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Zakat Al-Mal

Zakat Al-Mal is an obligatory charity which is a duty upon every able Muslim. As one of the five pillars of Islam, Zakat Al Mal is 2.5% of a Muslim’s accumulated wealth calculated and paid annually. The proceeds should be distributed among the poor and needy, more specifically distributed to the eight eligible groups who can obtain zakat.

204 claimed


Single Iftar

Provide a meal to an individual in need for breaking their fast during Ramadan. This is a simple yet impactful way to ensure that someone doesn’t go hungry during this sacred month.

360 claimed



Fidya is given for fasts missed out of necessity, without intention. This is where the person is unable to make up the fasts later on. For example, if someone is ill, pregnant or elderly and cannot fast for the required number of days, they would give fidya. Fidya must be paid for each fast missed during Ramadan. If they are healthy enough to make up the fasts after Ramadan, it is preferred for them to do so. This could be due to them being sick or travelling.

102 claimed


Palestinian Refugee Settlement Support

Help provide the essentials required for refugees from Palestine to start a new life in Egypt. This fund delivers the necessary resources needed for them to settle down and fulfill basic comfort levels in their new homes.

47 claimed


Sponsor A Palestinian Family

Help provide ongoing support to Palestinian refugee families residing in Egypt. Offer monthly allowances to cover their essential needs, including food, medical expenses, rent and education costs.

117 claimed


Palestine Medical Relief

Deliver urgent medical assistance to those wounded and injured in the Palestine emergency. This will help in providing urgent medical relief items and hospital support.

102 claimed


Zakat Al Fitr

Zakat Al-Fitr Zakat Al Fitr (also known as Fitra or Fitrana) is a charitable donation of food that must be given before the end of Ramadan, prior to the Eid prayer. This payment is compulsory upon every selfsupporting adult Muslim who has food in excess of their needs, on behalf of themselves and their dependants. The quantity is described by the Prophet (PBUH) as one saa’ of food, and one saa’ is equivalent to four madd. If we translate this into a monetary value based on the price of a staple food (priced locally) such as flour or rice, it is approximately $18AUD.

127 claimed


Palestine Appeal

Provide essential relief, including food, water, medical care and shelter, where it's needed most. Make a difference in the lives of those affected by the emergency in Palestine.

195 claimed


Family Iftar

Extend the gesture of providing a complete meal to an entire family, ensuring that impoverished and underserved families can gather and share a nutritious meal together during Ramadan.

256 claimed


Ramadan Eid Gift

Eid gift packs are distributed to those in need to bring joy and a sense of community during the festive occasion of Eid. The packs are distributed to the most vulnerable including children, orphans, refugees and impoverished and marginalised communities Eid gift packs include greeting cards, dates, and sweets, toys and gifts, amongst other items designed to make the holiday truly special.

52 claimed


Single Iftar for 30 days

Provide a meal to an individual in need for breaking their fast during Ramadan. This is a simple yet impactful way to ensure that someone doesn’t go hungry during this sacred month.

51 claimed


Rice Bags (30 days)

In regions plagued by food insecurity, rice serves as a staple that sustains families during times of hardship. MATW’s Rice Bags program aims to address this critical need by supplying essential rice to vulnerable communities. Your support can make a lasting impact, ensuring that families have access to a vital source of food and nutrition.

36 claimed


Provide Clean Water In Palestine

Provide 1 weeks worth of clean drinking water for a Palestinian family in need.

40 claimed


Family Iftar for 30 days

Extend the gesture of providing a complete meal to an entire family, ensuring that impoverished and underserved families can gather and share a nutritious meal together during Ramadan.

48 claimed


Family Food Pack (30 days)

A family food pack designed to feed a family for 30 days during Ramadan is a generous and essential contribution to support those in need. This food pack is carefully planned to provide a diverse range of staple food essentials that can sustain a family throughout the month and alleviate the financial burden of food on families facing food insecurity and hunger. These food packs represent an act of charity and compassion, embodying the spirit of giving and sharing that is central to Ramadan while supporting those most vulnerable.

96 claimed


Palestine Essential Family Food Pack

Provide essential supplies for meals, including 2 rice bags, 2 pasta bags, 6 canned vegetables, 1 canned fruit, 4 canned meats and fish, 1 cooking oil, 1 lentil pack, 1 flour bag, 2 sugar packs, 2 salt packets, 6 milk or powdered milk, 2 tea and coffee packs, and 4 bread and bread-making ingredients

76 claimed


Emergency Education Support

Help provide emergency education for displaced Palestinian children. Your support will ensure we're able to set up make-shift tents as classrooms ensuring a temporary and secure learning environment, provide educational resources and utensils, and give children a brighter hope for the future.

3 claimed


Emergency Orphan Support

Help provide urgent support for Palestinian orphans which includes basic needs such as food and clothing, psychological support, healthcare, and educational assistance.

24 claimed


Palestine Emergency Medical Kit

Sterile medical cotton, sterile gauze, large wound dressing, medical gloves for personal hygiene, wound plaster, pain relief, manual pressure gauge, sugar monitor, bruise reliever, wide medical tape, bandage, medical utensils.

9 claimed


Feed 1 Orphan for 30 days

Support an orphaned child by providing them with daily meals throughout the entire month of Ramadan. This not only addresses their immediate nutritional needs but gives them a sense of security and care during this special time.

39 claimed


Sponsor A Patient

Sponsor a patient and provide them with the urgent medical care they need. Your sponsorship will enable MATW to cover all or a portion of the medical expenses required for the patient. Sponsors become vital partners in promoting the health and well-being of patients, and will receive regular updates about the patients progress.

10 claimed


Masjid Iftar for 50 people

By accommodating and providing a meal for up to 50 people from the community, this initiative fosters a sense of community and allows individuals to come together in worship and fellowship.

20 claimed


Sponsor A Family In Palestine For A Week

Your weekly sponsorship will provide an entire family with the ultimate survival care pack which includes: Deliveries of hot nutritious meals, a food pack containing essential staples such as rice, pasta, grains, and canned goods, a vegetable box including a variety of available seasonal vegetables, a clean water supply ensuring they have enough water for the week, dates, baby milk, hygiene essentials pack including soap, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, and other personal care items.

18 claimed


Masjid Iftar for 100 people

This option caters to a larger group, accommodating up to 100 individuals at a mosque for communal Iftar. It promotes unity and inclusivity within the community, bring people together to celebrate the holy month.

3 claimed


Sponsor A Palestinian Family Of 4 For 1 Month

Help us provide monthly support to a Palestinian refugee family of 4. Your donation will cover essential costs for a month for an entire family family residing in Egypt. This monthly allowance covers essential needs, including food, medical expenses, rent and education costs.

6 claimed



Kaffarah is given for fasts missed without excuse. For example, if someone misses or breaks a fast in the month of Ramadan without a valid reason through eating or sexual intercourse they would have to give Kaffarah. To make up for the broken fast, they must free one slave and if unable to do so, they must fast continuously for 60 days. If they are unable to do that, they have to give a charitable compensation for the cost of an average meal for 60 poor people. Paying a Kaffarah is also necessary in Islam for those who break a promise or an oath.

2 claimed


Widow Support And Shelter in Palestine

Provide a safe space and urgent support for widows of the conflict in Palestine. Your support will enable us to provide much-needed financial assistance, a temporary shelter to ensure their protection, psychosocial support to help them recover from the effects of conflict, and skill development.

0 claimed


Provide Shelter For A Family In Palestine

Provide a family in Palestine with urgent temporary shelter. Help deliver durable tents to protect them from harsh conditions.

1 claimed


Feed 5 Orphans for 30 days

Support five orphaned children with nutritious daily meals to provide immediate relief from hunger and offer a sense of security and stability. By addressing immediate nutritional needs, we can enhance these orphaned children’s overall well-being, paving the way for brighter futures.

6 claimed


Sponsor A Palestinian Family Of 8 For 1 Month

Help us provide monthly support to a Palestinian refugee family of 8. Your donation will cover essential costs for a month for an entire family family residing in Egypt. This monthly allowance covers essential needs, including food, medical expenses, rent and education costs.

2 claimed


Feed 10 Orphans for 30 days

Extend this generosity further to support 10 orphaned children with daily meals for 30 days throughout the month of Ramadan.

5 claimed


Sponsor A Palestinian Family Of 12 For 1 Month

Help us provide monthly support to a Palestinian refugee family of 12. Your donation will cover essential costs for a month for an entire family family residing in Egypt. This monthly allowance covers essential needs, including food, medical expenses, rent and education costs.

2 claimed


Palestinian Refugee Egypt Settlement

Help provide all the essentials required to set up a Palestinian refugee family as they resettle in Egypt, in their new home.

0 claimed

Zakat-verified campaign

The organizer will use your donation as Zakat funds.

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