
Support Order the First Palestinian Comic Novel

Organized by BuildPalestine .

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You are awesome

You have contributed to create the first Palestinian Comic Novel

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Pre-order your copy!

Your will get your limited edition issue of the first Palestinian Comic Novel

27 claimed


You are a wizard and everything you touch becomes Magic

Signed copy+discount coupon 20%(second issue)

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You are a hero, and nothing can stop you

Signed copy+discount coupon 30%(second issue)+discount coupon 30%(third issue)

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You are a legend!

Signed copy+discount coupon 30%(second issue)+discount coupon 30%(third issue)+your name in credits

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Become A sponsor and get free copies

You will become a sponsor , have your logo on a special edition, number of copies will be given based on preferred way of printing and delivery.

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$20 USD,

a few moments ago


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