
Support ISRA Foundation

Organized by ISRA Foundation

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May Allah bless you with peace and health

30 claimed


Get reward for knowledge shared

May Allah bless you with knowledge that gives you peace of heart, soul and mind

6 claimed


Get Reward for Duas made

May Allah bless you with your duas being accepted. May the Almighty make your duas beneficial for you

11 claimed


Get reward of people breaking their fasts

May Allah admit you through all 8 doors of Paradise

10 claimed


Get reward for the spiritual counseling

May Allah help you in your time of need and make this a means of your salvation in the hereafter!

0 claimed


Sponsor a Musalla

May Allah grant you the reward for every prayer prayed and every dua made and every tear shed.

8 of 100 claimed

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$20 USD,

a few moments ago


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