
Support Empowering Uyghur refugees for a lifetime

Organized by Rizwangul NurMuhammad

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IST Meet Up Dinner & Donation

Only select this to RSVP for the Istanbul Meet Up, co-hosted by Brown Girls Food Club. This includes the cost of the meal (set menu) and a US$13 donation.

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15 of 15 claimed

By choosing this Giving Level, you agree to share your email with the campaign organizer.

Reason provided by the campaign organizer: We need your email address to communicate details about the Istanbul Meet Up dinner.


Support one Uyghur mother with Childcare for one month

Being the only breadwinners of the household, Uyghur mothers are struggling because they cannot afford childcare and have no other family members to care for their children while they work or study.

9 claimed


Support one Uyghur mother with Childcare for three months

Being the only breadwinners of the household, Uyghur mothers are struggling because they cannot afford childcare and have no other family members to care for their children while they work or study.

2 claimed


Contribute to an Uyghur university student‘s laptop

Your contribution will go toward providing a laptop for an Uyghur refugee university student. It’s almost impossible to study at university without a laptop, this will be a life-changing tool.

2 claimed


Support an Uyghur mother with childcare for one yea

Your donation will enable an Uyghur refugee woman to go to work for a whole year so she can provide for her family, without having to worry about childcare.

1 claimed


Provide one laptop to an Uyghur refugee university student

Enable an Uyghur university student put their best foot forward with a laptop—an essential piece of equipment for tertiary education.

0 claimed

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$20 USD,

a few moments ago


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