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Organized by Pillars of Peace

United We Stand: Donate To Help End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence


raised of 0 USD goal

1670 supporters, 00h : 00m : 00s left

Impact: New York, NY

Registered 501(c)(3)

Verification in progress. Learn More

This campaign will collect all funds raised by April 20, 2024 at 11:45 PM EDT

Stand together with us to help end domestic and gender-based violence

Domestic and gender-based violence in our communities is an urgent and pervasive issue. The scale and severity of the issue is far and wide and we recognize the profound impact it has on millions of individuals who endure physical and emotional abuse within intimate relationships and intergenerational family relationships. 

  • On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.
  • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
  • Women between the ages of 18-24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner.

The Muslim community is not excluded from these statistics. A survey of 801 American Muslims found that 31% reported experiencing abuse within an intimate partner relationship and 53% reported experiencing some form of domestic violence during their lifetime. (Peaceful Families & Project Sakinah 2011 DV Survey). 

There are simply not enough services to support survivors from the Muslim community. In response to this need, Pillars of Peace was created by community members from the ICNYU.

Pillars of Peace offers a wide variety of services to serve individuals who may not be comfortable going to agencies who are not familiar with their religious and cultural backgrounds.

Pillars of Peace purchased, and renovated a building which will serve as Noora House, a confidential emergency shelter for survivors of domestic violence. We are thrilled to share that we are accepting referrals for individuals seeking shelter, please do let us know if you or someone you know is seeking a safe space.

We are extremely grateful for your help in getting us to this point. We envision this to be a haven for individuals seeking safety and refuge. We want this to be a warm, welcoming space, providing comfort to individuals taking a bold step in fleeing abuse. We humbly request your ongoing support with running the shelter. The shelter will offer free counseling sessions, support groups, case management, and financial microgrants. The annual operational cost of Noora House is $400,000. 

Amongst much else, your donations will help provide: Halal Food, Metro Cards, Clothing and Essentials, Bedding, Toys and Books for Kids, Financial Support, Petty Cash, Electricity, Gas, Water, Internet, Garden Maintenance, Plumbing, Security, Counseling, ESL classes, Court Accompaniment, etc.  

Below is a breakdown of some costs associated with Noora House:

$5.80: Round trip metrocard for residents 

$35: Safe personal phone line for residents 

$100: Welcome package with soap, toothbrush, toiletries, hygiene products, journal, snack etc.

$2500: Microgrant upon departure from shelter 

$5000: Monthly counseling for 15-20 individuals 

$6750: Monthly halal food supply for all residents 

$7,000: One Resident’s full three month stay

$25,000: A mother and two children’s full three month stay

33,000: One Month’s worth of expenses for our facility 

$100,000: Cost to support our entire shelter for all of the residents full 3-month stay

By supporting Pillars of Peace, you are contributing to an organization dedicated to addressing these alarming statistics and amplifying the voices of survivors. Your contributions can help provide essential services, support systems, and resources for survivors, ultimately playing a crucial role in breaking the cycle of domestic violence and fostering safer, more resilient communities.

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An Anonymous kind soul

$10 USD, 5 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

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£10 GBP, 5 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$21 USD, 5 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

€1 EUR, 5 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$3 USD, 5 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£3 GBP, 5 months ago

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$20 USD, 5 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$20 USD, 5 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$1 USD, 5 months ago

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£1 GBP, 5 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$5 CAD, 5 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

£3 GBP, 5 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$4 USD, 5 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$3 USD, 5 months ago

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$5 AUD, 5 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$3 USD, 5 months ago

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£5 GBP, 5 months ago

An Anonymous kind soul

$2 USD, 5 months ago

Updates 1

Pillars of Peace6 months ago

TeamPillars 5th Annual LaunchGood Ramadan Campaign

Salam Alekum, 

I hope this message finds you well and in good health. Your past support has been instrumental in our mission to provide critical services to vulnerable victims and survivors of domestic and gender-based violence.

Pillars of Peace is thrilled to announce that we have launched the TeamPillars campaign on LaunchGood, and we are reaching out to generous donors like you to consider contributing once again. Please consider making a zakat-eligible, tax-deductible contribution to TeamPillars on LaunchGood. Your support is vital in allowing us to continue providing these critical services to vulnerable survivors who depend on us. 

As part of the TeamPillars 30-Day Ramadan Campaign, for every 30-day Ramadan pledge starting at $3 a day, LaunchGood will generously donate an additional $100 to TeamPillars to help support our work! This bonus is only valid for pledges that start before Ramadan 1 so sign up today and share with your family and friends! 

Why Your Support Matters:

Every donation to TeamPillars directly contributes to sustaining our essential services. We work tirelessly every day to provide risk and safety assessments, safety planning, crisis intervention, and emotional support to those who need it most. Your contribution ensures that these populations, often underserved, receive the assistance required for healing and recovery.

Success Story:

Recently, your past support helped us advocate for a woman who was a victim of domestic violence. She, along with her baby, was cruelly kicked out of her home. Through our efforts, we successfully secured a housing voucher for her, providing her with a safe and stable environment. This is just one example of the tangible impact your support can have on the lives of those facing unimaginable challenges.

We understand the numerous demands on your generosity, and we truly appreciate your consideration of our cause. Together, we can be a beacon of hope for those who need it most. We are reaching out to express our sincere gratitude for your past support of Pillars of Peace and to share an urgent update on our current efforts.

Thank you for your continued belief in the work of Pillars of Peace.

Warm regards,

Rachel Chahid

Executive Director

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