
Support Seeds and Bridges communities work

Organized by Yassin - Seeds and Bridges

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Unity night and test of Syria dinner (iftar)

Here is the revised post: "Empowering Communities by growing One Seed and building One Bridge at a Time! Support our unity night dinner In Knoxville and receive a ticket for our community Dinner on 3/21 @ bridge Water place in Knoxville for every 39$ donation you get 1 tickets

17 claimed


Hot meals

Support hot meals for people in need

1 claimed


Food baskets

Support food basket for people in need

0 claimed


Growth Partner

Contribute to sustainable projects that uplift communities.

0 claimed


Foundation Layer

Fund long-term development efforts for lasting impact.

0 claimed


Community Champion

Empower entire communities with meaningful change.

0 claimed


Legacy Supporter

Invest in initiatives that transform lives.

0 claimed


Change life of someone in need

By donating this amount, we can help a new small business open to support and change someone's life forever.

1 claimed

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$20 USD,

a few moments ago


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