
Support Build the House of Allah! Leave An Islamic Legacy!

Organized by Jamia Ahsan Ul Uloom

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Daily Sadaqah for the house of Allah

Benefits of sadaqah (The Virtues of Sadaqah In Islam) Sadaqah Helps Cure Illness and Averts Death. ... Sadaqah Eases Hardships and Removes Calamities. ... Sadaqa is an Investment in This Life and Hereafter. ... Sadaqa Expiates Sins. ... Sadaqah is One of the Gates of Jannah. ... Sadaqa Will be your Shade on the Day of Judgement. ... Sadaqah Purifies the Nafs.

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Earn the blessings of Jummah

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: The best day on which the sun rises is Friday. {Muslim} Giving charity on Friday is the best day of the week to do so. Ibn Al-Qayyim said, “Giving charity of Friday with regard to the rest of the week is the best day to do so. This is similar to the superiority of giving charity during Ramadhan with regard to the rest of the months.”

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Donate A Brick

Every Brick Counts. May Allah SWT reward us all for our good deeds and acts of sadaqah, even those outside of the types of sadaqah jariyah listed here, and may He grant us all a place in Jannah. Ameen.

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Sponser a Hifz Student

Education / Skills / Teaching / Spreading Awareness of Islam . Spreading knowledge is highly rewarded in Islam and as Muslims, we are responsible for sharing the correct knowledge of Islam and inviting others into the faith. If you disclose just one correct religious fact to another human being, and that individual follows your advice and shares your knowledge with someone new, you are gaining reward every step of the way. In the same way, teaching someone how to recite the Holy Qur’an is something which will bring you continuous reward even after you die, as every time that person recites the Holy Qur’an, or in turn, teaches someone else the Holy Qur’an, you are benefitting from the rewards for each of those people.

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Bundle Of Bricks

Every Brikc Counts. “The semblance of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah SWT, is as the likeness of a grain of corn, which grows seven ears and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah SWT gives manifold increase to whomever He pleases. Allah SWT is All-Sufficient, All-Knowing.” - The Holy Qur’an (2:261)

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Sponsoring a Child or Orphan

Many of us forget that the children of today are the future of tomorrow and in order to provide a secure future, we must work together to ensure every child’s right to an education is fulfilled. All children are entitled to an education and should be granted the opportunity to acquire the life skills they need to prosper. Today, there are many millions of children worldwide who are suffering from a lack of education, and many more who are missing the most basic essentials needed in life such as food, shelter, healthcare and support. Participating in child sponsorship can ensure that not only the child but their whole family has the possibility of a prosperous future, where the skills they learn can be utilised in driving the community forward. Contributing towards educating a child can reap countless rewards for years to come by securing the future of a child, their family and even the surrounding community, making it one of the most popular types of sadaqah jariyah.

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Plant A Tree

Every Trees & Leafs are Doing Dhikr Of allah (s.w.t). Sadaqah jariyah is an act of giving in a way that keeps on giving. For example, if you were to invest in planting a tree, that tree would then go on to provide shelter for as long as it stands – meaning you shall receive an ongoing reward for as long as it stands, too. “Surely the men who give sadaqah and the women who give sadaqah and have advanced a good loan to Allah SWT; for them it will be multiplied and for them there is a noble reward.” - The Holy Qur’an (57:18)

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Help us Build This Masjid 1SF At a time. Many Muslims choose to donate towards the construction of a masjid in order to gain significant rewards. Similar to this, you can also contribute towards the building of this Masjid

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Donating Religious Material

Similar to sharing and spreading knowledge, distributing religious material, such as copies of the Holy Qur’an and books of Dua, can reap significant rewards for you. Every time a person reads or learns from your donated material, you shall gain the reward of sadaqah jariyah as a result. As well as religious books, there are many other items you can give to benefit others, such as tasbihs, prayer mats, hijabs, medical supplies, clothing and so on. Even putting a watering can in a graveyard, will go a long way as every time someone fills up the can to water a grave, you, in turn, receive the benefits.

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Donate A Prayer Space in your name on behalf of your love ones, you shall be rewarded for every single prayer recited in the Mosque;

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Pay off Masjid First instalment Payment Loan

Partaking in the Building of a Mosque, School or Hospital Many Muslims choose to donate towards the construction of a mosque in order to gain significant rewards. Similar to this, you can also contribute towards the building of a school, hospital or even an orphanage, which goes on to benefit others. In turn, your rewards will continue for as long as others benefit from your generosity. In fact, you shall be rewarded for every single prayer recited in the Mosque; every single patient being treated in the hospital and every single individual gaining knowledge in the school. An invaluable act of sadaqah which will impact countless lives.

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Pay off Masjid Loan

Every Dollar $$$ Counts We Need Your Help! Allah says in the Holly Quran(2:245): “Who is he that will loan to Allah a beautiful loan, which Allah will double unto his credit and multiply many times? And it is Allah that decreases or increases (your provisions) and to Him shall be your return” . Building Height 1 Story Purchase Price $1,200,000 Funds Collected $120,000 Needed Balance $1,080,000

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