Organized by Mohammad Idrissi
12k Strong
Equals to approximatly 17m2. If we have 12,000 people donating 170€, we will reach our target by the end of Ramadan, insha Allah.
2 claimed
8k Strong
Equals to approximatly 25m2. If we have 8,000 people donating 250€, we will reach our target by the end of Ramadan, insha Allah.
3 claimed
Honorary Donor Wall
Equals to approximatly 200m2. Your chosen name or dedication featured prominently in the small petals of our tiles in our Honorary Wall.
0 claimed
Honorary Donor Wall
Equals to approximatly 500m2. Your chosen name or dedication featured prominently in the big petals of our tiles in our Honorary Wall.
0 claimed
Centre | Honorary Donor Wall
Equals to approximatly 1000m2. Your chosen name or dedication featured prominently in the center of our Honorary Wall.
0 claimed
Honorary Board
You will be included on the Honorary Board and Honorary Donor Wall
0 claimed
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€20 EUR,
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