
Support Help build a Mosque in Canada

Organized by Ayesha Mosque

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Sadaqah Jariyah

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (continuing charity), knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him” [Muslim]

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Helping your brothers and sisters gets you the help of Allah (SWT)

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “Whoever relieves the hardship of a believer in this world, Allah will relieve his hardship on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever helps ease one in difficulty, Allah will make it easy for him in this world and in the Hereafter.” [Muslim]

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Allah (SWT) multiplies your Sadaqah by 700 fold

“The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing. (Qur’an 2: 261)

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Donating in the cause of Allah helps us achieve righteousness

"You will never achieve righteousness until you donate some of what you cherish. And whatever you give is certainly well known to Allah" (Qur'an 3:92)

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A palace in Jannah

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Whoever builds a mosque, desiring thereby Allah’s pleasure, Allah builds for him the like of it in paradise.” [Bukhari]

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