Support Nadoona Extreme Fitness DVD

Organized by Nadoona

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Nadoona Strong

A Nadoona Strong thank you and wristband.

18 of 20 claimed


Extreme DVD Set - Early Bird

$5 off for our early birds! Pre-Order the Nadoona Extreme DVD. Free shipping in the US (add $10 for international shipping)

Sold out!

26 of 26 claimed


Extreme DVD Set - Eid Special

$5 off for our early birds! Pre-Order the Nadoona Extreme DVD. Free shipping in the US (add $10 for international shipping)

Sold out!

25 of 25 claimed


Extreme DVD Set

Pre-Order the Nadoona Extreme DVD. Free shipping in the US (add $10 for international shipping)

113 claimed


Champion's Package!

Nadoona Extreme DVD + shirt + hijab. Free shipping in the US (add $15 for international shipping)

63 claimed


Ultimate Champion!

An individualized Nadoona Extreme experience: DVD, shirt, hijab, and 1 month of phone guidance from Zainab (four 30 min calls, US only)

10 of 15 claimed


Florida Personal Training

One-on-one session with Nadine anywhere in Florida

1 of 3 claimed


NYC Personal training

One-on-one session with Zainab in NYC area (Manhattan, Brooklyn)

1 of 3 claimed


Virtual Personal Trainer

Get in the best shape of your life with Zainab! 2 months of individualized Nadoona Extreme and body makeover (our nutrition program) meal plans, tailored workout plan, and weekly phone calls (US only)

2 of 15 claimed


USA Tour!

Nadoona Extreme Tour Event in your city with Zainab and Nadine anywhere in US. (travel expenses not included)

0 of 3 claimed


Global Tour!

Nadoona Extreme Tour Event in your city with Zainab and Nadine anywhere in the world. (travel expenses not included)

0 of 1 claimed

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$20 USD,

a few moments ago


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