
Support ACHIME (Spanish Muslim Girls)

Organized by ACHIME

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Thank you so much for your support!

All donations are important to us and will help us build something we believe in!

6 claimed


Sincere Duaa

We truly thank your donation. All our team will keep in our duaas

6 claimed


Jazaki Allahu khairan

You're helping us build something we absolutely believe in. Jazaki Allahu khairan

1 claimed


Night duaa

You will be in our duaa in the third part of the night.

5 claimed


Personaliced Duaa!!

You are helping us build something important. Let us know which duaa do you want us yo make for you, and you will have all the team making it inshaAllah

1 claimed


One month rent!!

It is absolutely amazing having people as generous as you Alhamdulilah!! Thanks to you we have a space to make our dream come true. Baraka Allahu fik

1 claimed


Ramadan activities!!

With your donation you´re helping over 150 girls to have an amazing ramadan, you're paying for a great iftar, religious lectures, quiyam night, an amazing Eid party and loads more. Jazaki Allahu khairan for your generosity!!

0 claimed

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20 EUR,

a few moments ago


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