
Support Arabic Letter School

Organized by Tahera Akther

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Quran Ambassador

We’re going after a lofty goal and we/re grateful for every vote of confidence and show of support. Be one our Ambassadors and share what we’re doing with family and friends. 

May Allah reward you. Thank you.

1 claimed


Quran Hero

In addition to sending you a virtual high five, we’ll add you to our access list so you’ll be able to use the app as soon as the Arabic Letter School App development is completed around May 2019 and before the public launch begins. We’ll also give you FREE login access to share with 10 members of your family and friends. We will also be making duah for you and your love ones. You rock.

5 claimed


Quran Digital Dreamers

You’ll get a lifetime members subscription and a lifetime of gratitude form us. You know and we know that we’re trying to summit a big peak here. Its not easy and you’re willing to put some wind at our back. Thanks!

You will get early access and we’ll also give you FREE login access to share with 30 members of your family and friends of your choosing. We will also be making duah for you and your love ones. You are awesome!

1 claimed


Quran Virtual Vanguard

Now we’re talking…We’re looking at getting to the first peak, but you’re already helping us summit the second one. Amazing, thank you. 

For your help, please bring your immediate family and friends along for the ride with 75 FREE lifetime members subscriptions for each of them. We will also be making duah for you and your love ones.

2 claimed


Friend of the Quran

Wow. Here we’re talking about a lifetime members subscriptions for your extended family and friends and a lifetime of gratitude form us.
 You will get all the above and we’ll also give you FREE login access to share with 200 members of your family and friends of your choosing. We will ask all our 750 Olive Tree Study School parents and children to make duah for you and you

2 claimed


Quran Launch Partner

As a partner, you/re a key player helping ensure our success. In addition to all the above, we’ll send you an invitation to our launch party in London where we can give a real high five and a gigantic team hug. We will also give you 400 FREE login access to share with your family and friends of your choosing. We will ask all our 750 Olive Tree Study School parents and children to make duah for you and you

2 claimed


Quran Inner Circle

Wow. You seriously like us. And we like you. If we had any sag, we’d send you all of it. In fact, if you really want, we’ll make you some stickers, sweatshirts, het, messenger bag— just name, we’ll make it. On a more serious note, you’re really sending us some support. And we’ll provide everything above plus a life time subscription to any and al paid services we offer in the future. We will give you 1000 FREE login access to share with your family and friends of your choosing. We will ask all our 750 Olive Tree Study School parents and children to make duah for you and your loved ones.

6 claimed


Quran Custom Club

Have you ever seen one of those custom gold inlaid iPhones? Neither have we, but that what this is. Its crazy. We’re crazy. You’re crazy. And amazing. And we love you. If you’re wondering what could possible be worth $10,000 on an app, we’re offering the custom development of personalised solutions for your Quran group (or gift for any group you choose); tell us the features you need and we’ll build them for you. It’ll be like having your own custom app. We will also ask everyone one of our subscribers, members, and the 750+ students and parents to pray for you and your family. If you have a social duah you would like them to make then let us know and we will ask them to make such a duah. Perhaps you have lost a loved one and you want a special duah made for them. We’ll do it. Just let us know please.

0 claimed

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