
Support Relief for Palu and Donggala, Sulawesi, Indonesia

Organized by Dompet Dhuafa Indonesia Foundation

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Thank's for support the emergency response in Sulawesi.

2 claimed


Hygiene Packs

Help us deliver personal hygiene packs that will include: disposable panties, sanitary napkins, towel, toothbrush, shampoo, body wash and toothpaste.

5 claimed


Meals Pack

The first thing that they need in the emergency situation is food. With your donation will make a family safe for 3 days.

12 claimed


Clothing Vouchers

Thousands of families stand to lose everything they have, this includes their clothes. With this donation, you give the essential clothes for a family.

4 claimed


Medical Aid

This will help Doctors for medical aid kits and assistance for over 100 people, which is CRITICAL at this point.

0 claimed


Tools & Equipment to build Shelter

After gaining safe from the earthquake, the first step will be to evacuate them through build them shelters. This pack will include the tools and equipment needed to build shelters for the victims

2 claimed

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$20 USD,

a few moments ago


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