation6 years ago

Almost There!

Alhamdulilah, only $1,396 away from our $50K goal. Please donate what you can and tag up to 10 friends to donate as well!
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Charity does not decrease wealth, no one forgives another except that Allah increases his honor, and no one humbles himself for the sake of Allah except that Allah raises his status.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2588

A big “Thank You” and much appreciation to all of those who have donated to the People of Yemen!

KBK Relief Foundation6 years ago


Salaams Everyone,

 Tomorrow is a BIG DAY for us! LaunchGood is hosting Giving Tuesday CHALLENGE! Campaigns that get the most donations or the most number of unique donors will be eligible to win additional funds for their projects — there are many prizes up for grabs including potentially up to $20,000!!! This is a great prize especially to the people of Yemen! We need to have the highest activity in Most Raised and Most Donors.

This is how we need you to help:

 1) Tag up to 20 friends/family and challenge them to donate $50, $100, $500, or $1,000 for our cause. 

2) Share the link for the campaign on all your social media outlets with the hashtag #launchgoodgivingtuesday #givingbacktoyemen 

3) Keep us and the people of Yemen in your duaa! 


KBK Relief Foundation6 years ago

Update for Friday


First, we would like to thank all of you individually for your generous and kind donations. We have raised over 20k within a few days with the grace of Allah and your help!

We would like to inform you that tomorrow (Friday) we will be sending all offline donations collected thus far. The money will be sent via Western Union to our trusted contacts in Yemen. Any transfer fees we incur will be paid by our family and not taken from ANY collected donations. The monies will be used to purchase food, infant milk, and other basic needs. The food truck will be delivered to the people in need of it the most. We have been very transparent in the past with your donations and will continue to do so. 

Once again, thank you all for your support! Please remember to share this initiative on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any social media platforms. 


Shayma Mustafa & Mohamed Sohoubah

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