
Support Healing Muslim Families From Porn Addiction

Organized by Zeyad Ramadan

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A Gift Of Clarity

Your sponsorship will provide an initial assessment to 5 individuals in pre-recovery who are looking to learn more about their unwanted behaviors. In gratitude for your gift, we will add your name to our contributors and supporters on our website.

86 claimed


A Seed For Healing

Sponsor 1 brother or sister with 6 months of recovery support in the Purify Your Gaze program. You will receive access to an hour long workshop we have put together on how to lead an emotionally intelligent life.

46 claimed


Kickstart A Recovery

Support 3 brothers or sisters with 6 months of recovery support in the Purify Your Gaze program. You will receive one ticket to our upcoming live virtual summit on Creating Safe Places For Healing In Our Communities.

13 claimed


Build A Foundation For Healing

Support 6 brothers or sisters with 6 months of recovery support in the Purify Your Gaze program. You will receive all of the previous perks and also receive a personal thank you message from a scholarship recipient who benefited from your donation.

9 claimed


Transform A Family

Support 10 brothers or sisters with 6 months of recovery support in the Purify Your Gaze program. You will receive all of the previous perks and also a monthly progress report from the scholarship recipient and you can send a direct message of support, encouragement.

4 claimed


Heal A Community

The Purify Your Gaze team will visit your community to host a one-day workshop to raise awareness and provide a dedicated training for Imams, counselors, community activists on how to support individuals and families impacted by pornography and sex addiction. (Limited to US/Canada)

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$20 USD,

a few moments ago


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