
Support Paint the Walls of Balata Refugee Camp

Organized by BuildPalestine .

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It counts!

Everything counts! Thank you message from our team for aiding in the mission

11 claimed


Beyond Us Stickers!

Package of three Beyond Us stickers!

9 claimed


Small Art Print for you!

High-Quality Small Art Print from one of our artists!+ All the above

10 claimed


Large Art Print for you!

High-Quality Large Art Print from one of our artists! Your name will be shown on a special thank you post on all our social media! + All the above

6 claimed


Beyond Us T-Shirt & Hand-Written Thank You

Personal Hand-Written Thank You Letter from our Team and a Beyond Us T shirt! + All the above

5 claimed


Palestinian Keffiyeh Scarf

Palestinian Scarf from the last factory in Keffiyeh Factory in the West Bank! + All of the above

3 claimed


You’re changing lives!

You’re changing lives! Special thanks in the Sponsorship section of all our social media outlets, and all media coverage of the project. Photo of our team, and children in camp! Special Video thank you a message! + All of the above

0 claimed


You’re one of a kind!

We can’t thank you enough. We would also like to give you a hand-embroidered T-shirt from local designers in Gaza, and timeless mention on our sponsorship section of our website! + All the above

1 claimed

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$20 USD,

a few moments ago


Words of support

Leave a comment for the organizer.

Optional. This message will appear on the fundraising page.


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